Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Essentials Part 4: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Part A

The Essentials Part 4: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Part A 

We are continuing our series on "The Essentials." These are important doctrines that will help you resist the cultural attacks on our Christian faith. This week we will study "Rediscovering the Holy Spirit" and the "Six Aspects of the Holy Spirit's Work in Salvation". Next week, we will finish the study "Being Filled with the Holy Spirit" and what it means to be "Walking in the Spirit," and "Rejoicing in the Holy Spirit's Saving Work." When we complete this study, you will be able to spot the counterfeit "holy spirit" movement authored by Satan himself. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is a "hill we will die on."


From the invention of Greek coins around 600BC to the introduction of paper money in 13th century China, counterfeiting has always been regarded as a serious crime. Historically, it was punishable by death. In colonial America, Benjamin Franklin printed paper currency with the following warning: "To counterfeit is death." The crime of counterfeiting was severely punished for two main reasons:

1. The law regarded counterfeiting as a threat to the economic stability of the government and the general well-being of all who lived there. 

2. In countries like England, the issuing of currency was considered a prerogative that belonged only to the king. Counterfeiting was considered a seditious treason against royal authority. 

The question is raised, what about those who counterfeit God's work? If the production of counterfeit coins was a an act of treason against a human government, the preaching of a false gospel is an infinitely worse offense against the king of Kings. Moreover, the Word of God is not silent as to the consequences of such an offense. The perpetuators of counterfeit religion await a much more severe judgment than a mere counterfeiter against a worldly government. 

Given the seriousness of such crimes, believers must be equipped to identify and warn of that which is false. However, to refute error, requires that you know the truth. That is what we are hoping to accomplish in this series. First, let us rediscover the Holy Spirit. 

Section 1: Rediscovering the Holy Spirit

The church today desperately needs to rediscover the true person and work of the Holy Spirit. The 3rd member of the Trinity has been grossly misrepresented, insulted, and grieved by a counterfeit movement that. is being propagated in His name. The charismatic flood of bad theology has rapidly drenched the broader Christian landscape, and it has left a swath of doctrinal error and spiritual ruin in its wake. It is time for those that love the Holy Spirit to take a bold stand and confront any error that blatantly and blasphemously dishonors the Spirit of God. Thinking rightly about Him and His work is essential to our worship, doctrine, and proper application of theology in everyday conduct. 

Scripture teaches that the Holy Spirit's primary work is to point people to the Lord Jesus Christ (John 15: 26; 16: 14). He brings sinners to a true knowledge of the Savior through the gospel and conforming them through the Scripture to the glorious image of the Son of God (2 Corinthians 3: 17-18). Thus, the focus of His ministry is the Lord Jesus, and those who are Spirit-led and Spirit-filled will likewise be Christ-centered. We must be vigilant to point out error when it comes to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. To misrepresent Him is to slander God.

The Holy Spirit is one in essence, majesty and power with both the Father and the Son. Sadly, many within evangelicalism have silently watched the mainstream charismatic movement mock His true nature, as if there were no consequences for such blatant blasphemy. Much of the problems, it seems, is that the modern church has lost sight of the Holy Spirit's Divine Majesty. While charismatics treat Him like an impersonal force of energy, evangelicals have generally reduced Him to a form of a peaceful dove, often portrayed on Bible covers and bumper stickers. The Holy Spirit, while depicted in Scripture as a dove, is not a dove. He is the omnipotent, eternal, holy, and glorious Spirit of the living God. His power is infinite, His presence inescapable, and His purity a consuming fire. Those who lie to Him face the real possibility of imminent death, as Ananias and Sapphira learned the hard way (Acts 5: 3-5, 10). 

In Isaiah 63: 10, the prophet explains the severe consequences of grieving the Holy Spirit. Speaking of the Israelites, Isaiah wrote: "But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit; therefore, He turned Himself to become their enemy, He fought against them." To treat the Holy Spirit irreverently is to make God your enemy! Do people think they can belittle the Holy Spirit and get away with it?

