Wednesday, June 23, 2021

God Is Present In The Storm

God Is Present in the Storm

Acts 27:21-25

For many days the storm had been raging. With neither sun nor stars to guide them, the crew and all the passengers were gripped with fear and stricken with seasickness. They were fasting, and Paul was praying. God heard and answered his prayer with such assurance that Paul began again to speak to the crewmen. He had heard words of good cheer from God. He wanted them to believe in his God whom he served. It was not for himself alone that he had prayed and received an answer. He had prayed that all 276 on board the ship would be spared, and God had given him assurance that not one should be lost, only the ship.

Paul's faith shines out clear and strong while the storm is still raging. Fair-weather Christians are hardly worthy of the name. It takes no faith to believe when all signs are favorable. Paul declared his faith to all who heard him. "Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me."

From that time fellow prisoners, passengers, and crew stood in awe and listened to the man who showed no sign of fear. Then the prisoner advised all to eat some food, and he took bread and gave thanks to God. When he demonstrated his faith by eating, they were all of good cheer and began to eat. The next day they all escaped safe to land. Faith is the victory!

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