Thursday, December 31, 2020

Some Interesting Watch Night Services

 Some interesting Watch Night Services:

01 -- THE WESLEYS -- DECEMBER 31, 1738 -- JANUARY 1, 1739

From hdm0427 -- "The Possibilities Of Prayer" by Edward McKendree Bounds

It might be in order to give an instance or two in the life of Rev John Wesley, showing some remarkable displays of spiritual power. Many times it is stated this noted man gathered his company together, and prayed all night, or till the mighty power of God came upon them. It was at a watch night service, at Fetter Lane, December 31, 1738, when Charles and John Wesley with Whitefield, sat up till after midnight singing and praying. This is the account:

About three o'clock in the morning, as we were continuing instant in prayer, the power of God came mightily upon us, so that many cried out for exceeding joy, and many fell to the ground. As soon as we had recovered a little from that awe and amazement at the presence of his majesty, we broke out with one voice, "We praise thee, O God! We acknowledge thee to be the Lord!"

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From hdm2030 -- "Wesley And Early Methodism" by Angela Kirkham Davis

When and where was the first Methodist watch-night held?

On the last night of the year 1740, in Bristol, under the supervision of Mr. Wesley.

How is a watch-night conducted?

On the last night of every year this solemn service is held and continued until a little past twelve o'clock. It is usually commenced by singing and prayer, after which the time is occupied in preaching, singing, exhortation, and prayer; sometimes the Lord's Supper is administered, and, not infrequently, a part of the evening is devoted to love-feast exercises. A little before twelve o'clock all present are invited to kneel before God in silent prayer, and thus remain until the closing of the year, when the pastor, in vocal prayer, commends the congregation to the divine guidance and protection, and closes by singing, (usually the covenant hymn,) and the benediction. These meetings were originally held almost exclusively by the Methodists, but they have been introduced into some of the churches of other denominations.

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03 -- FRANCIS ASBURY -- DECEMBER 31, 1771 -- JANUARY 1, 1772

From hdm 1619 -- "Lost Chapters Recovered From The Early History Of American Methodism" by Joseph B. Wakeley

Mr. Asbury introduced all the peculiarities of Methodism. He held a "watch-night," New Year's eve, January 1, 1772, one of the first of a long series of watch-nights that have been held in America. It was a time of peculiar solemnity, and the power of God was felt by the people.

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04 -- FRANCIS ASBURY -- DECEMBER 31, 1775 -- JANUARY 1, 1776

From hdm0520 -- "Memoirs Of Mr. Wesley's Missionaries To America" compiled from authentic sources by Rev. P. P. Sandford

(From Asbury's Journal)

Monday 25. Being Christmas-day, I preached from 1 Tim. i, 15, "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." My spirit was at liberty, and we were much blessed both in preaching and class-meeting. Hitherto the Lord hath helped me, both in soul and body, beyond my expectation. May I cheerfully do and suffer all his will, endure to the end, and be eternally saved!

Wednesday 27. We have awful reports of slaughter at Norfolk and the Great Bridge; but I am at a happy distance from them, and my soul keeps close to Jesus Christ. And as we know not what a day may bring forth, I can say with St. Paul, "For me to live is Christ, but to die is gain.

Lord's day 31. Being the last day of the year, we held a watch-night at S. Y.'s chapel, beginning at six and ending at twelve o'clock. It was a profitable time, and we had much of the power of God.

Monday, January 1, 1776. I am now entering on a new year, and am of late constantly happy, feeling my heart much taken up with God, and hope thus to live and thus to die. Or if there should be any alteration, may it be for the better, and not for the worse! This is my earnest desire and prayer to God.

This is Grammar! Part 2

Excerpted From "The Origin & History
Of Primitive Methodism."
Edited by Duane V. Maxey
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       Part 1 is the account I sent out yesterday, how, after God had struck a congregation with Powerful, Holy Ghost conviction under his preaching, John Benton "put to silence" his harsh criticizer, telling him "This Is Grammar!"
       Today, as Part 2 of that story, I have chosen to also send out succeeding paragraphs of that story, wherein we're told of John Benton's Baptism With The Holy Ghost -- an experience which I believe may, in fact, have been his Entire Sanctification.

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      Hugh Bourne walked thirty-four miles through the rain to Wyrley Bank, arriving there on July 27th, 1810. It was during this evangelistic tour that Bourne met with John Benton, who  was afterwards for several years a successful pioneer missionary. Bourne calls him "an extraordinary man," and he was such if for no other reason than that his sincere piety and zeal were able to triumph over all the disadvantages of illiteracy and natural defects. He had "little grammar and not much command of language," and hence he did not escape reproach and scoffs from both professors and profane. Said a local preacher to him one day after hearing him try to preach at Cannock Common:—"You are bringing a scandal on the cause of Christ, you have had no learning, you do not understand grammar." Benton's most effective answer was given some time after. He was preaching on a Good Friday afternoon from the text, "It is finished." The room was crowded with colliers, and he had got but half-way through his discourse when a large part of the congregation became strangely affected:—
       "Some groaned, others shrieked; some fell from their seats; and the whole assembly was thrown into consternation: he therefore closed the Bible, and went from his stand to pray for mourners; and when passing down among the people he saw his friend, the local preacher, standing and looking on with amazement. Said Benton to him, 'This is grammar!'"

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       The reply that came was almost identical in form with that of the astonished witnesses of Christ's wonder-working power: "We never saw it in this fashion." Now, though Benton, with his "little grammar and not much command of language," was far from being an Apollos, he was like him in that he needed fuller spiritual instruction. He could and did rouse the sinner; but he was at a loss what to do with him when he was roused. He could not complete the work he had so well begun. He had still to learn the secret: how to impart true evangelical peace.
       So Hugh Bourne conversed much with him on such high themes. Together they went to Essington Wood to meet a number of inquirers whom Benton had gathered into a kind of class. Bourne "spoke to the people and the Lord made bare His arm; six souls were immediately set at liberty; and Benton entered FULLY into the knowledge of a present salvation. His usefulness after this was greater than it had been before, and it kept increasing."
       Induced by what he heard, Benton resolved to attend the fifth Ramsor Camp Meeting to be held on May 26th, 1811. His experience there gave the finishing-touches to his spiritual education, and completed his equipment. Says he:—"At this meeting I received SUCH A BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AS I NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE; and I felt from this day it was my duty to be given up to the work of the ministry."
       So for a time we leave Wyrley Bank and Cannock Wood, where already can be discerned the germ of Darlaston Circuit in the Black Country; and we leave John Benton saying, "Here am I, send me;" and ready to take the place of James Crawfoot, soon to be vacant by his retirement.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

This is Grammar!

A Powerful Excerpt From "The Origin & History of
Primitive Methodism," by Holliday Bickerstaff Kendall
       Read this, and understand what it takes to be a successful Preacher of The Gospel. -- DVM
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       Hugh Bourne walked thirty-four miles through the rain to Wyrley Bank, arriving there on July 27th, 1810. It was during this evangelistic tour that Bourne met with John Benton, who was afterwards for several years a successful pioneer missionary.
       Bourne calls him "an extraordinary man," and he was such if for no other reason than that his sincere piety and zeal were able to triumph over all the disadvantages of illiteracy and natural defects. He had "little grammar and not much command of language," and hence he did not escape reproach and scoffs from both professors and profane.
       Said a local preacher to him one day after hearing him try to preach at Cannock Common:—"You are bringing a scandal on the cause of Christ, you have had no learning, you do not understand grammar."
       Benton's most effective answer was given some time after. He was preaching on a Good Friday afternoon from the text, "It is finished." The room was crowded with colliers, and he had got but half-way through his discourse when a large part of the congregation became strangely affected:—
       "Some groaned, others shrieked; some fell from their seats; and the whole assembly was thrown into consternation. He therefore closed the Bible, and went from his stand to pray for mourners; and when passing down among the people he saw his friend, the local preacher, standing and looking on with amazement. Said Benton to him, 'This is grammar!'"
       27 "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
       28 "And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
        29 "That no flesh should glory in his presence."