The Holy Spirit is the power of God in a Divine Person acting from creation to consummation and everything in between. He is wholly God, possessing all the attributes of God in the fullness that belongs to God. There is no sense in which He is God diminished. He performs all of God's works. He is as holy, powerful, gracious, and loving as the Father and the Son. Thus, He is worthy of our worship as fully as the Father and as fully as the Son. If we are to honor the Holy Spiri, treating Him with the reverence and respect that is His royal due, we must rightly discern His true ministry: aligning our hearts, minds, and wills with His wondrous work. 

What is the Holy Spirit doing in the world today? He Who once created the universe (Genesis 1: 2) is now focused on spiritual creation (2 Corinthians 4: 6). He creates spiritual life, i.e., regenerating sinners through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and transforming them into the children of God. He sanctifies them, equips them for service, produces fruit in their lives, and empowers them to please their Savior. He secures them for eternal glory and fits them for life in heaven. The same source of power that brought the world into existence out of nothing is today at work in the hearts of the redeemed. Just as the Holy Spirit took the world that was in chaos in Genesis 1, is the same Spirit that takes the sinner out of the chaos of their life in sin and brings them to the foot of the cross to see the Savior as One who dies for them. This is a supernatural act! People who want to see a miracle today should stop following fake healers and start engaging in Biblical evangelism. To see a spiritually dead sinner brought to life is a miracle!

Section 2: Six Aspects of the Spirit's Work in Salvation

1. The Holy Spirit Convicts Unbelievers of Sin

The Lord Jesus Christ on the eve of the crucifixion comforted His disciples by promising them that after His ascension He would send the Holy Spirit to minister in and through them. John 16: 7 states the promise that it was to the disciple's advantage that He go away and have the Helper come to them. The Lord continued by explaining the vital work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit would empower the gospel proclamation of the apostles as they went out to preach the truth of salvation to a lost world. The Spirit would go before them, propelling their preaching into the hearts of those who heard and believed their message. The Lord explained, "And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment; concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me; and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged" (John 16: 8-11).

To the one who refuses to respond to the call of salvation, the Holy Spirit serves as a prosecuting attorney to convict them by rendering them guiltiest before God and are, therefore, eternally condemned (John 3: 18). The Spirit's convicting work is not about making unrepentant sinners feel bad, but about delivering a legal verdict against them. Yet for those whom the Spirit draws to the Savior, His convicting work is one of convincing, as He pricks their consciences and cuts them to the quick. Thus, for the elect of God, this work of conviction is the beginning of God's saving, effectual call.

Our Lord explained that the Holy Spirit's ministry of conviction encompasses three areas. First, He convicts the unredeemed of their sin, exposing them to the reality of their wretched condition before God. The Spirit confronts the world's hardhearted unbelief. Second, the Holy Spirit convicts' unbelievers of righteousness, i.e., confronting them with the truth of God's holy standard and Jesus Christ's perfect righteousness. The Spirit causes them to see their lost condition and their lack of righteousness apart from Christ. Third, the Holy Spirit convicts' sinners that the consequences of divine judgment are just and necessary, namely, that sinners will one day be judged just as "the ruler of this world has been judged (v.11). The Holy Spirit warns unbelievers of the reality of future judgment is both a fearful and a gracious work of the Spirit, alerting them to the dire conseque4nces that await all who do not repent. The disciples knew that as they confronted the sinners' unbelief with their preaching, exalted Christ's righteousness, and warned of God's judgment, the Holy Spirit would convict the hearts of those who heard, and He would convert the elect.

Our message today should be the same. We are to preach without compromise because we know that only the Holy Spirit can convict the heart of sin and bring that sinner to the foot of the cross and be saved. We must preach about human depravity, God's holiness, eternal redemption and blood redemption. Our society celebrates tolerance. But the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is anything but tolerant. Only those who don't know the Scriptures believe God is tolerant of sin. The Holy Spirit will be the power behind the preaching of the gospel (1 Peter 1: 12), using His Word to draw sinners to the Savior and regenerate them. 

