Thursday, August 11, 2016

Last Days Danger

1 Timothy 4:1-5: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer."

It is my belief that "latter times" refers to any time since the ascension of Jesus Christ to His second return. Thus, we are in the "latter times." The verses inform us that some "shall depart from the faith." What faith does Paul refer? Is it the Jewish faith? No. Is it the Christian faith? The learned scholar Dr. Adam Clarke said the following: "They will apostatize from the faith, i.e. from Christianity; renouncing the whole system in effect, by bringing in doctrines which render its essential truths null and void, or denying and renouncing such doctrines as are essential to Christianity as a system of salvation." I have recently experienced this. There seems to be a move that seeks to deny the essential foundational elements of the Christian faith. There is a Trinity: a Father, a Son, and a Holy Ghost. They are three, yet One. I do not need to figure out how this is possible for it to be truth. I'm not sure exactly how my car starts when I push a button. I no longer insert a key into the ignition. I place my keys on the seat next to me and push a button and the car starts up. My lack of knowledge of how it is possible has no bearing on my ability to drive my car. My lack of understanding of the Trinity does not impact my seeing the Three in One operate in our world and in my life today. 

Another foundational truth of the Christian faith is the divinity of Jesus Christ. He proclaimed His Divinity. The apostles testified to His Divinity. Even the demons knew He was Divine. Yet, I have seen a movement that seeks to teach that Yeshua (Hebrew name for Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah, but not God incarnate. This is a dangerous error. I believe it is an example of departing from the faith. In the same way, the failure to recognize what took place at the cross is an example of falling away. At the cross, Jesus paid the price for my sins to save and sanctify me. In saving me, He forgave me of my past acts of sin. In sanctifying me, He took away the sin principle that I was born with. Another example of departing from the faith is living a life characterized by committing willful sin and believing that you still are on your way to heaven. He that commits sin is of the devil. No one born of God continues to commit sin as a way of life. Read 1 John 3 and you will see the test of being a Christian.

Over the next several posts, I will seek to explain some of the dangers of today that are causing people to depart from the faith. We are to remain true to the entire Christian faith.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Where Do You Stand?

I received an email from a Biblical scholar who emphasizes the Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith. In that email, the learned Doctor stated the following: "'May Your mercy outweigh Your wrath,' pray the rabbis---and for very good reason. Who can stand before the Lord? 'A man with clean hands and a pure heart,' says David. And that leaves most of us looking in from the outside." As I read the email, the question occurred to me that how someone answers David's question could have very serious consequences. Where do you stand on the issue? How powerful is the blood of Jesus Christ in your life?

The Bible states in pertinent part in 1 John 3:8-9: "He that committeth sin is of the devil.... Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin...and he cannot sin, because he is born of God." Further, Acts 15:8-9 states: "And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith."

From the above Scriptures, it would seem clear the following:
1. There is a state of salvation that exists that enables the believer to live a life without committing sin on a habitual basis.
2. The believer can live a life that is characterized by not committing sin to such a degree that it is impossible for the believer to commit habitual sin.
3. There exists a state of a clean heart which is received by faith from the infilling of the Holy Ghost.
4. The state of a pure heart is maintained by faith.

The above Scriptures deal with two types of sin:
1. Sin as in acts; and
2. Sin as a principle.

The blood of Jesus Christ saves a believer who has faith in that blood from all willful sin after repenting from all known sin. This is known as justification. The justified believer lives a life free from intentional sin. That same blood has the power to cleanse the heart from the sin principle after the believer consecrates, i.e. surrenders all the past, present, and future to the perfect will of God. I adhere to what has been referred to as "The Death Route." The Death Route is a process of the believer surrendering one carnal trait at a time to the Lord. Now, God does not crucify them one at a time, but in one fatal act. In that act, the "Old Man" is killed dead. He is not wounded, nor just injured, he is killed and buried. This is known as entire sanctification. It is a glorious experience to know that the sin principle has been removed; that one is free from committing willful sin and that no friend to sin is found within the heart.

In answer to David's question, I can testify that I have "clean hands and a pure heart!" I'm not on the outside looking in! I'm on the inside enjoying the beauty of holiness! Where are you?