Friday, June 29, 2018

What is Carnality? Part 3

Today, we look at a sure sign of carnality: a fit of anger. One can be sure that anger reveals a carnal heart. Of course, there is a righteous anger much like Jesus exhibited when He cleared the temple of the money changers. Anger that is not the result of violating God's law is generally carnal anger. Candidly, the fruits of one's life will demonstrate the truth of the intent of one's heart in expressing anger.

From the pen of E. G. Marsh, we learn the following:

Let us now meet one of Mr. Old Man’s most fully grown sons, his overgrown son, Anger. He is easily recognized. His traits are so outstanding and so well known that there is little difficulty in knowing him wherever he appears. His outward appearance is contrastive to that of his sisters, Pride and Hidden Offence.

He is outspoken, red-faced, rough in his ways, has fiery eyes, well-developed feet and fists, a well-sharpened tongue, has a powerful muscular system, etc., etc. Notwithstanding these traits, he is of one heart and blood with his sisters, Pride and . They are known to love one another greatly. He is indeed very proud of them and they are proud of him. All get their distinguishing traits from their father, the very popular and famous citizen of the land of sin, Mr. Old Man. Sometimes they all go out to church together. This affords father Old Man great pleasure as he sits in the best pew or in the Amen Corner, or stands in the pulpit and watches his children in their church activities.

Anger, in its root meaning, has the thought of a pent-up state or condition. May be likened to the condition of the inside of a mountain before the eruption of lava takes place. How true is this of the natural human heart! And how often the eruption does take place right in the home, in society, in the church. Mr. Old Man uses his beloved son Anger in openly opposing the work of God. He delights in destroying the peace of the home, of social meetings, of the church. He is very apt in the work of cursing, of cruelty to man and beast, of hatred, of scandal, of murder. Mr. Anger breaks up homes, fills prisons, maims and abuses children, splits up churches and helps to populate hell. He is not only a favorite of his father, Mr. Old Man, but also of his grandfather, Mr. Devil.

Certainly the disposition of Mr. Anger, like his sisters, Pride and , is contrary to the spirit of love. Anger has the spirit of ill will, of hate, of revenge, of murder. This child of the Old Man is a foe of the Bible. He greatly hates for us to read: “In their anger they slew a man . . . . cursed be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel.” -- Gen. 49:6,7. Also he has a cruel hatred for Eph. 4:31 because this condemns him and some of his beloved brothers. “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice.”

He has a hearty grudge against these words of holy writ, “Cease from anger, and forsake wrath.” He shows off also in a spirit that gratifies his father, when one preaches from the text: “But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.” He has declared war on all who preach the Word without fear and favor. And has a special hatred for those who preach that his father should be put to death.

Some reasons Mr. Anger may show himself: (True statements from verified testimonies.) The baby cried; The dog got off the leash; Somebody drank my beer; The car would not start; Children are late for school again; Called a liar; Food was scorched; Clean floor was tracked; The cake tasted like sawdust; Dinner was late; Alarm clock did not go off; Car would not start; Sister argued with me; Boss wouldn't listen to me; Husband invited a guest to dinner; Car has flat tire; My car was dented in the parking lot; The boss was unreasonable; Neighbor’s dogs got into my flowerbed; Too many T. V. reruns; Business is slow; The debts were not paid; Got cut off in traffic; I was contradicted; My friend went out with a rival; Mother played favorites; Brother had the larger piece of pie; Had to work instead of going fishing; Cats got on the table; Friend ate the last piece of pizza; Cell phone would not work; Lost too much at the Casino; Light bulb burnt out; Got traffic ticket (These are just a few of the many manifestations of anger. Perhaps you can add some more modern ones to the list.)