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Warm Lake Youth Messages Part 7


"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou" WHAT GOD PURPOSED YOU TO BE. -- (PART 3)

Nehemiah 8:4 "made for the purpose"

2 Peter 2:12 "made to be taken and destroyed"

My wife had a cute little white and brown cocka-poo named "Little Bits". One day "Little Bits" ran across the street into a neighbor's yard where her little dog "Bimbo" was. Then, from down the street a great big Siberian dog came bounding over to where the two little dogs were....He took a big bite around the top of "Little Bits' " back, picked him up and shook him like a rag doll in the air. He did that to "Little Bits" maybe twice before he quit and made hamburger out of his sides. We rushed the little cocka-poo to the vet, but he died about 7 hours later and we buried him in the garden. I felt like that brute Siberian dog deserved to be "taken and destroyed," for he seemed to have the killer instinct.

The apostle Peter referred to certain self-willed individuals who despised government and were not afraid to speak evil of dignities thus: "But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of things that they understand not.." Young person, we will be either made according to God's purpose and become a harmless sheep or gentle shepherd, or we will be made according to satan's perversion and become a grievous wolf, a brute beast, that enters in among the flock to destroy it. Thus, we will be either "made for the purpose" of God, or we will be "made to be taken and destroyed"! Don't let the devil make you after his image, fit for nothing but destruction. Be what God purposed you to be:

In the [CHOICE] of your mind: "Should it be according to thy mind? He will recompense it, whether thou refuse, or whether thou choose.." Job 34:33 Yes, young person, it should be according to your mind, because God has created you with both the ability to choose and the moral freedom to make up your own mind what you will be spiritually. You can, you may, you must choose for yourself. God will not decide for you, nor will He allow anyone else to make your decision. And, "He will recompense it" whatever you decide to be. If you decide to be made according to His purpose, He will honor and reward that choice both now and forever, or if you refuse that and choose to be made for destruction, He will permit you to do so and reward you with eternal wrath. Its up to you.

In the [CHILDHOOD] or youth of your life: "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Prov. 22:6 A little boy ran up to the depot to catch a train, but got there too late and the train was already pulling out. A man who was watching said: "You didn't run fast enough, did you?" The boy replied: "Yes I did. I ran as hard and as fast as I could. I just didn't start soon enough!" And that's the problem lots of times spiritually. People just don't start seeking and serving the Lord soon enough, and they end up missing it later on. After it is too late, they make a mad dash to get on board the salvation train but discover that it has already pulled out of the station as far as they are concerned. "In the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet young," Josiah "began to seek after the God of David his father." 2 Chr.34:3 Seek him now children, young people, while there is time to catch the train spiritually.

In the [CHASTENINGS] of your Father in heaven: "What son is he whom the Father chasteneth not?" Heb. 12:7 The son whom the Father does not chasten is not a son of God, for the Lord "scourgeth every son whom He receiveth." 12:6 Through Jeremiah the Lord asked: "How shall I put thee among the children?" And then He answers that question at the end of the verse: "Thou shalt call me, My Father, and shalt not turn away from Me." Jere. 3:19 Many are content to call God their Father. Few consent to His chastenings and turn away from any preaching He sends their way through faithful servants who rebuke their sin. But God puts us among His children by rebuking and scourging us unto repentance from all sin, and if we turn away from that chastening we make ourselves spiritual bastards -- (false children) -- and not true sons of God.

One day when the saintly Fletcher was a boy, he ran away from his father instead of taking the whipping that he knew he had coming. As he was doing so, suddenly it came to him: "Do I run away from my father? Perhaps I shall live to have a son that shall run away from me!" There's a watch ad that said: "It can take a licking and keep on ticking!" Children, take your licking from the Lord whenever you have it coming. He'll put you among His true children and you can keep on ticking down the road toward heaven.

In the [CHANGING] of your heart attitude: A godly old farmer and his wife had a conference with their college-age son, and it was decided that they would sacrifice and send the boy to college quite some distance away. And, after the son had been away to school for a considerable length of time, the old father told his wife that he couldn't stand it any longer and decided to go see the boy at the college. After their sacrificing to send him to school, they didn't have enough money for train fare, so the old father hitched up their horse to a wagon, a rather comical sight in the eyes of the city folk, and made his way across the miles to the college. It took

him days and days, but finally he arrived on campus. 3 boys were walking toward him and laughed as they beheld the old man with the horse and wagon. The old father recognized one of them as his son and ran up to him and greeted him. Pretending that he didn't even recognize him, the heartless son who had become ashamed of his humble father, said: "You are not my father!" Without a word, the heart-broken old man turned and left, got in his wagon, rode back across the miles, went into the old farmhouse, sat down in the old chair, and his head slumped forward on his breast. He was dead.

Children, that's just the way the world has treated God the Father. He came to us in the Person of Jesus, but was disowned and crucified. Let us own Him as our Wonderful Heavenly Father though the world mocks Him. Change your attitude toward Him, if you haven't already. Own Him before a proud world, and always express and show Him your love and appreciation for what He is and for all that He is doing for you.

In the [CHAIN-REACTION] of your example: "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers.." God wants you to pull people up toward heaven by your example "in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." I Tim. 4:12 Don't pull people down with your example:

Two boys were climbing on some rafters far above what may have been a paved or concrete surface in an old warehouse or some such building. They slipped, but one of the boys managed to get a hand-hold on a rafter. The other boy was hanging on to his legs. It would mean death if they fell, but with the weight of the other boy hanging on to his legs, the boy holding on to the rafter felt that he couldn't thus hold on much longer. Realizing that if he held on to the legs of the boy above him that they would both soon fall, the lower lad made a noble decision. He let loose, and fell to his death rather than pull the other boy down with him, and as a result the top boy was saved. Sinners, however, like Eve, generally pull some else down with them. Young people, if you pull other people, do your best to pull them up, not down.

This for the parents in closing...A minister and his wife and son were crossing a stream with a horse and wagon. They were swept into the water. The minister went for help while the lad and his mother held on to a log or something in the water. Weakening in the cold water, the mother was about to let go, but was quickened with the determination to hold on after the boy said: "Mother, If you let go, I'll let go!" By the chain-reaction of your influence, help others be saved!

Monday, December 28, 2020

Warm Lake Youth Messages Part 6


"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou" WHAT GOD PURPOSED YOU TO BE. -- (PART 2)

Nehemiah 8:4 "made for the purpose"
Amos 2:11-
12 "I raised up of your sons for prophets...your young men for Nazarites.."

Romans 9:17 "for this same purpose have I raised thee up.."

Young person, be thou what God purposed you to be in The Pattern of His Image, through The Perception of His Call, and in The Power of His Spirit, and also in the following ways:

In [THE PARDON OF HIS LOVE]...William Scott was a young Union soldier from Vermont during the Civil War. The Northern Army was at Chain Bridge, an area where it was important that their watchmen be alert. But, Will Scott had been without rest for 48 hours and fell asleep at his post. Because of the danger discipline had to be maintained, and Will was court-martialed and sentenced to be shot. Someone interceded for him with President Lincoln, and the day before his execution President Lincoln appeared in Will Scott's tent. After some other conversation with him, Mr. Lincoln said: "My boy, stand up here and look me in the face. You are not going to be shot tomorrow. I believe you when you tell me that you could not keep awake. I am going to trust you and send you back to your regiment. But I have been put to a great deal of trouble on your account. I have had to come up here from Washington, when I have a great deal to do; and what I want to know is, how are you going to pay my bill?"

With a deep sense of gratitude, Will Scott mentioned various ways in which he might, in time, be able to repay his debt, at least in part. But, placing his hands on Will's shoulders, Mr. Lincoln let him know that the only way he could repay that debt was by being, in the future, the soldier he ought to be: "If from this day William Scott does his duty, so that if I should be present when he came to die, he could look me in the face as he does now, and say, 'I have kept my promise, and I have done my duty as a soldier,' then my debt will be paid. Will you make that promise and try to keep it?"'

The promise was given, and it was kept nobly. Then, in one of the battles in Pennsylvania, William Scott fell, mortally wounded, but before his death he said to his comrades: "If any of you ever have a chance, I wish you would tell President Lincoln that I have never forgotten the kind words he said to me at Chain Bridge, and, now that I am dying, I want to thank him again because he gave me the chance to fall like a soldier in battle, and not like a coward by the hands of my comrades." (from 1000 Ill.G.P.Eckman) Young person, we all need to say "Thank you again, Jesus, for providing me with the pardon of your love that gave me a second chance to be what you purposed that I should be," and then we need to demonstrate our gratitude by doing our duty unto death.