2. The Holy Spirit Regenerates Sinful Hearts

The effectual call of the elect begins with the Spirit's convicting work as He awakens their consciences to the reality of sin, righteousness and judgment. The unbelieving heart must be made alive, i.e. transformed, cleansed, and renewed (Ephesians 2: 4). It is the Holy Spirit who regenerates sinners, such that those who were formerly miserable wretches are reborn as new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5: 17). In John 3, the Lord Jesus Christ explained the need to be born again to a leading religious leader in Israel, Nicodemus. Nicodemus seemed confused. How could he physically be born again? Read John 3: 5-8. The Lord's words made clear, the work of regeneration is the Spirit's sovereign prerogative. In the physical realm, babies don't conceive themselves. Likewise, in the spiritual realm, sinners don't initiate or accomplish their own rebirth; regeneration is entirely the Spirit's work. 

The phrase "born again" can be translated "born from above." In order to be saved, sinners must experience a completely new beginning of heavenly origination, in which they are radically transformed by the Spirit of God. 1 Peter 1: 3 reads: After all, it is God "who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." As the Lord Jesus explained to Nicodemus, the kingdom of salvation cannot be earned through human effort or self-righteousness. Only those born from above can be saved. We, nor Nicodemus, could contribute anything to his salvation. From God's perspective, the sinners' best efforts are like filthy rags (Isaiah 64: 6).

All the sinners can do is cry out to God for mercy. He cannot save himself, so he must rest completely in the grace and compassion of the Savior. The promise of Scripture is that all who come to Christ in genuine faith, turning from sin and turning to Christ, will be saved (Romans 10: 9-10). 

The Spirit's work of regeneration gives the sinner a new heart (Ezekiel 36: 26-27), one in which he is capable of genuine love for God and heartfelt obedience to Christ. The fruit of that transformation will be evidenced in a changed life, with fruits of repentance (Matthew 3: 8). There will be some fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control" (Galatians 5: 22-23). Regeneration is a transformation of a person's heart, as the believer is given new life, cleansed, and permanently set apart from sin (2 Thessalonians 2: 13). Though the sinner was dead in trespasses and sins, he is now made alive through a supernatural act of the Holy Spirit to make the sinner alive in Christ. The Spirit of life has come upon them, empowering them to resist temptation, and live in righteousness. This is what it means to be "born of the Spirit." (John 3: 8)

3. The Holy Spirit Brings Sinners to Repentance 

There can be no repentance or faith until the heart has been recreated. But in the moment of regeneration, i.e. being made spiritually alive, the Holy Spirit imparts the gift of repentant faith to sinners, bringing them to saving faith in Christ and enabling them to turn away from sin. A vivid illustration is found in Acts 11: 15-18, where Peter reported the conversion of Cornelius to the other apostles in Jerusalem. As Peter began to speak, "the Holy Spirit fell upon them just as He did upon us in the beginning." I have seen this when preaching in India, while speaking there was an overshadowing of the people and people began to shout, scream and run. It was undeniable what was taking place, It was supernatural. It was not the work of a man. Returning to Acts 11, their eyes were opened to the truth of Peter's preaching, and they were given the gift of repentant faith (Ephesians 2: 8; 2 Timothy 2: 25), all of which was the work of the Holy Spirit. 

Romans 8 stands as one of the richest Biblical revelations on the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. It is the Spirit of life who liberates the redeemed from the principle of sin and death, transforming those who were slaves of sin into lovers of righteousness. In Romans 8: 3-4, Paul explained that the Holy Spirit not only frees believers from the power of sin but also enables them to live in a way that pleases God. The Holy Spirit converts sinners by convicting their hearts, giving them life, which enables them to repent and believe the gospel.