Carnal anger is ugly. I preached a message years ago that presented an uncomfortable truth. If someone speaks an angry harsh word to you, remember that Jesus said that it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. There are more angry words reserved for you. So when someone spews anger and hatred to you, remember that there is a lot more left in the heart from where it came from. The only cure for carnal anger is eradication. Holiness, that is entire sanctification, is not suppression of the carnal trait. It is killing the carnal trait. When it is killed, it is dead. Reading friend, has your carnal heart been crucified and dead? Or, do you merely suppress the anger and live and up and down experience. God, through Jesus Christ, has a better way for you.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

What is Carnality? Part 2

Today, we continue our look at carnality, also known as the Old Man. We specifically address Miss Offense, a child of the Old Man.

You can usually tell this child from the rest of the family by certain traits. The physical expression is a give away in many cases. There may be a sullen look, the arms folded in defiance, and the often used phrase, "you have offended me." This person may be found in every church. He/She is a great church goer. You will find him/her in the pew and in the pulpit. Yes, there he/she comes as a worship leader, or Sunday School teacher, or member of the official board, or church boss, or, or, or preacher, or evangelist, or camp meeting leader, or district superintendent, or missionary, or ?? He/She must be petted and humored to get him/her to work. His/Her name must always head the list. He/She must  be asked first to sing, or play, or teach, or preach. Must be looked up to (woe to the one who fails to accord her the proper dignity, honor and praise). He/She is easily offended; and if you are not careful, instead of praying around the altar, or singing, or preaching, or pushing the battle of faith when the difficulties come, he/she will be nursing his/her hidden resentments, taking it easy, fanning himself/herself and saying, “Let them get along the best they can. They don’t appreciate me anyway. They will know it when I help them again.” The Old Man is very fond of this child; in fact, he/she is one of his pets. And he/she is very partial to him. They are great chums. The Old Man can use him/her where his/her brothers Anger or Fury or Murder or Adultery could not work at all in killing a church, or a camp meeting, etc. He/She is a good mixer and can work where his/her brothers would fail. He/She has such a good reputation and standing right in the church. This enables him/her to work great havoc to the cause of God where others would fail. While he/she is the pet of his/her father, the Old Man, the Bible is his/her dreaded foe. In fact, he/she loses all his/her liberty and vainglory when he/she meets the Sword of the Spirit. There is one blade of the sword that simply robs him/her of all his/her joy and peace. When meeting this blade, he/she has to run to his/her father for consolation and comfort. That particular blade that causes him/her so much trouble is, “GREAT PEACE HAVE THEY WHICH LOVE THY LAW: AND NOTHING SHALL OFFEND THEM.” Now, this blade simply robs him/her of all joy and peace until he/she despairs of his/her life.  Another blade that gives his/her heart in these sinking spells is, “Charity (Love) is not provoked,” He/She can bear this blade with some comfort when it contains the word “easily.” But when this word is left out, as in the Original Greek, his/her heart simply fails her. And only the most powerful injections from his/her father, the famous Dr. Old Man, can keep his/her heart going.

Some events that will show us the Miss Offense experience: These are taken from personal testimony. You may find your picture here. Is likely to be offended WHEN: Not invited to preach; My name did not head the list; Not asked to pray; Not asked to sing; Not elected to office;  Not given the best church; Asked to wash dishes; Unnoticed; Lied about; Unjustly criticized; Not asked; first Punished; Told of my faults; Some one else was praised; I had the hardest work; Others infringed on my rights.

The carnal heart is a most pitiful experience for the Christian. Only the powerful infilling of the Holy Ghost can cleanse and purify the heart. I am amazed that so many "Christians" deny the power of the blood to sanctify the heart of the believer and fulfill the prayer of Jesus read at John 17:17: "Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth." May it ever be so, Lord Jesus.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

What is Carnality? Part 1

As you read the list below, honestly examine yourself to see if you find evidence of carnality. Do you ever feel:

