Thursday, August 27, 2020

Witnesses to Perfect Love Part 1


139. Will you give some testimonies from those who have enjoyed perfect love?

We give a few brief extracts from many thousands who have confessed this grace; these are selected from the various Christian denominations of this country and Europe, and are scattered through two or three centuries.

1. Rev. John Fletcher: "I will confess him to all the world; and I declare unto you, in the presence of God, the holy Trinity, I am now 'dead indeed unto sin.' I do not say, 'I am crucified with Christ,' because some of our well-meaning brethren say, 'By this can only be meant a gradual dying;' but I profess unto you, I am dead unto sin, and alive unto God. He is my Prophet, priest, and King; my indwelling holiness; my all in all." -- Journal of H. A. Rogers, p. 136.

John Fletcher was an English Episcopal preacher and vicar of Madely, and one of the most saintly men that ever lived. Mr. Wesley said at his funeral: "A man so inwardly and outwardly devoted to God, so unblamable a character in every respect, I have not found in Europe or America; nor do I expect to find another such on this side of eternity."

2. Bishop Hamline: "All at once, I felt as though a hand not feeble, but omnipotent, not of wrath, but of love, were laid on my brow. I felt it not only outwardly, but inwardly. It seemed to press upon my whole body, and to diffuse all through and through it a holy, sin-consuming energy. As it passed downward, my heart as well as my head was conscious of the presence of this soul-cleansing energy, under the influences of which I fell to the floor, and, in the joyful surprise of the moment, cried out in a loud voice. ... For a few minutes, the deep of God's love swallowed me up all its waves and billows rolled over me. Guide to Holiness, 1855.

Bishop Hamline, for many years an honored and useful bishop in the Methodist Episcopal church, gave great prominence to the doctrine and experience of Christian perfection. He professed it before many witnesses.

3. Dr. Thomas C. Upham: "I was distinctly conscious when I reached it -- I was then redeemed by a mighty power, and filled with the blessing of perfect love." ... I was never able before that time to say, with sincerity and confidence, that I loved my heavenly Father with all my strength. But, aided by divine grace, I have been enabled to use this language, which involves, as I understand it, the true idea of Christian perfection or holiness, both then and ever since. There was no intellectual excitement, no marked joys, when I reached this great rock of practical salvation. But I was distinctly conscious when I reached it." -- Guide to Holiness.

Prof Upham was a Congregationalist, and for many years connected with Bowdoin College, as a professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy. He was a pure and beautiful writer, and has left the church several able works on this subject.

4. Mrs. Thomas C. Upham: "But I had come to the Bible to receive and believe it all, and my eyes fastened on the promise of our Saviour, 'Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled." Blessed, sweet promise! my heart swells with emotion while I repeat it. While pleading this promise, kneeling before God with the words upon my lips, I felt a sweet assurance that my prayer was heard; a sensible peace entered into my soul."

This Christian lady was the wife of Prof. Upham.

5. Rev. Joseph Benson: My soul was, as it were, led into God, and satiated with his goodness. He so strengthened my faith as to perfectly banish all my doubts and fears, and so filled me with humble, peaceful love, that I could and did devote my soul and body, and health and strength, to his glory and service. -- Oh, what a change hath God wrought in me! Glory be to God! I am indeed put in possession of a new nature. Over and over again, with infinite sweetness, did I dedicate myself to God." -- Biography, p. 65.

Mr. Benson was an English Wesleyan preacher and commentator.

6. Rev. James B. Taylor: "I am ready to testify to the world, that the Lord has blessed my soul beyond my highest expectations. People may call this blessing by what name they please, -- 'faith of assurance,' ' holiness,' ' perfect love,' 'sanctification.' It makes no difference with me whether they give it a name or no name; it contains a blessed reality, and, thanks to my heavenly Father, it is my privilege to enjoy it; it is yours also, and the privilege of all, to enjoy the same, and to go beyond any thing that I have ever yet experienced." -- "Some, I expect, are a little disaffected to think I profess the doctrine of perfect love. They do not understand, because they have not experienced it." -- Letter in the hands of Rev. A. McLean.

James B. Taylor Was one of the brightest and most beautiful examples of holiness which has ever adorned the Presbyterian Church. He lived and died in holy triumph.

7. William Carvosso: "Just at that moment a heavenly influence filled the room; and no sooner had I uttered or spoken the words from my heart, 'I shall have the blessing now,' than refining fire went 'through my heart, illuminating my soul, scattered its life through every part, and sanctified the whole.' I then received the full witness of the Spirit that the blood of Jesus had cleansed ne from all sin. I cried out, 'This is what I wanted. I have now got a new heart.' I was emptied of self and sin, and filled with God." -- Memoir, p. 36.

William Carvosso was a class-leader for over fifty years in the Wesleyan church in England, and led many hundreds into the enjoyment of perfect love.

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