In [THE PRODUCT OF HIS WISDOM], be what God purposed you to be. He didn't make a mistake. He really did make you just like He wanted you to be physically and mentally in this life. A minister visited an institution for the "deaf and dumb," as those who could not hear or speak were once called. The purpose of his visit was to test those who were there on their spiritual or Biblical knowledge. The minister wrote on a blackboard: "Who created the heavens and the earth?" A little boy came forward, took the chalk and wrote the answer: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Then the minister wrote: "Why did Christ come?" The little boy wrote in reply: "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." Then the minister wrote a question, which, after the lad had read it, caused him to be momentarily crest-fallen: "Why did God create me able to hear and speak and create you deaf and dumb?" But God gave that little boy the answer, and he wrote on the board: "Even so Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight!" Young people, don't bemoan being what you are in the human. That "handicap" that you may have, or feel that you have could be the very thing that will help you the most to be a blessing to others and make it into heaven. "Shall the thing formed say to Him that formed it, Why hast Thou made me thus?" Ro. 9:20 The answer to that question is always, No! He knew best when He made us like we are humanly, no matter how impossible it may be to understand why He did so.

In [THE PERFECTION OF HIS WORKMANSHIP], be what God purposed you to be: "He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it -- (or, finish it, margin) -- until the day of Jesus Christ." Philip. 1:6 Among the art treasures of Rome, it has been said, there was a mysterious, unfinished statue of a barbarian king. The work was wrought with great care up to a certain point--then mysteriously, it was never finished. Why, no one seems to know. Perhaps the sculptor died, or for some other reason was simply unable to complete the good beginning he made. This never happens when Jesus is the Sculptor of one's salvation. He ever liveth and never faileth to finish what He has begun, if we allow Him to do so.

A little boy was building a snow man. He had it completed, all but one arm, when he left it. When he returned, the sun had melted his snow man into nothing but a puddle. Later, when the boy was up town with his mother, he saw a one-armed man walking down the street. Running up to this man, the little boy cried out: "Mr. Snowman! Mr. Snowman! Why did you run away before I was finished with you?!" Ha Ha! Yet, how sad it must make the Lord when someone that He is working on spiritually runs away from Him before He finishes the work which He is performing on their soul. Young person, hold steady during the grind of daily life or the fires of tribulation. He'll bring you out of it when He has finished the work He is doing for your soul.

In closing, be what God purposed you to be in [THE PURPOSE OF YOUR OWN WILL] A melancholy lawyer moved to a new town and began to immerse himself in his practice. He was observed sometimes walking along in the evening with shoulders slumped, head down, and a look of distress upon his face. One day, an artist who had a downtown studio struck up a conversation with the sad lawyer, and the lawyer told him that he had made one big mistake in his life. They parted, and for some time the lawyer didn't see that artist, but the day came when the artist invited the lawyer over to his studio to view a portrait which he had done and thought might be his masterpiece. Accepting the invitation, the lawyer was surprised to see, upon the unveiling of the painting, a portrait of himself. Only in the artist's painting he was standing straight, with head up, and a sunny look of hope and determination was seen in his countenance. Inspired by what he saw before him, that lawyer said to himself: "If he sees that in me, then I c an see that in me. If he thinks I can be that man, then I can be that man, and what is more, I WILL BE!"

Dear young person, Jesus does not simply see you as you are now. He sees what He can make of you through His grace. Like Daniel of old, purpose in your own heart and will just now to be what He purposes you to be, and you can be radiant with a positive glow of His grace from your being.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Thirteenth Bible Study of the Quarter: I Will Extoll Thee, My God

Today's lesson comes from Psalm 145: 8- 21. This psalm is a fitting conclusion for our study in the book of Psalms. It is filled with praise to God for who He is, and for what He does. As you study this psalm, make a list of God's attributes which are found in the psalm. There is much material in the lesson which you will find beneficial. 

This psalm is uniquely entitled, :David's Psalm of Praise." It is the last of the acrostic psalms with each verse starting with a consecutive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. There are no petitions in this psalm, only praise given to God. The first severn verses of the psalm begin with Davis's affirming that he will bless the Lord. The verses continue with praise for God's honor, majesty, acts, greatness, goodness, and righteousness. Our study will focus on the last fourteen verses.

The first section is "God's Magnanimous Character." vv. 8, 9 These verses express thoughts common throughout the Old Testament. Verse 8 lists four attributes of God: gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, and merciful. God’s dealing with men are evidence of His grace. He is “full of compassion.” Christ was moved with compassion when He saw men as sheep without a shepherd. He is “slow to anger.” If this was not true, we would not have had the opportunity to become born again. The nature of God is of “great mercy.” God’s mercy is full, abundant, and overflowing. “The Lord is gracious to those that serve Him; He is full of compassion to those that need Him, slow to anger to those that have offended Him, and of great mercy to all that seek Him.” (Matthew Henry)

Verse 9 says “The Lord is good to all.” One of God’s attributes is His goodness; His acts toward men flow from His nature. No man can charge God with being harsh or unfair. “There is not one individual whom God is not ready and willing to bless; not one whose happiness would not be agreeable to Him, or whose welfare He is not ready to promote.” (Albert Barnes) God desires to be good to all those that seek Him. 

The second section is “God’s Glorious Kingdom.” vv. 10-13 This portion of the lesson focuses on God's kingdom. Notice the descriptive words in this section: "glory," "power," "mighty acts," "glorious majesty," "everlasting," and "endureth." God's kingdom far exceeds any earthly kingdom or empire. Our imagination cannot begin to grasp the expanse and glory of God's rulership. the Bible commentator Matthew Henry states that verse eleven through thirteen describe the pomp, power, and perpetuity of God's kingdom. Why do God's saints speak of the glory of His kingdom and of His power? "To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the glorious majesty of his kingdom." We are to be missionaries and evangelists that God does save from all sin, both the acts of sin and the sin nature. God's kingdom is an "everlasting kingdom." Only God's kingdom will not be overthrown. Man's kingdoms come and go, but God's kingdom is eternal. While men may rebel, and Satan may rage, but God still reigns as Sovereign of the universe. "I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation." (Daniel 4: 34)

The third section is "God's Marvelous Providence." vv. 14-16 The greatness of God's kingdom is not seen in a display of power, but in the manifestation of His compassion. Yet, as great as He is, He still treats the needs of the weakest with a loving consideration. "The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that he bowed down." God helps those who are in misery and affliction, the weak and the unstable. 

Every living thing on earth was made by God. However, God did not make all things and then forsake them. He is both the Creator and the Sustainer of all living things. God gives "them their meat in due season." "God is pictured as the universal Father, providing food for every living creature." (Adam Clarke) Verse 16 speaks of God's open hand and this signifies His gracious bestowal of all that is good for mankind. He bountifully bestows His gifts upon men. Since God takes care of all the needs of the entire creation, surely He can and will take care of us. "They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing."

The fourth section is "God's Present Availability." vv. 17-21 The last section opens with two more attributes of God: righteous (just) and holy. Verses 18 through 32 tell of God's gracious actions; He is near, fulfills the desires, hears the crystal, saves, and preserves.God is the Answer for everything which an individual needs to enjoy life and make it home to heaven at last. 

Verse 17 informs u that God is righteous and holy in His works. He expects us to be the same. We are to be a holy people who live our lives completely surrendered to Him. Verse 18 states that He is near to those that call upon Him. That is a reason that owe can live holy lives is because He is close to us at all times. Verse 19 explains that He will fulfill the desires of those that fear Him. the sanctified have sanctified desires so wouldn't the Lord not want to fulfill them. Our desirers are to be holy and dedicated to Him. Verse 20 lets us know that as long as we continue to love Him, He will preserve us. This is our eternal security. Verse 21 ends the psalm as it began. David said, "I will bless thy name for ever and ever." 9v. 1) Now he calls upon all flesh to "bless his holy name for ever and ever."  "A holy heart only desires what a holy God can give." (Charles Spurgeon)

The Golden Text: "Let thy mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day." (Psalm 71: 8) We are to be committed to following the Lord all they. When we arise, our lips should praise Him. When we work, our lips and lives should praise Him. When we retire for the evening, our lips should give Him glory. This is our preparation time for eternity. 