1. A secret sense of pride; an exalted feeling in view of your success or position; because of your good training and appearance; because of your natural gifts and abilities; an important, independent spirit; stiffness and preciseness; married to your opinion?
2. Love of human praise; a secret fondness to be noticed; love of supremacy; drawing attention to self in conversation; a swelling out of the ego when you have had a free time in speaking or praying!
3. The stirrings of anger or impatience -- but worst of all you call it nervousness or holy indignation; a touchy, sensitive spirit; a disposition to resent and retaliate when reproved or contradicted; sharp, heated flings at another?
4. Self will; a stubborn, unteachable spirit; an arguing, talkative spirit; harsh, sarcastic expressions; an unyielding, headstrong disposition; a driving, commanding spirit; a disposition to criticize and pick flaws when set aside and unnoticed; a peevish, fretful spirit; a disposition that loves to be coaxed and humored?
5. Carnal fear, a man-fearing spirit; a shrinking from reproach and duty; reasoning around the cross; a shrinking from doing your whole duty by those of wealth or position; a fearfulness that some one will get out of the Spirit and thus offend and drive some prominent person away; a compromising, holding-back spirit?
6. A jealous disposition; a secret spirit of envy shut up in your heart; an unpleasant sensation in view of the great prosperity and success of another; a disposition to speak of the faults and failings rather than the gifts and virtues of those more talented and appreciated than yourself?
7. Lustful stirrings; unholy actions, a carnal leaning; undue affection and familiarity toward those of the opposite sex; wandering eyes; looking the second time?
8. A dishonest, deceitful disposition; evading and covering the truth; covering up your real faults; leaving a better impression of yourself than is strictly true; false humility; exaggeration; straining the truth when it is to your advantage?
9. Unbelief; a spirit of discouragement in times of pressure and opposition; lack of quietness and confidence in God; lack of faith and trust in God; a disposition to worry and complain in the midst of pain, poverty, or at the dispensations of Divine Providence; an overanxious feeling whether everything will come out all right?
10. Formality and. deadness; lack of concern for lost souls; dryness and indifference; lack of power with God? Selfishness, love of ease; love of money, etc.?

These are some of the traits which generally indicate a carnal heart. If one principle is lurking there, you can depend on it, they are ALL there. By prayer and fasting hold your heart open to the searching light of God until you see the groundwork thereof. The Holy Ghost will enable you, by confession and faith, to bring your "old man'' to the death. "Knowing this that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.'' (Romans 6:6.) Do not patch over, but go to the bottom. It will pay. Hallelujah! (E. E. S.) From the writings of E.E. Shelhamer

I have witnessed carnality in holiness churches at every level. From the lay person, Sunday school teachers and superintendents, pastors, evangelists, and denominational leaders. Sadly, most all churches have a "church boss." The church boss, generally a layman, thinks he knows what is best. He battles the pastor at every turn trying the run the church. It can take the form of an assistant pastor who no matter what the pastor has to do must deal with the assistant pastor's negativity and doubt. The holiness man or woman must pray for the carnal Christian, but at the same time, be bold enough to not make excuses for carnality. The carnal Christian is indeed a most pitiful individual. He doesn't enjoy the world, but he doesn't enjoy the Christian life either! Friend, are you battling carnality? Contact us we can help. Do you know someone who is carnal? Don't be afraid to confront that carnality with the Word of God in love. Those who are entirely sanctified must operate in perfect love. More on perfect love in future posts.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

What is Scriptural Death Route Holiness? Part 5

Scriptural Death Route Holiness is about dying to self. This death is while progressive, it does reach a crisis point where death actually occurs. Carnal Traits are confessed and surrendered one by one, but the death blow against them all occurs at one time. When the fire falls, all carnality is destroyed! Just as the old hymn states, "I never will forget how the fire fell." Friend, has the fire fell for you? Read the words of L.S. Boardman that speak of dying to self:

Many of the old-time holiness people believed in the "death-route." As long a fifty years ago we remember hearing a man testify. He said: "I was born twice; I died once, and I expect to live forever."

Of the last three hymnals the Church of the Nazarene has published, the first of the three called GLORIOUS GOSPEL HYMNS was copyrighted in 1931, and contain the following hymn entitled, "Let Me Die."

