Tuesday, June 19, 2018

What is Scriptural Death Route Holiness? Part 1

In the book "Scriptural Death Route Holiness" by L.S. Boardman, we read the following:
Charles R. (Chuck) Boardman says, "For twenty-five years I have defined the 'Death-route' as the divine pathway through which God leads the seeking soul." "Break off the yoke of inbred sin, And fully set my spirit free: I cannot rest till pure within, Till I am wholly lost in Thee." This is God's method for entirely sanctifying the believer. Only believers can be entirely sanctified. Perhaps a testimony of a carnal soul that found inward purity would help the reader understand this truth.

Here is Rev. E.E. Shelhamer's testimony to his sanctification: "I well remember my own experience when but a boy preacher. I awoke to the fact that though I had a measure of success in soul-winning, I had doubts at certain times whether all unholy tempers were gone. When I told it to my brethren, they tried to calm my fears by saying it was temptation, or infirmities. They said I had the standard too high. During those six years, I professed to have received the blessing [of holiness] a number of times. But I see now, my advisors side-tracked me. They meant well, but instead of teaching me that holiness of heart was an experience, an inward crucifixion, they held, as many do today, that it was a great blessing. I was instructed to make a complete consecration, lay all on the altar and believe the altar sanctified the gift. But this was not my trouble -- lack of consecration and abandonment to God. No! I was fully given up to God and delighted to do His will. I was not after a blessing. I wanted purity. My good brethren diverted me from my trouble within, to a blessing and more activity without. Finally, I heard a mighty man of God tell his experience -- how he had preached and professed holiness for twenty-five years without it. But when the Holy Ghost revealed to him his depravity -- the depth of pride, self-will and hell (as Wesley taught), he cried out "LET ME DIE! LET ME DIE!" He said he was three days confessing and deploring carnality, when suddenly the refining fire of God purified him through and through. When I heard this, immediately I said, "This is the Bible route -- the death-route!" The Holy Ghost took me through step by step until I came to the end of myself, when the death stroke was given and the clear witness received that the precious Blood did NOW cleanse from all sin. O praise His Name!"

Bro. Boardman stated in his book: "By the term "death-route" we mean, taking our stand against carnality and turning over every revealed carnal trait to the Holy Ghost, for its slaying. Carnal traits, however, are not crucified one at time. They are surrendered (died out to) one at a time, under the searching light of the Holy Spirit, when one is seeking a sanctified heart. Then, when the Holy Spirit strikes the death blow to one's corrupt nature, all of the carnal traits are destroyed in one master stroke of divine power. Thus, the heart is purified and made perfect in the holy love of God which is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost (Rom. 5:5). Only dead people fully live -- dead to self and alive unto God!"

Praise God! This is the death route! Have you taken this road or do seeds and attitudes of carnality hide in your heart only to make an appearance upon provocation? There is a highway of holiness, a narrow path, but a path that God wants to take you on. Next post will be the Biblical basis of the "Death Route."

1 comment:

  1. People are not taught to "die to themselves" and live unto Christ. Living in Holiness means separation, separation from the old man to be able to live as that new creation in Christ. Paul said I die daily, that's what it takes, dying daily to self and becoming alive in the Power of the Spirit.
