Monday, March 30, 2020

How They Entered Canaan Rev. John Fletcher Part 2

BLJ: Enjoy the conclusion of the testimony of this saintly man of God.

        The fullest account of how Fletcher obtained this deeper inward experience is given in a letter written by the famous Spirit-filled Hester Ann Rogers. Describing a meeting held in 1781, she says: "When I entered the room, where they were assembled, the heavenly man (Fletcher) was giving out the following verses with such animation as I have seldom witnessed --

"After singing a hymn, he cried, 'O to be filled with the Holy Ghost! I want to be filled! O, my friends, let us wrestle for a more abundant outpouring of the Holy Spirit! 'To me, he said, 'Come, my sister, will you covenant with me this day, to pray for the fulness of the Spirit? Will you be a witness for Jesus. I answered with flowing tears, 'In the strength of Jesus I will.' He cried, 'Glory, glory be to God! Lord, strengthen Thine handmaid to keep this covenant, even unto death!'

"He then said, 'My dear brethren and sisters, God is here! I feel Him in this place; but I would hide my face in the dust, because I have been ashamed to declare what He has done for me. For many years, I have grieved His Spirit; I am deeply humbled; and He has again restored my soul. Last Wednesday evening, He spoke to me by these words, 'Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.' I obeyed the voice of God; I now obey it; and tell you all, to the praise of His love--I am freed from sin. Yes, I rejoice to declare it, and to be a witness to the glory of His grace, that I am dead unto sin, and alive unto God, through Jesus Christ, who is my Lord and King! I received this blessing four or five times before; but I lost it, by not observing the order of God; who has told us, With the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. But the enemy offered his bait, under various colors, to keep me from a public declaration of what God had wrought.

"When I first received this grace, Satan bid me wait awhile, till I saw more of the fruits; I resolved to do so; but I soon began to doubt of the witness, which, before, I had felt in my heart; and in a little time, I was sensible I had lost both. A second time, after receiving this salvation, I was kept from being a witness for my Lord, by the suggestion, 'Thou art a public character -- the eyes of all are upon thee -- and if, as before, by any means thou lose the blessing, it will be a dishonor to the doctrine of heart-holiness.' I held my peace, and again forfeited the gift of God. At another time, I was prevailed upon to hide it, by reasoning, 'How few, even of the children of God, will receive this testimony; many of them supposing that every transgression of the Adamic law is sin; and, therefore, if I profess to be free from sin, all these will give my profession the lie; because I am not free in their sense; I am not free from ignorance, mistakes, and various infirmities; I will, therefore, enjoy what God has wrought in me; but I will not say, 'I am perfect in love.' Alas! I soon found again, He that hideth his Lord's talent, and improveth it not, from that unprofitable servant shall be taken away even that he hath.

"Now, my brethren, you see my folly. I have confessed it in your presence; and now I resolve before you all to confess my Master. I will confess Him to all the world. And I declare unto you, in the presence of God, the Holy Trinity, I am now dead indeed unto sin. I do not say, I am crucified with Christ, because some of our well-meaning brethren say, by this can only be meant gradual dying; but I profess unto you, I am dead unto sin, and alive unto God; and, remember, all this is through Jesus Christ our Lord. He is my Prophet, Priest, and King -- my indwelling Holiness -- my all in all..."

Source: "Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians"

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