Mu=y summary points:

1. God is full of compassion and good to all.

2. We should always be ready to give testimony to what God has done for us.

3. Those that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.

4. A holy heart wants what God wants.

Don't forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement. 

Next week begins a new quarter. We study the book of Deuteronomy. The first lesson is "A Call to Obedience." (Deuteronomy 4: 1-10)

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Warm Lake Youth Messages Part 5


"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou" WHAT GOD PURPOSED YOU TO BE. -- (PART 1)

Nehemiah 8:4 "Ezra the scribe stood upon a pulpit of wood, which they had made for the purpose.."

Amos 2:11-12 "I raised up of your sons for prophets, and of your young men for Nazarites...But ye gave the Nazarites wine to drink; and commanded the prophets, saying, Prophesy not."

Romans 9:17 "Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew My power in thee, and that My name might be declared throughout all the earth."

Each of us has been made by our Creator: "It is He that made us, and not we ourselves." Ps. 100:3 There are no self-made men. Furthermore, God made each of us for a purpose. Through the prophet Amos, God said that He had raised up their sons for the purpose of making prophets out of them, and He had raised up of their young men those whom He purposed to make Nazarites. But, tragically they were influenced away from the fulfillment of God's purpose for them by their own parents! Young Nazarites polluted their purity and young prophets did not answer God's call through the corrupt influence of their own families. Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with King Nebuchadnezzar's wine, but these young Nazarites, perhaps thinking that surely their own parents would not lead them astray, violated their vows and missed God's purpose for their lives.

Some trees had been felled and the logs were shoved down the side of the mountain to hit a stream below so as to be carried to the mill where they would be cut and planed for the purpose of building. One log, unfortunately, had reached the stream too near a back-eddy, and instead of being pulled on down stream toward the fulfillment of the purpose for which it had been cut it was completing circles over and again under the influence of this revolving current aside from the main stream. A man beheld this unfortunate log as it repeatedly circled and shot toward the main stream. It would break into the current of the main stream a little, then be pulled back into the eddy, next time to complete a wider arc and shoot toward the main stream with greater force. Up to a certain point, it would increasingly enlarge its arc and propulsion toward the main current, and at times it would be enough influenced thereby that it looked like it might escape the eddy, but it never did. Curious, the man returned in the evenin g to see if the log had broken out of its useless circles, but the man wrote: "The poor log was still there, busy as ever in not going onwards: and I went upon my journey, feeling very melancholy for this tree, and thinking there was very little hope for it." (Dict. Ill. #4539)

Young person, don't let anyone, devil or human, influence you out of the mainstream of God's purpose for your life. You can spend a lifetime going in useless, vain circles and doing nothing of eternal value. What is more, once you are caught in that back-eddy, you may never escape!

Be thou what God purposed you to be in [THE PATTERN OF HIS IMAGE]. God made us after His likeness in order to reflect His noble image. The King of Prussia once visited a school, and holding up an orange he asked: "To what kingdom does this belong?" The Vegetable kingdom," answered a little girl. Then, holding up a gold coin, he asked: "To what kingdom does this belong?" The little girl answered: "The Mineral Kingdom". Then, the king asked her, "And to what kingdom do I belong?" The little girl blushed, not wanting to identify her king as belonging to the Animal kingdom. Then, suddenly she remembered the scripture which says that God created man in his image, and she replied: "To God's Kingdom, sire!" A tear stood in the king's eye, and placing his hand upon her head, he said, "God grant that I may be counted worthy of that kingdom." Oh, young people, may God help us fulfill the noble purpose of reflecting His image and belonging to His kingdom for time and eternity.

In Greek mythology it is, perhaps, that the story is told of Grillus, a man who had been turned into a hog. Eulysses wanted to change him back into a man, but Grillus would have none of that. When asked if he took no account of the finer things such as poetry, music, and eloquence, Grillus let it be known that he would rather "oink" than be eloquent. Referring to the filthy pig-sty in which he who had once been a man was now wallowing, Eulysses asked Grillus: "How can you endure this nastiness and stench?" "It all depends on the taste," oinked Grillus, "The odor is sweeter than amber to me, and the filth than the nectar of the gods!"

Young person, "God hath made man upright," Ecc. 7:29, but a world of individuals are so degenerated from that purpose that they actually enjoy the nastiness of sin more than the nectar of salvation. Don't join that crowd, or you may end up lower than an animal.

Be thou what God purposed you to be through [THE PERCEPTION OF HIS CALL]: "God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not...Then He openeth the ears of men...That He may withdraw man from his purpose.." Morally and spiritually speaking, most men and women today are purposing to be pigs rather than to be pure. God speaks but man's ears are plugged with the mud of sin. God has to open dirty ears before they can hear the message of God's pure purpose. Then, when fallen, filthy man's ears are opened through the convicting power of the Holy Ghost, He says: "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost...therefore glorify God in your body and spirit which are God's!... Come out from among them -- (the pig's and husks of sin) -- and I will receive you.." Young person, have you perceived the purity of God's purpose for you life? Then come out from among those whose filthy influence defiles all who touch them, and be washed in the blood of Christ and separated unto the gospel.

Be thou what God purposed you to be in [THE POWER OF GOD'S SPIRIT]: "For this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew My power in thee.." Whether it be negatively, as in the case of Pharoah, or positively, as in the case of Moses, God always raises us up for the purpose of manifesting His power in us. The man who wrote the story of the circling log caught in the back-eddy entitled it: "Want of Purpose". I have a better name: "Want of Power".

There was no lack of purpose for that log it would appear, simply a lack of power. That log needed to be hooked on to some external power to pull it out of the influence of the back-eddy and into the mainstream of its purpose. Hallelujah! When I too was caught in the back-eddy of sin, some looking on at my useless circling may have turned away with the melancholy feeling that there was very little hope for me. And, "You're doomed now for aye," I heard satan shout, then Jesus reached down, and lifted me out! Young person, in yourself, or in others, you wil l never find the power to escape the meaningless spin of a useless life in the grip of satan, but don't give up all hope. You can be free. Turn to Jesus. Cry to Him. Yield your all to Him. "His power can make you what you ought to be." He will reach down and pull you, even you, out of satan's grasp.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Three Christmas Stories


From "Striking Illustrations" by H. C. Morrison

It was during Christmas week that I was placed under arrest and dragged into court. I was a very small boy, in my fourteenth year; I would be fourteen years of age the tenth of the coming March. I was caught in the act; there was no excuse, there seemed to be no help or hope. I was guilty, I was thrust into the prisoners' dock, the gate was slammed, and a big policeman leaned on the gate, and seemed to look at me with a degree of satisfaction at the thought that he had me, and that I was sure of punishment.

I felt utterly helpless; I could not even weep, I had wept all the tears out of my system; I was dry and emotionless, except I was crushed to the very earth with a sense of my guilt and lostness. The judge was in his big chair but I did not dare look at him. I had no hope for mercy, and I knew that justice would be my ruin.

The courthouse was packed with people; they were gazing at me, as I crouched in the corner of the dock, with looks of accusation which seemed to say, Judge, give him the full benefit of the law and save society from further trouble. Finally, the clerk announced the opening of the court and my case came first. The judge asked the clerk if the boy had any one to represent him. Represent was a new word to me; I supposed my representative was to be my executioner. The clerk answered that I had no one. The judge then said to a lawyer within the bar, I appoint you to represent this boy. The lawyer arose and walking slowly forward, picking his way among the chairs, approached the dock, pushed the policeman to one side, opened the gate and stepped inside the dock. I, withered with fear, crouched closely in my corner, and with eyes wide open with horror, gazed up at my lawyer. He had a wonderful face; it was strong and calm, full of kindness and marvelous beauty. I noticed a tear hanging on his eyelashes; that tear helped me wonderfully. He sat down and slipped his arm around me. It seemed that my very bones had dropped out of their sockets and I was scarcely breathing below my collar button. My attorney drew me up to him; the pressure was so gentle, and yet so strong, it seemed to restore and readjust my bones, relax my nerves, and I commenced to breathe more deeply. Stooping down his silken beard brushed over my suntanned face, and placing his lips close to my ear, he said, "My little friend, are you guilty?" I could not have lied to him if it had been to save my life. With trembling voice I answered, "Yes sir, I am guilty of much more than they know about." "Well," said he, "do you not think it will be best for us to confess judgment and throw you on the mercy of the court?" I did not know what it meant to be thrown on the mercy of the court, but I felt sure that if he would throw me I would alight in the best place there was for me, and I at once answered in the affirmative. My lawyer gave me a gentle pat on the head, and stood up facing the judge.

