Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Spiritual Leakage: Losing Power

It seems that many in the church have lost their spiritual power. Too often this comes as a result of getting their eyes off Jesus and onto others. When we find offense or enter into strife, you will find spiritual leakage. Read the words of Samuel Brengle in his book, “Helps to Holiness:”

“There are many ways of letting power leak away. I knew a soldier who came to the hall very early every evening, and instead of getting his soul keyed up to a high pitch of faith and love, spent the time playing soft, dreamy music on his violin, and though faithfully, lovingly warned, continued that practice till he openly backslid.

I have known men whose power leaked out through a joke. They believed in having things go with a swing, and so they told funny stories and played the clown to make things lively. And things were lively, but it was not with Divine life. It was the liveliness of mere animal spirits, and not of the Holy Spirit. I do not mean by this that a man who is filled with the power of the Spirit will never make men laugh. He will. He may say tremendously funny things. But he will not be doing it just to have a good time. It will come naturally. It will not be dragged in "on all fours," and it will be done in the fear of God, and not in a spirit of lightness and jesting. He who wants a meeting of life and power should remember that there is no substitute for the Holy Ghost. He is life. He is power. And if He is sought in earnest, faithful prayer, He will come, and when He comes the little meeting will be mighty in its results.

The Holy Spirit should be earnestly sought, in earnest, secret prayer. Jesus said, "When thou pray, enter into your closet, and when thou hast shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret shall reward you openly" (Matt. 6:6). He will do it; bless His holy name!“

If we are seeking to be a church that has the anointing and power of the Holy Ghost, we must commit our lives to the business of the Lord Jesus Christ. Extreme jesting, needless strife and contention, and a failure to commune with the Lord will result in spiritual leakage. Sanctified believers have committed their all to Jesus and keep that commitment as a condition of remaining sanctified. The church needs Holy Ghost filled believers that will storm the gates of hell and you can’t do that if you are arguing with your brethren over nonessential matters. May God help us to be the army we are meant to be.

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