O God, my heart doth long for Thee, Let me die, let me die;
Now set my soul at liberty, Let me die, let me die.
To all the trifling things of earth, They're now to me of little worth:
My Saviour calls, I must go forth, Let me die, let me die.
Thy slaying pow'r in me display, Let me die, let me die;
I must be dead from day to day, Let me die, let me die.
Unto the world and its applause, To all the customs, fashions, laws, Of these who hate the humble cross, Let me die, let me die.
O I must die to scoffs and jeers, Let me die, let me die;
I must be freed from slavish fears, Let me die, let me die.
So dead that no desire shall rise To pass for good, or great, or wise, In any but the Saviour's eyes! Let me die, let me die.
by Jeanette Palmiter

A. W. Tozer had this to say about the crucifixion of self: "We must do something about the cross, and there's only one of two things we can do -- flee it or die upon it!"

The modern churches, including some worldly holiness churches, no longer preach the death route. To take the death route is to commit to being crucified. As holiness people, we run to the cross and dare not flee. Reader, have you been to the cross and died?

Monday, June 25, 2018

What is Scriptural Death Route Holiness? Part 4

Read some examples of the variety of experiences of those who took the Death Route and have been entirely sanctified:

Fairy Chism, many years a missionary in Africa, was sanctified on her way home, walking, from an evening service. She had been seeking faithfully and desperately for two years, and left the altar that night unrewarded -- almost to the point of despair. It took her two years to get totally dead to Fairy Chism. The Holy Ghost fell in great power on her that night -- a power which rested upon her throughout the many years of a distinguished ministry, as a missionary in Africa and as an evangelist back in America.

Reuben A. (Bud) Robinson was sanctified out in the corn field, hoeing corn. Uncle Bud, as he was affectionately called, was considered the most dearly loved holiness evangelist of his generation. [12]

Our dear friend and pastor-brother, Hubert Terry, was sanctified while lying on his face under a table in a Sunday School class room. He had been earnestly seeking holiness and dying out to self for three days. Dr. Phineas Bresee preached a revival in his own church where he was pastoring, and realizing his religion didn't meet his needs, went to the altar, a seeker, and God sanctified him. Dr. Bresee became the founder of the Church of the Nazarene, and was doubtless one of the greatest Holy Ghost preachers that ever lived. [13]

C. B. Jernigan, who later rose among the giants of Holiness preachers, was carrying a plow on his shoulders, praying and weeping when the fire fell and God sanctified him. He lost his plow and the carnal mind at the same time, but he got the blessing of a sanctified heart! [14]

Dr. H. C. Morrison, another giant among the holiness preachers, upon reading a letter from a friend, was smitten with conviction over his carnal condition. He prayed through at once, and God sanctified him. However, upon listening to wrong advice, Morrison lost the wonderful experience, but after a long bitter struggle, got it back again. Dr. Morrison lost his experience of heart-holiness because he was persuaded not to testify to it, and thus honor the Holy Ghost. Second blessing Holiness was not at all popular in those days and it was easy for one to keep quiet about it to avoid persecution. But persecution is exactly what all Christians need, while their anointed testimony is what God requires, honors and rewards (Rev. 12:11). [15] Talk about variation!

Dr. A. M. Hills, after dying to carnal self, was hungering and thirsting for the holiness blessing. He had wandered in the unsanctified wilderness for nearly twenty years. Before arising one winter morning, it struck him that he should claim the blessing. He writes: "I began to do it, when speedily the Spirit came to bring the witness. A tide of joy swept into my soul, and I cried out, 'Oh, bless the Lord! Praise the Lord! He does come and fill my soul!'..." He received a clear witness which he never lost during his mighty ministerial career. [16]

By contrast, Dr. J. B. Chapman, for many year general superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene, was saved under a brush arbor in September, 1899, and was sanctified holy the next night. Forty-seven years later he testified clearly that the experience still held good.6 Holiness is the establishing grace. It greatly helps prevent backsliding (I Thess. 3:13; Rom. 1:11; Heb. 13:9; 2 Pet. 1:12).