He said: "Please your Honor, it has been my privilege to practice for many years in your Honor's court, and I have been glad to notice that when the ends of justice can be secured, and society can be protected, it has been your Honor's prerogative to show mercy. I thank the court for appointing me to plead in the interest of this little boy. He confesses his guilt. His heart is broken, he is full of contrition; he has been an orphan from his infancy and is dependent and moneyless, and begs for compassion."

I reached out my soiled, lean fingers and caught hold of the skirt of my attorney's coat. I clung to him with the feeling that if I would hold onto him he would pull me out. I thought his speech was finished but it was a mere introduction. A deep stillness fell upon the great gathering of people and his mellow voice rose until it filled the great room with a most marvelous appeal. He spoke of orphan children, of their loneliness, of their unprotected condition, of the temptations to which they were subjected, of their desolation, like lambs without a shepherd in a world full of hungry wolves seeking to destroy. He spoke until the harsh people softened, old men groaned aloud. He spoke until the tears trickled down the policeman's cheek and looking kindly at me he whispered to know if I did not want a drink of water. I was too busy clinging to the coat-tail of my attorney, gazing into his wonderful face, and listening to his marvelous words, to want anything else. I was breathing deep, new life and hope were creeping into me. I was falling desperately in love with my lawyer.

My attorney said, "Please your Honor, if you in the spirit of mercy, will dismiss the charges and set the lad free, I pledge myself to become his guardian, to see to it that he has a home and protection. I will look after his education and I promise to give to society a good and useful citizen.

I could scarcely keep from crying aloud for joy. It seemed my heart would burst within me for gratitude. I felt as if they would let me place my ragged shoes upon the bench upon which I sat, and throw my ragged coat sleeve about the neck of my attorney and kiss his cheek one time, they might take me out and hang me, and I would die shouting.

In the midst of his wonderful address my attorney, instead of addressing the judge as "Your Honor," said, "My Father." This shot through me. I saw that if the judge had appointed his own son to plead for me it was more than likely that he would heed his pleadings and show me mercy. Men were weeping all over the courthouse. I had both hands full of the skirts of the coat of my lawyer; the policeman had laid aside his cap, had gotten out his handkerchief, and had buried his face in a flood of tears. It was a powerful moment in my trial; my attorney had reached his climax. He exclaimed, "My father, this child for whom I plead is none other than my brother." I saw at once that if the judge was the father of my attorney, and the attorney was my brother, then the judge was my father also. I could restrain myself no longer. I gave a great cry of joy, leaped out of the dock, rushed up into the judge's stand and flung myself upon his bosom. He embraced me with a long, tender pressure that seemed to make me through and through a new creature. Folding me in his arms he stood up and said, "Rejoice with me, for my son who was dead is alive, who was lost is found." The entire crowd in the courthouse broke into tears and laughter. The people embraced each other; they all seemed to want to shake hands with me. They congratulated my attorney, and we laughed, and wept, and shouted together.

I hardly need tell you that the courthouse was a Methodist Church, that the trial was an old-time revival, that the Word of God arrested me and brought me, convicted and guilty, to the bar of justice; that the eternal Father was the Judge upon the throne, and that the Lord Jesus Christ was the attorney who plead my case, won my pardon, and secured my eternal salvation.

I look back with fondest memory to that great occasion when bowed and burdened with guilt, bound with sin, Jesus Christ undertook for me, broke my chains, swept away my guilt, and at the throne of the universe secured for me a full and free forgiveness, a blessed and glorious pardon, and revealed the blessed fact that the great God -- the Judge of all the world -- was, and is, my Father in heaven.

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From "Thrilling Stories," by Julia A. Shelhamer

Some years ago, while conducting a series of meetings in Michigan City, I was asked to preach to the convicts in the State prison. I sat on the platform with the governor of the prison and watched the prisoners march in -- 700 men, young and old. They marched in lock-step, every man's hand on the shoulder of the man before him. At the word of command they sat down. Among that number there were seventy-six lifers," men who had been committed to prison for life for the crime of murder.

After the singing I arose to preach, but could hardly speak for weeping. Disregarding all the rules of the prison, in my earnestness to help the poor, fallen men, I left the platform and walked down the aisle among them, taking one, and then another by the hand and praying for him. At the end of the row of men who were committed for murder sat a man who more than his fellows seemed marked by sin's blighting curse. His face was seamed and ridged with scars and marks of vice and sin... I placed my hand upon his shoulder and wept and prayed with and for him.

When the service was over, the governor said to me, "Do you know you have broken the rules of the prison by leaving the platform?" "Yes, governor, but I never can keep any rule while preaching. And I did want to get up close to the poor, despairing fellows and pray for them, and tell them of the love of Jesus the Savior. 'He came to seek and to save that which was lost. This Man (Jesus) receiveth sinners and eateth with them.'" (Luke 19:10; 15:2.)

"Do you remember," said the governor, "the man at the end of the line in the lifers' row, whom you prayed with? Would you like to hear his history?"

"Yes," I answered, gladly.

"Well, here it is in brief. Tom Galson was sent here about eight years ago for the crime of murder. He was, without doubt, one of the most desperate and vicious characters we had ever received, and, as was expected, gave us a great deal of trouble.

"One Christmas Eve, about six years ago, duty compelled me to spend the night at the prison, instead of at home, as I had anticipated. Early in the morning, while it was yet dark, I left the prison for my home, my pockets full of presents for my little girl. It was a bitter cold morning, and I buttoned my overcoat up to protect myself from the cutting wind that swept in from the lake. As I hurried along, I thought I saw somebody skulking in the shadow of the prison wall. I stopped and looked a little more closely, and then saw a little girl, wretchedly clothed in a thin dress; her bare feet thrust into a pair of shoes much the worse for wear. In her hand she held, tightly clasped, a small paper parcel. Wondering who she was, and why she was out so early in the morning, and yet too weary to be interested, I hurried on. But I soon heard that I was being followed. I stopped, and turned around, and there before me stood the same wretched-looking child.

"'What do you want?' I asked sharply. 'Are you the governor of the prison, sir?' 'Yes, who are you, and why are you not at home?' 'Please, sir, I have no home; mamma died in the poorhouse two weeks ago, and she told me just before she died that papa (that Tom Galson) was in prison, and she thought that maybe he would like to see his little girl, now that mamma is dead. Please, can't you let me see my papa? Today is Christmas, and I want to give him a present.'

"'No,' I replied gruffly, 'you will have to wait until visitors' day,' and started on. I had not gone many steps when I felt a pull at my coat, and a pleading voice said, 'Please, don't go.' I stopped once more, and looked into the pinched, beseeching face before me. Great tears were in her eyes, while her little chin quivered with emotion.

"'Mister,' she said, 'if your little girl was me, and your girl's mamma had died in the poorhouse, and her papa was in the prison, and she had no place to go and no one to love her, don't you think she would like to see her papa? If it was Christmas, and your little girl came to me, if I was governor of the prison, and asked me to please let me see her papa to give him a Christmas present, don't you -- don't you think I would say yes?'

"By this time a great lump was in my throat, and my eyes were swimming in tears. I answered, 'Yes, my little girl, I think you would, and you shall see your papa, and, taking her hand, I hurried back to the prison, thinking of my own fair-haired little girl at home. Arriving in my office, I bade her come near the warm stove, while I sent a guard to bring No.37 from his cell. As soon as he came into the office he saw the little girl. His face clouded with an angry frown, and in a gruff, savage tone he snapped out:

"'Nellie, what are you doing here; what do you want? Go back to your mother.' 'Please, papa,' sobbed the little girl, 'mamma's dead. She died two weeks ago in the poorhouse, and before she died she told me to take care of little Jimmie, because you loved him so; and told me to tell you she loved you, too -- but, papa' -- and here her voice broke in sobs and tears -- 'Jimmie died, too, last week, and now I am alone, papa, and today's Christmas, papa, and -- and I thought, maybe as you loved Jimmie, you would like a little Christmas present from him.'

