Friday, June 25, 2021

True Evangelism Versus Another Gospel Part 1


Paul taught in Galatians 1:6: "I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel...." There are many "another gospels". Over the next few days, we will explore the false gospels in our modern times.

The below "testimony" was taken from a friend's Facebook page. This is an example of "Another Gospel." At the conclusion, I will give several examples of what are "Another Gospels." Then, the true gospel will be explained. This is the "testimony":

"Testimony time! And I want every single Christian to read this! People are dying and going to hell! Your job is to be a vessel of Jesus to them! Not beat them over the head with the Bible! The lost doesn’t care what the Bible says! They want and NEED the love of the father! Stop arguing over who owns the rainbow and GO OUT to the highways and byways and BE the hands and feet of Jesus!

I just had the most beautiful encounter at Caines Chicken.
My children begged for fast food. I bribed them with fruit first.
My 1st stop - there was an 8 minute wait. Too long for fast food.
2nd stop - the drive through was closed.
3rd stop - there was 10 trillion cars.
So I landed here at Caines.
Whipped right in and a young man at the drive through served me. This young man had on a full face of makeup, lashes, and the whole 9 yards.
He was very kind.
He said “your food will take a few minutes. Would it be okay if I bring it out to you?”
I said of course and pulled into the special “delayed food” area.
Me: Okay Holy Spirit...that was a lot of stops to get me here. Take over! (Insert me praying in the spirit here)
Holy Spirit reminded me that I had cash in my purse. This is strange for me because I don’t carry cash - I probably should - but I don’t.
The young man comes walking out to give me my food and I hear another employee yell “Hi Veronica!” and the young man waves to her.
Me: Holy Spirit I can’t call him Veronica so I’m gonna need you to move something here.
The young man hands me my food says thank you and starts to walk off.
Me: Hey, are you allowed to take tips?
Him: Sure!
Me: (hands him a tip) What’s your name?
Me: Nick, how can I pray for you today?
Nick looks confused and starts to stumble over his words....
Nick: Ummmm, I don’t really know. However you think.
Me: Perfect. Can I have your hand?
Then Nick closes his eye and I simply pray that Nick is overtaken by the goodness of God. That he knows that he is radically loved and desired by the Father. I prayed blessings and goodness and hope for his future.
That was it.
Nick had his eyes closed and held my hand a little longer than I expected. That’s Jesus.
I didn’t call him to repentance.
I didn’t tell him he is outside of Gods will.
I didn’t lambaste him with scripture.
Because until Nick knows that he’s loved by Jesus then Nick can’t hear anything I’m saying.
Nick needs to know THE LOVE OF THE FATHER because it’s the GOODNESS OF GOD that will bring Nick home.
I am not Nicks Holy Spirit.
I am an ambassador for the LOVE OF CHRIST and that LOVE is more powerful than anything else I could have said.
I don’t know Nicks story.
I don’t know how Nick got to this place.
I do know that Nick met the love of Jesus today.
I know I heard from Holy Spirit.
I know Nick encountered Holy Spirit."

First, what I think Nick met that day was someone who was trying to check off the box for evangelism as if she was trying to make a quota. How can I say this? It is an established fact that federal agents study the original dollar bills for every little detail so that a counterfeit can be easily detected. We need to have a clear understanding of what is the true gospel.

The gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and He arose again the third day according to the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit takes man as he is, without compromise, and strikes to the very heart of a depraved man, lays his heart bare, breaks his stubborn will, sets aside all pride and rebellion, and brings him as a little child to the feet of Christ and dips him in the blood of the Son of God, cleansing him and making him a new creature in Christ Jesus. That is the gospel. 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 sets forth the gospel.

When we compare modern evangelism with the truth of the gospel, we see "another gospels" such as these:
1. Make a decision for Christ (as if He was on a ballot);
2. God votes for you and the devil votes against you, you make the deciding vote.
3. Pray this sinners prayer (not in the Bible).
4. Try Jesus, what do you have to lose.
5. God will meet you half way if you will meet Him the other half way. This is not in the Bible. Jesus said to deny yourself, and pick up your cross and follow Him.
6. As in the "testimony" above, you don't need to give Scripture, or tell someone they need to repent, just tell them about the love of God.
7. Accept Jesus as your Savior. You will not find this in the Bible.

We need to preach the true gospel. No compromise, period. We need to stand for the truth while there is still time. We want to reach as many people as we can with the truth.

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