Sunday, March 8, 2020

Tenth Bible Study: The Temple Repaired

Today's study comes from 2 Chronicles 24: 4-14. The lesson's focus deals with the financing of the work of God. God's financial plan for the temple, church, or tabernacle, has always been consistent. The plan is the people of God are to give. From Abraham and Melchizedek, construction of the tabernacle, to the Pharisees' paying tithe in the New Testament, we are to give of our means to finance the kingdom. In tithing we recognize that God actually owns all, and we are mere stewards of that which He has placed in our hands. Offerings are expressions of our love and devotion to the furtherance of His work.

The first part of the lesson deals with the failure of the Levites to gather the money for the reconstruction of the temple. The second part of the lesson covers the successful plan of utilizing a chest set at the gate to receive the people's support. Our giving of tithes and offerings is still important in our day. It is commanded in the Word of God.

Joash was the eighth king of Judah. He was seven years old when he began to reign and did so for forty years. For the first twenty-three years, Joash was under the positive influence of the high priest Jehoiada. During the reign of Joash, Elisha was the prophet in the northern kingdom living in Samaria.

The first section is "Joash, the Reformer." The life of Joash divides itself into two marked periods. So long as he was under the influence of the upright and noble high priest, Joash had a fair character and was interested in religious reforms. However, his piety was too much from without and too little from within. When Jehoiada died, Joash manifested a different character. This led to a rapid deterioration in Joash. He had Zechariah the priest stoned to death beside the altar in the temple. There were four works of reformation under Joash:
1. The first work was at the coronation when the people were bound anew to God by a solemn league and covenant.
2. The second work was the popular outburst against Baalism. The people sought to destroy Baal worship.
3. The third work was the reorganization of the priests and Levites after the manner of David.
4. The fourth worked occurred years later and that was the restoration of the temple.

The second section is "The Levites' Negligence." vv. 4-7 The priests and Levites were sent out to all the cities of Judah to gather money for the repair of the temple. There were three kinds of offerings:
1. Redemption money for those attaining the age of twenty.
2. Money the priests were instructed to assess on those who had bound themselves by vows.
3. Voluntary gifts.

However, the Levites were slow to act. Why were they negligent? It could have been because they had lost interest in the project. The work was great and the expenses were very large. They may have wanted their support to be assured before seeking money for the repair of the temple. The king now summoned Jehoiada the chief for an accounting. Jehoiada may have become use to the dilapidated condition of the temple or he may have sympathized with the priests in their reasons for delay.

The third section is "The Temple Repaired." vv. 8-14 Changes were made in the whole matter of contributions. First, they made a chest which changed the method of collecting. No one could have access to the money except by the royal officers. Contributions were secure. Second, the people now had great enthusiasm. God loves a cheerful giver. People went to serve and be served, to give and to get. Third, there was a new method of guarding the money from misuse. The money was placed in the charge of two responsible persons: the king's scribe and the high priest's officer. Fourth, there was a separation of the money given for the temple from the money to be used by the priests. Every one knew exactly the purpose for which his gift was being used. Finally, the money was used for skilled workman. The changes brought a successful conclusion and the work was finished, all to the glory of God.

The Golden Text is "God liveth a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7) God loves it when His people manifest His love in their walk. God gives to us. We give to the work of God, and when done with a cheerful disposition, God will bless and multiply the gift for His good purposes.

My summary points:
1. It is extremely foolish and dangerous to place ourselves under bad influences.
2. When we know what to do, we should act without delay.
3. We are to be cheerful givers to the work of the Lord.

Next week, "The Death of Elisha." 2 Kings 13: 14-25

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