"Here she unrolled the little bundle she held in her hand, until she came to a little package of tissue paper, from which she took out a little fair curl, and put it in her father's hand, saying, as she did so: 'I cut it from dear little Jimmie's head, papa, just afore they buried him.'

"No.37 by this time was sobbing like a child and so was I. Stooping down, 37 picked up the little girl, pressed her convulsively to his breast, while his great frame shook convulsively with suppressed emotion.

"The scene was too sacred for me to look upon, so I softly opened the door and left them alone. In about an hour I returned. No.37 sat near the stove, with his little daughter on his knee. He looked at me sheepishly for a moment, and then said, 'Governor, I haven't any money; then suddenly stripping off his prison jacket, he said, 'Don't let my little girl go out this bitter cold day with that thin dress. Let me give her this coat. I'll work early and late; I'll do anything, I'll be a man. Please, governor, let me cover her with this coat.' Tears were streaming down the face of the hardened man.

"'No, Galson" I said, 'keep your coat; your little girl shall not suffer. I'll take her to my home and see what my wife can do for her.' 'God bless you,' sobbed Galson. I took the girl to my home. She remained with us a number of years, and became a true Christian by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ."

Tom Galson also became a Christian, and on a subsequent visit to the prison the governor said to me, "Would you like to see Tom Galson, whose story I told you a few years ago?" "Yes, I would," I answered. He took me down a quiet street, and stopping at a neat home, knocked at the door. The door was opened by a cheerful woman, who greeted the governor with the utmost cordiality. We went in and then the governor introduced me to Nellie and her father, who, because of his reformation, had received pardon, and was now living an upright Christian life with his daughter, whose little Christmas gift had broken his hard heart. --Anon.

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From "2700-Plus Sermon Illustrations" Compiled By Duane V. Maxey

A tired-looking woman entered a grocery store and asked the owner for enough food to make a Christmas dinner for her children. When he inquired how much she could afford, she answered, "My husband was killed in an accident. Truthfully, I have nothing to offer but a little prayer." Although the man was unmoved at first, he thought of a clever response to the woman's simple request.

"Write your prayer on a piece of paper and you can have its weight in groceries," he said sarcastically. To his surprise, she plucked a folded note out of her pocket and handed it to him saying, "I already did that during the night while I was watching over my sick baby." Without even reading it, he put it on one side of his old-fashioned scales. "We shall see how much food this is worth," he muttered.

To his dismay nothing happened when he put a loaf of bread on the other side. But he was even more upset when he added other items and it would not balance. Finally he blurted out, "Well, that's all it will hold anyway. Here's a bag. You'll have to put these things in yourself. "I'm busy!" With a tearful "Thank you," the lady went happily on her way. The grocer later discovered that the scales were out of order.

As the years passed he often wondered if that was just a coincidence. Why did the woman have the prayer already written before he asked for it? Why did she come at exactly the time the mechanism broke? Whenever he looks at the slip of paper which bears that mother's petition, he is amazed, for it reads, "Please, dear Lord, give us this day our daily, bread!"

Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Heart Warming Christmas Eve Story


From "Victory Out Of Defeat" By Lovick Pierce Driskell

I secured a position on the Atlanta Fire Department working for them as a city fireman for eight years. The next Christmas [in 1912 or 1913] after I went to the Fire Department God was dealing with my heart, though I was deep in sin and far away from Him. On a cold, bleak winter evening just before Christmas there was a knock on the fire station door by one of the most emaciated women with a little baby in her arms. Providentially, I went to the door. They both looked like they were almost frozen. I raised my cap and said, "Kind lady can I do something for you?" With a weak, tired voice she said, "May I come in and warm?" Then I said, "Certainly you may" She came in and related one of the saddest stories that I ever heard. She said, "My husband and I lived in Chattanooga, he was taken sick and died some days ago with galloping consumption, which is a horrible disease. We used all the money that I had to lay my dear loved one away. I have a brother in Brunswick, Ga. I have walked most of the distance from Chattanooga to Atlanta trying to make it to my brother's so that my baby and I may not starve."

That poor woman had walked until blood was oozing out of her shoes while she stood there by the warm fire and related her touching experience. My heart was stirred as I was always tenderhearted regardless of my sin and revelry. I said to her, "Lady, are you not hungry?" She looked up kindly and said, "Fireman, I can't tell you how hungry I am." I excused myself for just a minute and hurried to a cafe and bought some food for her, spending all the money that I had but one dime. When the waiter of food was presented to them how grateful that poor mother and baby were and I don't think there was a dry eye among nineteen firemen.

Then I said to the captain of my company, W. B. Cody, who was later made chief, "May I take an offering for this lady and baby, and pay their way on the train to Brunswick, Ga.?" I said with tears in my eyes, "I have only one dime, but how welcome she is to that." The offering was taken. A visitor that came to see us often, a good citizen of Atlanta, Mr. Gus Ryan, was present. He pulled out his pocket book quickly and said, "Driskell, here's five dollars for the kind woman." I don't think there was a fireman that did not help liberally in that offering. After she was through eating I said "Kind lady, though there is no one here but men, if you will let me, I will be glad to get you a basin of hot water, and let you bathe your feet." She agreed to do so. I brought the water and how grateful she seemed to be for that! She bathed the child some, and soaked her tired bleeding feet.

While this was being done some of the boys asked her what number shoe she wore. She replied, "No. 4 in EE last." They slipped out and bought her a good pair of shoes that were soft and comfortable, and a good pair of hose. After soaking and drying her feet and thanking us for our unfailing kindness, and assuring us that she trusted that if she did not see our faces again that she would meet us in heaven. That was an hour that I will never forget. Then my captain said to one of the boys, "Will you take the good woman and carry her to the railroad terminal and buy her ticket out of the offering that was taken, and give her what money was left." So, this was done and how happy all of our hearts were made to feel, and though I was in sin, I thought of the scripture found in Heb. 13:2, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unaware." Having given away all the money that I had to the dear woman, which was not but a few pennies, how God did honor my gift!

A few moments after the experience just related someone knocked at the fire station door, and said there is a bale of cotton afire in an office in the Candler Building, which was just one block from our station. This was in the fall when everyone was encouraged to buy a bale of cotton. This gentleman had purchased this bale of cotton and put it in his office, which it was nothing uncommon that fall to see bales of cotton sitting in offices in show windows. My captain told me and my partner, Ed Carwild, to take an ax and a fire extinguisher and go at once and put out the fire, but after we arrived we saw that the cotton would have to be removed from the office at once. This was done, some of the tires were cut from the bale of cotton and the fire was put out, but the owner of the cotton was afraid to have it put back in the office, so he asked me to take charge of the cotton for safekeeping during the night, I got a truck and carried it to the fire station.

To my surprise, the next morning the owner of the cotton came by the fire station and asked me if I would like to buy the bale of cotton. I said, "I would," not having the first dime to pay down on it. I asked what he would take for it, and he said, " $10.'" I used some diplomacy. I said, "May I come to the office in a few hours and bring the $10?" He said, Certainly. I got off a few minutes from my duties and hurried down to a large cotton warehouse, and sold the bale of cotton for $46 cash. They came and got the cotton, paid me my money, and I hurried to the office and gave the man his $10.

As that was Christmas Eve Day wasn't I a happy soul! I had given away the last few pennies I had to the needy woman the evening before, -- the Lord had replaced it several hundredfold. This and many other incidents in my life showed me the importance of giving my life to the Lord! "Cast thy bread upon the 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Warm Lake Youth Messages Part 4


"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou" ON TARGET SPIRITUALLY. -- (PART 2)

Judges 20:16 "Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men left-handed; every one could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss."

David did not miss when he slew Goliath, and with about one exception he was "on target" spiritually throughout his entire life. Saul, on the other hand, was only "on target" spiritually about one time and then "missed it" throughout the remainder of his life. He missed David with his javelin and journeys of extermination. He missed God's will for his life, and probably missed heaven.

