Thursday, June 28, 2018

What is Carnality? Part 2

Today, we continue our look at carnality, also known as the Old Man. We specifically address Miss Offense, a child of the Old Man.

You can usually tell this child from the rest of the family by certain traits. The physical expression is a give away in many cases. There may be a sullen look, the arms folded in defiance, and the often used phrase, "you have offended me." This person may be found in every church. He/She is a great church goer. You will find him/her in the pew and in the pulpit. Yes, there he/she comes as a worship leader, or Sunday School teacher, or member of the official board, or church boss, or, or, or preacher, or evangelist, or camp meeting leader, or district superintendent, or missionary, or ?? He/She must be petted and humored to get him/her to work. His/Her name must always head the list. He/She must  be asked first to sing, or play, or teach, or preach. Must be looked up to (woe to the one who fails to accord her the proper dignity, honor and praise). He/She is easily offended; and if you are not careful, instead of praying around the altar, or singing, or preaching, or pushing the battle of faith when the difficulties come, he/she will be nursing his/her hidden resentments, taking it easy, fanning himself/herself and saying, “Let them get along the best they can. They don’t appreciate me anyway. They will know it when I help them again.” The Old Man is very fond of this child; in fact, he/she is one of his pets. And he/she is very partial to him. They are great chums. The Old Man can use him/her where his/her brothers Anger or Fury or Murder or Adultery could not work at all in killing a church, or a camp meeting, etc. He/She is a good mixer and can work where his/her brothers would fail. He/She has such a good reputation and standing right in the church. This enables him/her to work great havoc to the cause of God where others would fail. While he/she is the pet of his/her father, the Old Man, the Bible is his/her dreaded foe. In fact, he/she loses all his/her liberty and vainglory when he/she meets the Sword of the Spirit. There is one blade of the sword that simply robs him/her of all his/her joy and peace. When meeting this blade, he/she has to run to his/her father for consolation and comfort. That particular blade that causes him/her so much trouble is, “GREAT PEACE HAVE THEY WHICH LOVE THY LAW: AND NOTHING SHALL OFFEND THEM.” Now, this blade simply robs him/her of all joy and peace until he/she despairs of his/her life.  Another blade that gives his/her heart in these sinking spells is, “Charity (Love) is not provoked,” He/She can bear this blade with some comfort when it contains the word “easily.” But when this word is left out, as in the Original Greek, his/her heart simply fails her. And only the most powerful injections from his/her father, the famous Dr. Old Man, can keep his/her heart going.

Some events that will show us the Miss Offense experience: These are taken from personal testimony. You may find your picture here. Is likely to be offended WHEN: Not invited to preach; My name did not head the list; Not asked to pray; Not asked to sing; Not elected to office;  Not given the best church; Asked to wash dishes; Unnoticed; Lied about; Unjustly criticized; Not asked; first Punished; Told of my faults; Some one else was praised; I had the hardest work; Others infringed on my rights.

The carnal heart is a most pitiful experience for the Christian. Only the powerful infilling of the Holy Ghost can cleanse and purify the heart. I am amazed that so many "Christians" deny the power of the blood to sanctify the heart of the believer and fulfill the prayer of Jesus read at John 17:17: "Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth." May it ever be so, Lord Jesus.

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