Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Old Man's Child: Love of Praise

BLJ: I have seen a few of these children around the church house. Don't dare not give them their due praise or there will be a carnal blow up. Miss Praise can be a real holiness fighter. She doesn't like rugged preaching against her carnal heart. Entire sanctification will put her out of your misery.


Miss Love of Praise is the next daughter of Mr. Old Man that we have the pleasure (?) of meeting. Her distinguishing traits are: ears that are inclined to flattery and praise, a heart that feeds on these, to her, sweet morsels, a tongue that is swift to discredit others, feet that run after applause and eulogy, and a disposition to "be all things to all people" that she may win the more self-praise.
While she enjoys a wonderful reputation on account of her outward appearance, yet she is a full sister to her brothers and sisters, -- Anger, Wrath, Spit-fire, Murder, Adultery, Malice, Backbiter, etc. She is one of the family.

Miss Love of Praise, like her sister, Miss Deceit, is a very successful worker in the interests of her father and grandfather. She is the more dangerous to the work of salvation on account of her great popularity and diplomacy. She and Miss Deceit work together in harmony and unity. Thus are they able to the more easily deceive the human heart. Thus hell laughs in glee and demons celebrate over their great success. Many under deep conviction of their need of salvation and holiness would yield to the Spirit, but they so love the praise of man that they refuse to humble themselves before God. They, like the chief rulers, "love the praise of men more than the praise of God." Miss Love of Praise often does her most successful work among preachers. In her flattery, eulogy and treachery, she gets them to compromise in their preaching, or to let down the bars or lower the standards to increase church membership, or to refuse to seek the glorious experience of entire sanctification lest they lose their reputation, etc., etc. She is a great worker in all church affairs. From the most humble member in the laity to the highest official in the ministry is her range of pernicious activities.

She is no lover of the Bible. She likes programs, suppers, intellectual, star-soaring sermons, but has a disrelish for prayer meetings and preaching of the Word. She has the fatal earmarks of carnality. No wonder that she hates the Word, which is the sword of the Spirit. She has a special hatred for those who are preaching that she, all her brothers and sisters, and her father should be put to death. She loathes and despises those who preach that Jesus can cleanse the heart from all inbred sin.
Some of the things that reveal Miss Love of Praise. 

True testimonies:
Love of Praise LED ME
To vanity over my personality.
To compromise in my preaching.
To be ashamed to seek holiness.
To vanity over musical talent.
To go up the miff tree when I was not lauded and praised. 

To taking self-glory over my singing, over my looks,
over my speaking, and over my wit.
To pride over my success as preacher,
as farmer, as cook, as leader.
To hate the preacher who preached to my heart.
To self-praise over my reading ability.
To strut over my morality, my goodness.
To dress my children so as to
bring commendation from carnal friends.
To grieve the heart of God over failure to humble myself. And many more!

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