Dr. S. A. Keen relates his seeking and obtaining holiness of heart. He says: "I struggled against doubt, caught a glimpse of holiness, then let go my confidence and turned back into the wilderness of legalism -- 'Do the best you can,' and work out your salvation with fear and trembling,' -- where I wandered for almost eleven years." After graduating from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1868, he entered upon his first pastorate at Chilicothe, Ohio. Here he says: "I had come again in sight of Canaan. I hungered for its generous fruits. The first quarter in my pastoral charge was one of great longing to be made free from sin in my soul." Early in January he began a protracted meeting in his church, in which, though it increased in attendance, there were no conversions. As he left the pulpit on Sunday evening, January 3, 1869, the Holy Spirit spoke to him, saying, "How can you expect sinners to act up to their convictions when you do not act up to your own?" "That arrow slew me," says Dr. Keen. "I saw in an instant what was in the way of the revival. It was the preacher himself. My heart was broken. I then and there began to seek the best I knew. I cried out, 'Lord, I am thine, entirely thine' -- words I had used a hundred times, but now they came with this thought, 'Lord, I am thine entirely thine for you to do this thing for me.' They were scarcely off my lips until a peace inexpressible was in my heart. I arose from my knees, my praying was done. "I did not recognize that the blessing of sanctification had come. All I knew was that a blessed soul rest had come. I went about my pastoral work, my feet were light, my steps were alert, my heart was joyous....The peace seemed even deeper. I slept very deeply. Sunday morning came. I arose and again kelt in prayer, but could say nothing but 'Lord, I am thine, entirely thine,' accompanied with a still sweeter sense of rest in my soul. "Having finished my preparation to preach at about ten minutes before 11 o'clock, I knelt down to ask God not for full salvation, but to help me to preach once more. My knees had no sooner touched the floor when the witness of the Spirit was given to my soul, saying, 'It is done.' Then I saw that for eighteen hours I had been cleansed, filled, fully saved, and had not known it. My heart bounded with joy, my naturally ardent soul burst into a flame of rapture and my head became a fountain of tears. Jordan was passed. The Canaan for which I had so long 'cast my wistful eyes' was reached.

We are not to attempt to have an experience like one of those who have come before us. We are to seek to be wholly His and we shall receive the experience He has for us. You may have no emotional reaction, but instead a calm assurance that the Holy Ghost has come. You may have a shouting time and weep and carry on but neither is proof that the work has been done.  Two people can be in a serious automobile accident. One may cry and one may sit in silence. However, they both had the same experience. It is the witness of the Spirit to your heart that the work has been done that is critical. More later on the Witness of the Spirit.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

What is Scriptural Death Route Holiness? Part 3

From "Scriptural Death Route Holiness by L.S. Boardman:


Some would tell you that their only objection to the "death-route" is the word "route." What's wrong with route? The Christian life is a journey, is it not? John Bunyan understood it to be a journey all the way from the wicket-gate-start, to the final entrance into the Celestial City. The prophet, Isaiah, said the way of holiness was a "highway" and a "way" (Isa. 35:8).

The Christians of the early church called themselves pilgrims (Heb. 11:13). Peter called them strangers and pilgrims (I Peter 2:11). Why object to the term, "route," in referring to seeking and approaching the point of receiving a sanctified heart? It is in perfect harmony with all of these above references. Others claim they object to the term "death-route" because it is not a Bible term. But the word doesn't have to be in the Bible, if the idea is there -- and it is! The word "Trinity" is not in the Bible either, but the idea is there, so we accept it without the slightest scruple. "Sacrament" is another word that does not appear in the Bible, but who would suggest that we do away with water baptism and the Lord's Supper simply because the word "sacrament" is not in the Bible?

