Monday, November 29, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 30

 “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him And established in the faith." To "walk" refers to your daily conduct. We are to "walk" recognizing Jesus' Lordship over our lives. It is not enough to believe in God. James 2:19 says that the demons believe in God. Yet, they are not saved. Mark 5:7 tells us that demons called Jesus "the Most High Son of God," yet, they were not saved. Being saved means one has taken Jesus as Lord over their lives. This does not mean you are perfect, far from it. In fact, it means you understand your shortcomings that you are utterly dependent on Jesus Christ to save you. As we lean on Him, we will become established in the faith. We will walk better.

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