4. The Holy Spirit Enables Fellowship with God

In John 17: 3, the Lord Jesus defines eternal life with these words: "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." Fellowship with God through Christ is the heart of salvation; and it is the Holy Spirit who enables believers to enjoy that intimate communion. In Colossians 1: 13-14, Paul explains that God the Father "rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." 

Thus, we are not only citizens of a new kingdom (Philippians 3: 20) but members of a new family! Through the Spirit of adoption, we have received the immense privilege of becoming part of the family of God. The Spirit produces an attitude of profound love for God in the hearts of those who have been born again. They feel drawn to God, not fearful of Him. Thus, the Spirit makes it possible for believers to enjoy fellowship with God, no longer fearful of His judgment or wrath (1 John 4: 18). As a result, Christians can sing hymns about God's holiness and glory without cowering in terror. 

The Holy Spirit also enables believers to enjoy fellowship with all other believers. Every child of God is immediately baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12: 13) at the moment of salvation. The Holy Spirit enables both allowing those who enjoy communion with God to enjoy "the unity of the Spirit" with one another (Ephesians 4: 3). 

5. The Holy Spirit Indwells the Believer 

At salvation, the Holy Spirit not only regenerates the sinner and imparts saving faith, but He permanently resides in the life of that new believer. In a marvelous and incomprehensible way, the Spirit of God makes His home in the life of every person who trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Life in Christ is different because the Spirit of God is now within. He is there to empower, equip for ministry, and minister through the gifts He has given us. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter and Helper. He protects, empowers, and encourages us. 

In 1 Corinthians 3: 16, Paul asks the believers in Corinth, "Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" A few chapters later, Paul reminded the readers that their bodies were the temple of the Holy Spirit and that you belong to Him and not yourself. The reality of the Spirit's indwelling presence has life-changing implications for the way we live our lives.

It is important to emphasize that there is no such thing as a genuine believer who does not possess the Holy Spirit. It is a heresy to teach that a person could somehow be saved and yet not receive the Holy Spirit. This is an error in some Pentecostal and Charismatic churches today. If you have the Spirit of Christ and you have been born again, you have the fulness of the Holy Spirit. Next week, we will teach on being filled with the Spirit and walking in the Spirit. True believers are not characterized by a love of the world, but rather a love for the things of God. This is possible because the Holy Spirit indwells and empowers the believer to live a life that glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ.

6. The Holy Spirit Seals Salvation Forever 

  There is an unbreakable chain of Romans 8: 30 that indicates that all whom God justifies He will glorify. As the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand." (John 10: 27-29). The Holy Spirit Himself personally guarantees that nothing shall separate us from the love of God for His children. We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1: 13-14). He secures us unto eternal glory. Not only does the Holy Spirit testify that believers are God's children (Romans 8: 16), but He guarantees that they will never be removed from the family. Moreover, He ensures their future resurrection unto life. Read Romans 8: 11. 

Many and I say probably most churches in the charismatic, Pentecostal and other deeper life movements teach that one can lost their salvation. While time constraints do not permit me to explore this subject deeply this morning, let me summarize my thoughts on the subject:

1. I do not believe in "once saved always saved." This is a doctrine that says once you say a "sinners prayer" you are saved for all eternity no matter how you live your life. This is heresy.

2. I do believe that real Christians, that have been born again by the Spirit of God, will perservere to the end. The reason? Because God has given them a new heart and that heart wants the things of God. Yes, there will be ups and downs and times that can be a struggle, but the true believer will end in victory! The true believer will be foreknown, predestined, called, justified and glorified (Romans 8). There is no exit from the chain of salvation that Paul under inspiration of the Holy Spirit commited to writing. From foreknowledge to glorification, it is a broken chain. That is a soft pillow upon which to rest your head.


This is part A on a two part series on the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. This doctrine of the Holy Spirit is the number 1 area that Satan seeks to imitate God's truth. Satan has an imitation "holy spirit" and he has invaded the churches with his false imitation teaching. Don't be fooled. Learn and know the truth about the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. That way, you will be able to spot counterfeits, because you will know this vital truth.

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