No, my friend, that objection is simply a flimsy excuse. We need not scrap the term "death route" for that, or for any other reason. With some people it may not actually be the terms that bother them, but the whole matter of coming to the point of death to carnal self. Objecting to a term could be a smoke-screen for a death rejecter to hide behind. The crucifixion of self is the price millions are not willing to pay in order to get the deeper experience of the wholly sanctified heart. Hence they never receive the blessing of holiness -- purity, "without which no man shall see the Lord" (Heb. 12:14).

Some rare soul unknown to me has truthfully said: "If one thing in your life is not totally surrendered [to Christ] you'll never be happy." "Descend, O sinner, to the woe! Thy day of hope is done; Light shall revisit thee no more, Life with its sanguine dreams is o'er, Life reached not yon awful shore; Forever sets thy sun!"

I have seen people that take it by faith without paying the price. It just doesn't work. Seekers need to stay in faith until the fire of God falls and an inner witness is given. Being entirely sanctified is not something you need be unsure about. If you have the fullness of the Holy Ghost, and you know your heart has been purified, no one can preach away your confidence. Dear Reader, do you know this experience? Have you taken the death route, followed our Blessed Lord outside the gate, and met your end to carnality? If you haven't, you can began seeking today. May you come to know the truth about entire sanctification.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

What is Scriptural Death Route Holiness? Part 2

We must examine the Word of God to see if the concept of "Death Route" holiness can be found. The below Scriptures contain direct references to "death-route" Christianity; thus identifying all genuine Christians with Christ Himself.

Christ stated: "And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:27).
The writer to the Hebrews stated: "Let; us go forth therefore, unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach" (Heb. 13:13). (Without the camp meant crucifixion.) All who WILL NOT be thus identified with Christ, cannot be identified with Him at all. Remember, dear reader, "Death-route" Christianity, to the total dethronement of self-will, and the total enthronement of Christ, is the only true Christianity. This is the only Christianity Christ originated, and it is the only kind the apostles preached and practiced. Anything less than "death" to old carnal self is not the genuine article.

Note the following passages from the pen of the Apostle Paul: "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me" (Gal. 2:20).
"For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body ye shall live." (Rom. 8:13).
"Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?" (Rom. 6:3).
"Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death..." (Rom. 6:4).
"For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection" (v. 5).
"Knowing this, that OUR OLD MAN IS CRUCIFIED WITH HIM [8] that the body of sin [the carnal mind] might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin" (v. 6).
"Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord " (v. 11).
"For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God" (Col. 3:3).
"Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth..." (Col. 3:5).
"That I may know...the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death" (Phil. 3:10).
"But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." (Gal. 6:14).
"That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts..." (Eph. 4:22).
"It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him" (2 Tim. 2:11).

The above Scriptures and explanations come from the book "Scriptural Death Route Holiness" by L.S. Boardman.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

What is Scriptural Death Route Holiness? Part 1

In the book "Scriptural Death Route Holiness" by L.S. Boardman, we read the following:
Charles R. (Chuck) Boardman says, "For twenty-five years I have defined the 'Death-route' as the divine pathway through which God leads the seeking soul." "Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free: I cannot rest till pure within, Till I am wholly lost in Thee." This is God's method for entirely sanctifying the believer. Only believers can be entirely sanctified. Perhaps a testimony of a carnal soul that found inward purity would help the reader understand this truth.

