Thursday, November 28, 2024

11-28-2024 Devotion

 Today we begin a new topic that is of vital importance to the Christian. It is the requirement to separate from evil. Now this is not a call for us all to move into a convent or a military compound. The idea is that we are to be in the world but not of it. Somehow we are to keep ourselves from these that do not glorify God and at the same time be a light to the lost. While this may seem at first difficult to put into practice, the devotions will attempt to give you some general guidelines over the next few days to help you.


2 Corinthians 6:17 says: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you," We are commanded to depart from the group that was opposed to Jesus Christ (see verses 14-16). We learn the following from the William Burkitt New Testament: "Learn hence, That God expects and requires his saints should make a separation from all uncleanness, but especially from the uncleanness of idolatry. God expects a separation from us, from all unclean courses, from all unclean company, from the presence and appearance of all uncleanness, from communion with idolatrous churches, and from communicating with what is sinful in the truest churches of Christ upon earth."


Today examine your life and ask yourself the question: "is there an uncleanness in my life from which I should separate?" If by examining your life with the Word of God an uncleanness is revealed, do not delay. Quickly remove that thing, activity or person from yourself. If it is a person, do so in love explaining why. Remember when you are involved with people, they have a soul also and you are to be a light to that lost one. Separation is never done in anger; always in love. There are some tremendous promises to the one who lives this separated life as we shall see in a few days. 

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