Sunday, April 2, 2023

Knowing God's Will Part 1

 Knowing God's Will Part 1

Below are my notes from the message I preached: “Knowing God’s Will for Your Life Part 1.”

“I felt God leading me.”

Romans 8: 13: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Have you ever said or heard someone say, "I feel God is leading me to do ...." It could be a new job, a new relationship, or any other life decision that you have to make. The verse quoted today is cited as support for the belief that God leads us in making ordinary routine decisions in life. The idea is that the Bible is the Word of God but it doesn't give me direct answers regarding my choice of occupations or a spouse. For those decisions, I need a hunch, impression or God's leading in some mysterious manner. I call this the "breadcrumb approach." God leads you by following the hunches, impressions, fleeces, etc., and hopefully you make the right decision. This is bad theology and not supported by Scripture. In the verse referenced today, when taken in context (read verses 10-13), it becomes clear that the leading referenced is the leading to mortify sin, not live according to the flesh, and to live a righteous life. That is the leading the Bible speaks to. Am I saying God can't lead you? No, I'm just saying there is no "breadcrumb leading" found in Scripture. When God leads, you will know it. Until then, mortify sin, and live a life in the Spirit which is a life of holiness and sanctification.

“I need to know God’s will.”

1 Thessalonians  5: 17 reads: "Pray without ceasing." This has to do with an attitude of prayer. I don’t think this means that one is to stay on his knees all the time. But it means to pray regularly and to be constantly in the attitude of prayer. This is closely connected with verse 18: " In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." This tells us to “give thanks” in all circumstances, not just once a year, but all the time. This “is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” If you come to me and ask what is the will of God for you, I can tell you four specific things that are the will of God for you: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in everything and your sanctification. That is the will of God for you. People are constantly trying to "get a word from the Lord." I smile and I say I have a word from the Lord for you. People respond with, "You do?" They will ask if I'm sure. When I tell them that I guarantee I have a word for them and then I give them Scripture. The disappointment in their faces indicates that they probably need the gospel. Listen closely, the Word of God is all you need to know His will. His Word will guide you through life. His Word is perfect. Do you believe that? I do!


I heard God’s voice telling me ….” 

As we continue to focus on developing our devotional life, we want to approach every passage of Scripture as a Word from the Lord. There are many who misinterpret verses out of ignorance or by design. For example, John 10: 44 reads: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me...." This verse is used wrongly to support the idea that God is giving someone personal extra-Biblical revelations. We have seen previously, that is how the following churches were formed from "new material" outside of His Word: Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, the Jim Jones cult and even Muslims. The context for verse 44 is found in the immediately preceding and following verse. Verse 43 reads: "But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you." So the context is that Christ is talking to nonbelievers. This is confirmed when looking at verse 45: "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." Verse 44 is not about Jesus whispering guidance to you about who to marry, what job to take or what clothes to wear. Instead, He is talking about the effectual call that the Holy Spirit gives to those chosen before the foundation of the world. God's elect hears His voice and responds. John Wesley called it prevenient grace and John Calvin called it irresistible grace. The point is that the Lord Jesus Christ was describing how one receives the call to be saved through the grace of God. The Bible is so clear when it is studied correctly. God did not intend to make you follow breadcrumbs to get direction. The Bible is His Word, that is it.

I heard a still small voice.”

1 Kings 19: 11-12: “And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” People use this verse to believe that a hunch, impression or thought is God’s still small voice. The Hebrew word for “voice” is qol and it means voice, sound or noise. This was an actual audible voice. It was not an inner witness or hunch. People like to say that “God told me.” In an epistemological model this is known as “Psychological Certainty.” It is impossible to test because it is purely subjective, and also not Biblical. In the Scriptures, when God speaks, leads, or guides, it is always clear. God does not use the “breadcrumb approach” where He drops a little hunch, and you need to confirm it before you act. Trust me, the Sovereign Lord God of the Universe is more than capable to lead His children so there is no doubt or uncertainty. Notice also, that Elijah didn’t have to be secluded and try to hear God. In fact, in verse 11 he is told to go outside and stand on the mountain. This is not some inner guessing game, but rather hearing the voice of God. Don’t be deceived. 

God gave me a sign.

I hear this so often. Recently, I heard a “Christian” speak about how she was praying for direction and that morning while driving, the car in front of her had a license plate that read: “Trust God.” She took that as a sign for her particular situation. It gave her comfort, but it was a false comfort. There are several major problems with this approach. First, this method is completely unBiblical. There is no example in Scripture of someone reading signs or interpreting circumstances in an effort to discern the voice of God. Consider Moses’ decision to go back to Egypt. Did his wife meet some Egyptians in the market? Did Moses have some recurring thoughts about Egypt? No, Moses received a clear word from the Lord at the burning bush. No “breadcrumb theology” here. Second, this method of reading signs provides nothing but a hopelessly subjective mix of feelings, impressions, and thoughts. It encourages one to regard their thoughts as divinely given, authoritative sources of revelation. No!!! People have used this method to create heartache, embarrassment and a reproach to the true church of God. . Remember Proverbs 3: 5: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding.” Also, Jeremiah 17: 9: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” God will not give you a sign to guide you. You have His Word and in His Word contains all you need to make every decision in this life.

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