Here is Rev. E.E. Shelhamer's testimony to his sanctification: "I well remember my own experience when but a boy preacher. I awoke to the fact that though I had a measure of success in soul-winning, I had doubts at certain times whether all unholy tempers were gone. When I told it to my brethren, they tried to calm my fears by saying it was temptation, or infirmities. They said I had the standard too high. During those six years, I professed to have received the blessing [of holiness] a number of times. But I see now, my advisors side-tracked me. They meant well, but instead of teaching me that holiness of heart was an experience, an inward crucifixion, they held, as many do today, that it was a great blessing. I was instructed to make a complete consecration, lay all on the altar and believe the altar sanctified the gift. But this was not my trouble -- lack of consecration and abandonment to God. No! I was fully given up to God and delighted to do His will. I was not after a blessing. I wanted purity. My good brethren diverted me from my trouble within, to a blessing and more activity without. Finally, I heard a mighty man of God tell his experience -- how he had preached and professed holiness for twenty-five years without it. But when the Holy Ghost revealed to him his depravity -- the depth of pride, self-will and hell (as Wesley taught), he cried out "LET ME DIE! LET ME DIE!" He said he was three days confessing and deploring carnality, when suddenly the refining fire of God purified him through and through. When I heard this, immediately I said, "This is the Bible route -- the death-route!" The Holy Ghost took me through step by step until I came to the end of myself, when the death stroke was given and the clear witness received that the precious Blood did NOW cleanse from all sin. O praise His Name!"

Bro. Boardman stated in his book: "By the term "death-route" we mean, taking our stand against carnality and turning over every revealed carnal trait to the Holy Ghost, for its slaying. Carnal traits, however, are not crucified one at time. They are surrendered (died out to) one at a time, under the searching light of the Holy Spirit, when one is seeking a sanctified heart. Then, when the Holy Spirit strikes the death blow to one's corrupt nature, all of the carnal traits are destroyed in one master stroke of divine power. Thus, the heart is purified and made perfect in the holy love of God which is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost (Rom. 5:5). Only dead people fully live -- dead to self and alive unto God!"

Praise God! This is the death route! Have you taken this road or do seeds and attitudes of carnality hide in your heart only to make an appearance upon provocation? There is a highway of holiness, a narrow path, but a path that God wants to take you on. Next post will be the Biblical basis of the "Death Route."

Monday, June 18, 2018

Holiness: The Great Need of the Church

Hebrews 12:14 instructs us: “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” In chapter Hebrews 13: 12-13, the states: “Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.” This brief article will put forth the proposition that something is wrong with the church in the USA. The charismatics seek signs and wonders. Methodists have rejected their past doctrine of entire sanctification. Most, but not all, Baptists say just repeat after me this prayer and you are eternally secure no matter what you believe or do. Presbyterians believe everything is preordained and are as dry and cold as a refrigerator. As a result, churches are powerless and ineffective. Pastors become CEOs and cease to be a messenger from a Holy God. The emphasis is on not offending people. Lets be inclusive and tolerant. Recently I preached a message on “Hating What Jesus Hates.” “On no preacher, Jesus doesn’t hate anything, He is Love.” Really? I will take the Word of God over the opinions of men. Read Revelation 2: 6 and 15.

But what about the holiness crowd? For some reason (and I suspect it is Satan that fears the truth of blood bought holiness and does his best to create dissension in the ranks), the holiness crowd wants to argue over just about everything. Unity in holiness churches is a struggle. I suggest to all the groups referenced above, that the answer to church issues can be found in the members getting to a place of one hundred per cent devotion to Jesus Christ, dying out to self, paying the price and becoming entirely sanctified. Church money problems, evangelism, discipleship, etc will look different when people die out to self, surrender their all, sign the blank contract and allow God to fill in the details. Too many people in the holiness crowd either tried to work their way into entire sanctification by obeying man made rules or were presumptuous and “took it by faith.” Understand that faith is the door into a life of holiness, but isn’t operative until one has died out and taken the death route. More on the death route in future articles.

I’m thankful I had a mentor Rev Herbert J Norton who explained and taught the truth about entire sanctification to me in the 1970s. Some say we are in the last days, whether it is true or not I don’t know, but I’m heading toward the end of my last days so I want to be ready. We that are blood bought sanctified Christians need to have the fire from above strike us again and get us red hot for Jesus. We need to check our consecration and make sure it is up to date. We need to love the sinner but not be tolerant toward the sin. We can’t do this on our own power for too long. We need the sustaining power of the Holy Ghost. The church needs entirely sanctified believers who are ready to go all out for Jesus. Are you in that crowd?