In part one of this message we discussed how that it matters not whether some worldly, sports target is hit. People rejoice like they were about to enter the pearly gates when their champion hits the mark or their team wins in some athletic contest, and yet think it strange if we get demonstrative when someone hits the target spiritually at an altar of prayer. Yet, there is far more cause for rejoicing when someone gets "on target" spiritually and eternally than there is when even some noble, worthwhile, earthly goal is achieved.

We discussed in part one how that being "on target" spiritually: (1) concentrates on Striking The Source, and (2) eliminates Symptoms. Let us now consider a third thought: Being "on target" spiritually necessitates Action!

Ya can't hit the target if you never pull the trigger. Ahithophel counseled Absalom to act immediately in his effort to dethrone his father, David. Indeed it was a bad cause involved here, but nonetheless it was good counsel. But, instead of marshaling all of his forces and immediately attacking David, Absalom followed the opposite advice, delayed too long, and made himself the target of 3 darts which pierced his heart. Those who aim too long spiritually without firing their shot which could bring them victory often become the devil's target and are destroyed by him before they ever "pull the trigger". A boastful soldier during the Spanish-American War said: "The bullet has not yet been forged that will kill me." The words were scarcely out of his mouth when he was struck and killed by the missile which he fancied had not even been made yet!

In another, somewhat humorous, and probably fictitious, story, a soldier related how that he was not concerned about a missile hitting him that "had his name on it," but he was worried about one coming his way marked: "To Whom It May Concern". Spiritually concerned individuals endeavor to hit their target before being hit as satan's mark.

Let us note here 4 aspects of the action which put deeply concerned individuals "on target" spiritually:

[CHOOSING THE RIGHT WEAPON]...Don Mantoen, the husband of one of my wife's cousins, was in the Pacific theater during World War II. A bombardier approached him with one of the thin cross-hairs broken on his bomb-sight. They didn't have any replacements, but Don contrived the idea of putting a spider-web in the "bomb-sight" and he did so. The plane that bombardier was in made a pass over a Japanese ship. The bombardier zeroed-in with that "spider-web" bomb-sight and the bomb was dropped. I was told that the bomb went right down the smokestack of that ship! Hallelujah! I took the weapon of God's Word, lined up with it, and God dropped the bomb of second-blessing holiness right down the devil's smokestack and killed the old

man dead in the water! Some folks have far less faith in the accuracy of God's Word than they would have in a "spider-web" bomb-sight, but that doesn't change things one bit. It works!

[CHOOSING THE RIGHT AMMUNITION]...You need bullets big enough to bring down the game you're after, and if you're smart you don't shoot bee-bees at a bear. And wise warriors are not nearly as concerned about how much noise their shell makes as they are about how much "knock-down" punch their bullets have. As a matter of fact, too much noise can be a hindrance or hazard sometimes.

Let us consider what the proper ammunition for several spiritual targets is: It takes the bullet of confession to kill guilt. Emotion just won't do the job. It takes the rocket of radical repentance to bring down rebellion. Tears don't even make a dent on the hardened monster. It takes the missile of death-to-self to destroy the old man. A trip to the altar poses no threat in itself. It takes the fire-bomb of truth to expose and explode falsehood. Human rationalization never reveals the need. And, it takes the arrow of faith to pierce the heart of doubt and unbelief. Feeling has little effect. Young person, if you use the right ammunition you will destroy the target of your spiritual problem, because God will propel it and empower it with the mighty power of the Holy Ghost.

[REFUSING TO SPARE THE TARGET]...Saul spared Agag, the heart of the target God told him to destroy. During the Franco-Prussian War, a French gunner named Pierre Hurlat was asked by his general to fire upon a little French cottage in a town which was then occupied by the Germans. A cold sweat came over Pierre after receiving this order, but in obedience to his superior's request he pointed the yawning embrasure of his gun toward the little house and fired. The cottage was demolished, but tears began to course down Pierre's cheeks. "Why, Pierre," asked his commander, "What's the matter?" "Ah, General," replied the old French gunner, "It was my own house!" Its pretty easy to fire without pity or mercy upon another person's need. It calls for death to self when pulling the trigger on your own.

President Herbert Hoover, the Republican president credited with bringing on the Great Depression by some, once visited Charleston, West Virginia, a Democratic area where he was not popular. However, they gave him a 21-gun salute on the occasion. After the last gun had boomed, a heckler in the crowd said: "They missed him!" Well, of course they missed him, for the guns were not fired at him to execute him but for him to honor him and may have been only blanks. Thus it may be too when one is seeking holiness. 21 loud trips to a public altar could be nothing more than loud, harmless, blanks fired in the old man's honour instead of for his execution. There need not necessarily be any loud, public display when zeroing-in and firing on your need, just a total determination to spare nothing Christ tells you to aim at and then the total destruction of that thing by His power.

[USING YOUR ONLY OPPORTUNITY]..I noticed a sign, perhaps about a mile from the entrance to the Warm Lake Campground, which read: "No Shooting Back Of This Sign". And young person, there is a line which one can cross beyond which all spiritual shooting is prohibited by the Lord. All opportunity to get "on target" spiritually is then forever past. Saul apparently crossed that line and "missed it" forever as countless numbers like him have done. In reality, we only have 1 opportunity to "hit the mark" spiritually, and that is "Now...while it is called Today.

Don't assume that you'll get another "shot at it" somewhere beyond right now, for you may not. Get ready, aim, and fire right now on the target of your need. Tomorrow may be forever too late!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Warm Lake Youth Messages Part 3


"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou" ON TARGET SPIRITUALLY. -- (PART 1)

Judges 20:16 "Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men left-handed; every one could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss."

When I was a lad, lost in the world, the home team was behind by 1 point at the basketball game with just seconds left to play. One of our boys got the ball and dribbled to about mid-court and threw up a desperation shot. Our eyes were glued on that ball...would it be on target and bring victory for Payette, or would it miss and bring victory for the opposing team? I have your attention now, don't I? But the fact of the matter is, who won that game was of little importance, while whether one is "on target" spiritually is eternally important. Young people who concentrate on worldly targets often "miss it" eternally. But, yes, Sherman Swisher, the Payette lad, made "a swisher" and Payette won the game. Pandemonium broke loose! We yelled and screamed in exultation, and went home just as lost and "off target" eternally as before that ball went through the center of the hoop.

I remember also, when we were swerving so far astray from the heavenly mark, listening to a radio program which played new, popular songs and the M.C. would ask a panel of judges: "Will it be a Hit, or a Miss?" Once again, it really didn't matter what it was. As a matter of fact, young people, generally whatever is a Hit with the world is a Miss with God.

Now-a-days I have been known to "whoop it up" when someone hits the target spiritually at an altar of prayer. Of course while the world "goes wild" when their man hits the mark athletically, they think us insane for getting even slightly excited when the one we have been praying for "strikes fire" spiritually at the altar. Poor, deluded world! Young person, we'd better be a miss in the eyes of the world if that's what it takes to be a hit with God.

David did not miss when he slung that stone at Goliath, and, with one exception, he was "on target" spiritually all through his life. Saul, on the other hand, not only missed the target when

he threw javelins at David, but he "missed it" most of the time throughout his life and probably forever. Young person, be thou "on target" spiritually, and consider these facts about being so:

Being "on target" spiritually concentrates on [STRIKING THE SOURCE]: "I will smite the king only: and I will bring back all the people unto thee: the man whom thou seekest is as if all returned: so all the people shall be in peace." 2 Sam. 17:2-3 Here we see that one man, the king, was the source of the opposition, and Ahithophel counseled Absalom to concentrate on striking him. It was for a bad cause in this case, but it was good counsel nonetheless. Young person, don't concentrate first on the perimeter of your spiritual problem, but aim at the center of your need. Behind every symptom is a source. Strike at getting rid of the source. The source of fear is often guilt; behind sinning is rebellion; beneath carnal uprisings is the old man; in back of the smoke screen of confusion is falsehood, and the fountain of anxiety is doubt. You will miss the mark unless you aim straight at the source of your problem.

