Sunday, November 14, 2021

Seventh Lesson of the Quarter: Established in the Faith

 Today's lesson comes from Colossians 2: 6-19.  Last week we learned that the Colossian church had a problem with heretical Gnostic teaching. However, they also faced the dangers of some Jewish teachers that wanted the Gentile converts to conform to Old Testament rituals and ceremonies. Paul writes this portion of Scripture to advise the converts that to revert back to ceremonial washings, abstinence from certain foods, and observance of feast days was a step backward spiritually. The greatest fulfillment is in the Lord Jesus Christ.

As we begin this lesson, it is good to ask ourselves some questions:

1. What is the foundation of our faith?

2. Is it your works, your theology, or Christ?

3. Do you realize that correct doctrine leads to correct living?

Paul's advice will be clear and direct. He wanted the readers to realize that all their spiritual needs could be met only in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The first section is: "Walk in Christ" (vv. 6,7). Paul will highlight the aspects of a true Christian life. The Gentile believers started by having faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and appropriating His atoning work as the sacrifice for their sins. They had begun in faith and Paul instructs them, "So walk ye in him." 

When you walk in Him, your spiritual life can be described as follows:

1. rooted;

2. built up;

3. stablished; and

4. abounding.

These terms describe a past action ("rooted") of following the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, growing ("built up") and increasing in Christlikeness and being unshakeable ("stablished") and confirmed in the faith ("abounding"). 

The summary points of this section are:

1. You start by faith and continue in faith.

2. New Christians must be guarded and nurtured.

3. The desired goal is that the Christian's life would be fruitful and filled with thanksgiving to God.

The second section is: "Complete in Christ" (vv. 8-12). The second and third sections convey the thoughts of the adequacy of Christ, and the benefits of relying solely on Him. In verse 8, Paul warns the reader to not let any man "spoil" him. The word "spoil" means to be carried off as prey, or to be captured. Paul specifically mentions "the tradition of men." This refers to teachings that are devoid of the truth, nothing but high-sounding nonsense. In contrast to the false teaching, Paul presents the fullness which is to be found in Christ. Verse 9 tells us that in Christ dwells "all the fullness of the Godhead bodily."  Verse 10 states that we are "complete in Him." We owe allegiance to no one else but Christ. He is the ultimate authority.  Verse 11 states that the believers had received a spiritual circumcision, not one made by the hands of men. 

Some of the people that were trying to lead the believers astray had Jewish backgrounds. It seems that in the church there is a tendency to create a works based faith. I'm saved because I speak with tongues, been baptized, don't drink, smoke or hang with those that do. Our salvation is based on faith, not works. That is the gospel message. We have been spiritually raised from the dead through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The summary points of this section are:

1. Be aware of those that would lead you astray from the simplicity found in Jesus Christ.

2. You are complete in Jesus Christ.

3. Seek circumcision of the heart not the flesh.

The third section is: Quickened With Christ" (vv. 13-15). All those outside of Christ are "dead in sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh." This speaks to the actual sins committed as well as the sinful nature (uncircumcision of your flesh) you were born with. However, the Lord Jesus Christ "hath He quickened" which means He made us alive. Only God can take that which is dead and make alive. He does this by sending His grace into our hearts. As a result, He has "forgiven you all trespasses." Not some of your sins have been forgiven, but they all have been forgiven. In verse 14, we learn that there was a record against us ("handwriting of ordinances that was against us"). he Lord Jesus Christ took our guilt and blotted out our offenses. He canceled our debt! It was nailed to the cross! In verse 15, the Lord Jesus Christ has openly defeated Satan and his demons. He publicly triumphed over them when He rose from the dead. Satan's power has been broken over us. When we make a public profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we continue that public procession on behalf of our Lord.

The summary points of this section are:

1. Before we were saved, we were dead in trespasses and sin. 

2. The Lord Jesus Christ nailed our offenses and carnal nature to the cross on our behalf.

3. When we testify to God's saving grace in our lives, we continue Christ's public triumph over Satan.

The fourth section is: "Let No Man" (vv. 16-19). This last section contains warnings: first, against Jewish rituals and second, against religious intellectualism. In verse 16, Paul warns about people judging you based on your diet (being required to eat only "kosher,") or observing holidays or new moon festivals. These things in the Old Testament were shadows of things to come. However, now Jesus Christ has come so we don't need the shadows any more. The new moon observation was a monthly event that had its own rituals and sacrifices. Note that the Sabbath observation was different because it was given prior to the giving of the Mosaic Law. We don't need symbolic relationships when we have a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

In verse 18, Paul warns against:

1. false humility;

2. angel worship;

3. invented revelations; and

4. human perception instead of the Word of God.

There are many so called "teachers" today that create out of their own mind doctrines and beliefs that are not from the Word of God. They have a dream, or the typical "God told me." This is referred to as a Psychological Certainty model for truth. Once someone invokes the God told me, there is no more debate on the subject. In their mind, God has given some special revelation to them. They will try to entrap you in their error. God does not give special revelation today. He has finished speaking when the canon was closed with the Book of Revelation. Don't allow yourself to be ensnared.

The summary points of this section are:

1. Don't worship symbols when the things the symbols pointed to has arrived (the Lord Jesus Christ).

2. Follow the Word off God not the inventions of man. 

3. Beware of people who claim to be "super spiritual" and who try to force you to follow them.

The Golden Text is: "And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power" (Col. 2: 10). All the fulness of the Godhead is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who are in Christ partake of His fullness. Union with Christ is sufficient for He is sufficient.

Next week: "Put Off--Put On." (Colossians 3: 1-17)

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