Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Triumphant Life Part 1

BLJ: The dietician tells us that we are what we eat. If you are eating a steady diet of the world's news,  fear mongering and hatred, don't expect to be walking close with God and hearing His voice. It is far better to be reading the Word of God and good writings from Christian writers that preached the real gospel. We will spend a few days looking at the work of J.M. Hames. Eat well.


"Thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph." 2 Corinthians.

The Bible is full of the fact that the Christ of Christianity, is to triumph on Satan, Sin, Death, Hell and the Grave. The Book of Revelation is overwhelming in its defeat over the Devil, and winds up with a New Heaven and a New Earth, with Holiness everywhere.

There are two reasons I give why I believe the cause of God will triumph over sin. One is, The Resurrection; the other is Pentecost.

Whenever the Apostle Paul wanted to encourage the saints, he called their attention to the power of God, which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead, and sat him at His own right hand in .heavenly places. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important fact of Christianity. The miracle of miracles.

As we take our stand by the side of the guarded, sealed tomb, and watch the angel roll the great stone away, the power of the resurrection enters that lifeless form and the Mighty Sleeper arise, with a triumphant shout. He utters four great words on which I pin my faith and future hope. "ALL HAIL," "ALL POWER!"

All the forces of redemption are tied up in these words. All the forces of nature are under His command. "All power in heaven and in earth," "He said, are "given unto me." Not a wind can blow without His permission. Not a wave of the ocean can move until He permits it. Not a disease can strike you without His permission. Not a tongue can hurt you as long as He stands between you and the danger.

I wish the church knew this. I wish the millions of church members knew that we have a live, resurrected, Christ.

My second reason is, Pentecost. As we watch the effect of Pentecost upon the disciples, we notice first of all, they seemed to have been translated into a supernatural realm of heavenly character. Every trace of earthly and human cowardice, timidity, man-fear, suffering and fear of every description on the earth side was gone, and on the other hand they had the boundless courage of angels.

They had faith without doubt, love without bitterness, humility without a touch of pride, gentleness without harshness. The graces of Jesus were poured into them, and ran through them like a clear liquid stream, without any earthly mud.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit puts the believer into a whole world of supernatural things. In' his heart, in his mind, and the interior depths of his character. Pentecost will solve every problem in the church of today. Says Dr. A. M. Hills, "So long as the early Christians frequented the Pentecostal Chamber, her career was one of unbroken triumphs.

"While her leaders were sanctified, and her preachers spoke their gospel message with the power of the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, the march of her progress was steady and irresistible, nothing could stay her triumphant course.

"While the early Christians were taught to look forward to a second sanctifying work of grace, by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as the normal Christian experience, their zeal was unflagging, their life was pure, their courage was perfect. The cross and the sword could not make them halt. The dungeons were bowers of bliss, and the roar of the hungry lions were in their ears, like the bugle-call to glory and honor and immortality."

Oh, if the church of today could only find her way to the Upper Room and tarry until Pentecost really comes. God would work wonders in our midst.
What is needed and what God wants to bestow upon the church of today is an uncontainable blessing that will sweep down upon us with such force and energy until devils will fear and fly and all hell stand in utter dismay.

In the words of Dr. B. Carradine: "I am tired of beholding the horses and chariots of Zion trotting all day in the shade of one tree, an appearance of going, and yet in reality staying. I am tired of seeing devils roosting on the axle-trees, and some even on the seat manipulating the reins. I want such a galvanic battery shock of divine glory to come upon us that every wrong thing will be knocked off the chariot and such a hurricane rush of joy and zeal and fire and heavenly power fall upon and sweep us onward that plotting devils and hating men will be left astonished in a cloud of dust far behind."

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