Being "on target" spiritually eliminates [SYMPTOMS]: "the man whom thour seekest is as if all the people returned.." Two wordly friends visited Coney Island, and the last attraction they went to was a shooting gallery where they had celluloid balls being bounce up and down on jets of water. A man worked a mechanical pump and the marksman was to take a certain number of shots at those balls to see how many he could knock down. The first of the two friends fired every one of his shots and didn't hit even one of those elusive, bouncing balls. Then, his friend took careful aim, fired one shot, and every one of those balls disappeared! His companion said: "Bill, that's the best shooting I ever saw on earth! How in the world did you do it!?" Bill replied: "I shot the fellow working the pump!" Ha Ha! Take that story "with a grain of salt," but anyway, it illustrates how striking at the source eliminates symptoms, if your're catching on. When the man working the pump was eliminated, than all the uprising symptoms of his work were eliminated with him. And, so it is when the old man is eliminated, or any other source of a spiritual problem.

Striking the source not only eliminates symptoms immediately and totally, it also eliminates them eternally. You remember how the Philistines shaved Samson's hair, but didn't destroy the source of that hair on his head--the roots. As a result, in time "the hairs of his head began to grow again after he was shaven." Judges 16:22 They shaved Samson, but he regained his strength and slew them! Its the same way with the old man of indwelling sin, children. If you just shave off the symptoms of carnality without getting the roots destroyed he will regain his power over you, rise up and pull your spiritual house down on top of you. Don't take the old man to the barbershop for a haircut. Take him to the cross for an execution! Then his symptoms will die forever with him! Consider this scripture: "out of the Serpent's root shall come forth...a fiery flying serpent...I will kill thy root." Hallelujah! Jesus will slay the serpent's root in you and then you will no longer explode like lying serpent yourself when your carnality is crossed, agitated, and ignited! Isa. 14:29-30

Monday, December 21, 2020

Warm Lake Youth Messages Part 2


"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou" DELIVERED.

1 Sam. 17:37 "David said moreover, The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion,.. will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine."

Ps. 18:16-19 "He sent from above, He took me, He drew me out of many waters. He delivered me from my strong enemy.."

David was victorious because he was delivered. Let us consider some of the ways in which you must be delivered if you are to be really victorious spiritually. Since victory depends upon it:

Be thou delivered from [THIS PRESENT EVIL WORLD]: Christ "gave Himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world.." Gal. 1:4 Young person, you cannot be "of the world" and "in victory" at the same time, for "If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." I Jn. 3:15 The world questions whether our God really satisfies us if we worship their gods: "Wherefore hast thou stolen my gods?" Gen. 31:30 When a professing Christian "steals" into one of the shrines of their pleasure gods such as the theater, dance hall, carnival, sports arena, skating rink, or bowling alley, the world has a right to wonder why that one thirsts for a drink from the cup of their gods if the cup of the Lord completely satisfies the longing of the soul. The fact is, we don't need the world's gods or gadgets to slake our spiritual thirst when the Holy Ghost abides in his fullness. "All the world's fleeting joys are like poor, broken toys" in comparison with the inward, pure "pleasures forevermor e" which the sanctified have even now begun to enjoy.

Christ delivers from this present evil world: (1) By taking the world out of us: "he hath set the world in their heart.." Ecc. 3:11 Worldliness is a heart condition, first and foremost, and when worldliness is taken out of one's heart through real regeneration then "There's no thirsting for the things of the world they've taken wings!" Hallelujah! Then, (2) By taking us out of the world: "He sent from above, He took me, He drew me out of many waters.." Pharaoh's daughter called the babe that she drew out of the waters of the Nile, Moses, meaning "Drawn out". She drew him out of the Nile, but God sent from above, took him, and drew him out of Egypt, a type of the world, then used Moses greatly to draw all of His people out of Egypt. And young person, when you are drawn out of this present evil world through real Holy Ghost conviction taking ahold of you, and real Holy Ghost salvation entering into you, then your influence on God's people will be right too. You won't be one of those who "draw back unto perdi tion those who follow you, but one who draws others out of the Egypt of sin and worldliness.

Be thou delivered from [EVERY EVIL WORK]: "The Lord shall deliver me from every evil work.." II Tim. 4:18 Those who make it into the heavenly kingdom will be those who have been delivered from every evil work done by themselves, and every evil work done by others against them. "Deliver me from all my transgressions," Ps.39:8, and "let not any iniquity have dominion over me." Ps.119:133 There is not one sinful practice which Jesus cannot free you from, "For sin shall not have dominion over you" when you get in the kingdom of God and "under grace"! Ro. 6:4 Furthermore, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper" when you are Christ's.

Be thou delivered from [GUILT & FEAR]: "Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God.." Ps. 51:14 Christ came to "deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage." Heb. 2:15 "All their lifetime," it says. What a tragedy for one's life and character to be warped by a constant fear of death and a sense of guilt when Jesus has provided a way to be free from all this! Guilt and fear have driven some to ridiculous extremes in the effort to shield

themselves from anything which might endanger their life. Mental wards are filled with people, who when they were young, began to be twisted mentally by guilt and fear, until now hypochondria, paranoia, or some like disorder, has rendered them unable to cope with life or fit into normal society. Christ is the answer. Hallelujah! He delivers from the crippling, warping bondage of guilt and fear. Young person, don't be distorted by these things, be delivered!!

Be thou delivered from [THE BODY OF DEATH]: "O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from this body of death?" Ro. 7:24 Certain ones sentenced to death in Paul's time had the body of the one whom they had murdered bound to their own body, face to face. Alluding to this, Paul depicts the decaying, slow, but certain death spiritually which the unsanctified will experience unless freed from the corrupt and putrid old man that gradually decays and destroys the new man. No doubt in those Roman days, only one with the proper authority could exert the power needed to cut loose and remove such a body of death, or maybe no one ever could legally, I don't know. But I do know that Christ has both the Divine authority and power to free you from the awful, decaying influence of the old man. He has done it for countless thousands, He did it for me, and He will do it for you. If you aren't soon delivered from him, the rotten old man will eventually cause your spirit and attitude to stink, or he will decay your spi ritual life some way. Be delivered from him now.

There is also the danger of being suddenly slain spiritually by the deceitfulness and desperate wickedness of the carnal nature:

A Florida school boy was waiting for his school bus and saw a beautiful coral snake lying there in the sun. He touched it. It did not seem dangerous, and apparently seemed docile, like something that would make a good pet, so he picked it up and put it into his shirt pocket right near his heart. That snake nestled there harmlessly and peacefully on his bus ride to school, while he attended classes that morning, and even when he batted the ball and ran the bases during recess. But when they lined up to go back into the school building after recess, he collided with the student in front of him and the "riled" snake suddenly struck! The coral snake's poison paralyzes the respiratory system, and the boy fell to the ground gasping for breath and was soon dead, the victim of a deceitfully beautiful and docile, but deadly "pet".

Young person, don't make a pet out of carnal self. Carnality can doll up so prettily, and yet destroy you spiritually so suddenly! Let Jesus remove it from the pocket of your heart before it is "riled," rises up and strikes you down into the dust of spiritual defeat and death.

Be thou delivered from [TEMPTATION]: 2 Peter 2:7,9 tell us that God "delivered..Lot," and "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation.." God delivered Lot from temptation by pulling him out of its environment. Often the best defence is not a good offence, but rather a good fence between you and that which tempts you to evil and a good distance between yourself and temptation.

Be thou delivered from [THE WRATH TO COME]: "Who hath warned (us) to flee from the wrath to come?" Mt. 3:7 "Jesus, (Who) delivered us from the wrath to come.." I Thes. 1:9-10 He has done so "because there is wrath" to come upon all of the impenitent ungodly. We must

"beware lest" we ever doubt that like Lot's two sons-in-law and perish with this wicked world by failing to come out of it and stay out of it. Job 36:18; Gen. 19:14

Be thou delivered from [YOUR STRONG ENEMY]: "He delivered me from my strong enemy.." Goliath was gigantic, and Saul was "from his shoulders and upward... higher than any of the people," but God delivered David from both of these strong enemies. The first fell suddenly, and the latter fell finally and young person though the thing which threatens your spiritual life looms large, like Goliath, or has hounded you long, like Saul, God will deliver you from it. That which is too mighty for you to defeat in your own strength, God will deliver you from by the power of the Holy Ghost. Believe that, obey the Lord, trust Him, and watch your giant fall. Be thou delivered!