Thursday, March 19, 2020

How They Entered Canaan Part 1

BLJ: We will spend a few days reading testimonies of people's experiences of how they entered Canaan, i.e., their experience of entire sanctification. Enjoy these wonderful testimonies! Do you have a testimony of holiness?

C. W. BUTLER *2 Items (Methodist)
*Item 1

In September of the year 1900 I was appointed pastor of the Methodist Church at Perry, Michigan. It was then a three point circuit. A few years before this, under the ministry of Reverend J. F. Emerick, a mighty revival swept over this charge. Bro. Emerick was a definite holiness preacher. As a part of the results of that revival, there were definite living witnesses to the experience of second blessing holiness in each of the three churches. They were truly consistent, holy people. It was through the influence and invitation of some of these people that I attended the old State Holiness Camp Meeting at Eaton Rapids for three days. During that period of time I purchased a book entitled "The Sanctified Life" by Dr. Beverly Carradine. Through the ministry of the camp and of this book, I was led out of my wilderness journey into my spiritual Canaan. The old Jordan did truly divide, and I went over on dry ground. I had been dealing with the Lord in the realm of a perfect consecration and had acknowledged both my need and my pursuit of the blessing to a brother preacher on the train en route from Eaton Rapids to Lansing, Michigan. I had been getting ready for this change for some time. I boarded the train in Lansing for my home in Perry; and somewhere on that old Grand Trunk train, between Lansing and Perry, I truly passed over Jordan and came into my spiritual inheritance in Canaan. I walked from the station to the Methodist parsonage singing,

I'm living in Canaan now,
I'm living in Canaan now,
I'm doing well, I'm glad to tell, I'm living in Canaan now.

The atmosphere was so precious and the experience so delightful that I felt as though I had been living in that clime forever. It seemed literally to fit my soul. It was indeed the native clime for my new life in Christ. There was an immediate change of diet in my spiritual life. Such
illumination was on the Sacred Page. It gave me a whole new Bible. I had been questioning with regard to the method of receiving this grace. How quickly I was enabled to see the two works of grace in the Word! I remember previous to this I had questioned a man who professed this grace, asking him to give me Scripture for the second work of grace. The dear man seemed a bit lost regarding the matter and was unable to give me much light. But, having received the grace, I immediately began to see the whole truth standing out prominently in Scripture. This happened on Saturday evening.

The very next morning I preached from the text, "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire" (Matt. 2:11). I was quick to see the double cure. Here is the record of two baptisms, involving two elements and two administrators; also involving two spiritual results, one symbolized by water, and the other symbolized by fire. I have done very little, if any, serving of manna from that time until now. The riches of grace opened to my soul as never before.
During the years which followed, there were occasions of loss for a time; but from these God graciously recovered me and taught me how to abide. The illumination of the Sacred Page has been one of the marked realities which has now been unbroken in my soul for a great many years. The ability to trust and hold steady in the absence of feeling and in the presence of very deep tests is one of the abiding results.

Entering Canaan involved to me a fixed attitude of loyalty to the Word of God and to the will of God. The result of a daybreak in my soul upon which there has been no nightfall to date has been an abiding evidence of this gracious grace. The consecration then made closed the door of my mind against all doubt of God's Word so that, instead of bowing the knee to what has been called a scientific age, I have continued to bow the knee to a holy God; and by his grace, like Paul of old, "I have kept the faith."

I have served an age of question and of doubt. It has been popular to speak of keeping "an open mind." In my own experience the open mind has been to increase light and knowledge of God and his Word and of the deep riches of his grace; but it has meant a closed mind to every approach to the reality of Christian faith which has raised questions of doubt through the mere speculations of human reason.

I want to bear testimony to the practical and working value of the grace of Christian holiness. I can witness after these many years that not one good word of the Lord has failed. Glory to his name! My faith is more certain, God is more real, and the grace of Christian holiness proves continually to be a working reality in performing service for God, and in meeting the tests of life.

Source: A Holiness Manifesto By C. W. Butler *Item 2

C. W. Butler was born again at age 15 and began preaching as a boy. He was active during his ministry as a campmeeting preacher, revivalist, and writer. During the beginning of his
ministry, second blessing holiness was hidden from his spiritual eyes. Then, while he was attending a holiness campmeeting, his eyes were finally opened to the truth:

I served for a dozen years in the ministry, always seeking souls and preaching the life of holiness; but the secret of the in wrought experience as a definite second work of grace was hidden from my eyes ...I was appointed to the Perry charge...The fervency of God's people at Perry, Shaftsburg, and the Graham churches was blessed...Some of those in possession of the experience were well-taught also in the truth. They knew the doctrine and the way in. While none of them attempted to instruct me, some of them saw in me a Brother Apollos and prayed for me.

Many of the members on this charge were regular in their attendance at the State Holiness Camp Meeting held at Eaton Rapids, Michigan... Dr. Winchester...preached, and for the first time in my hearing associated this "second work" very definitely with the cross of Christ. He associated sanctification with the shed blood of Christ. This setting of the truth greatly enlightened my ignorance; and as ignorance was enlightened, prejudice melted. Praise God for the truth as it is in Jesus!..I was compelled to leave the camp very soon after new light broke in upon me. Meantime I purchased at the book-stand a copy of The Sanctified Life, by Carradine. One chapter in that book rolled up the curtain that had been before my vision and showed me the true reality of the true experience of holiness. It was the chapter on "The Loneliness of the Life."

I had to leave for my Perry home before the Sabbath. On my way to Lansing, where I changed cars for Perry, I was in the company of a brother minister who had attended the camp. I confessed to him my need and my heart hunger. We parted company in Lansing, and I boarded the train for Perry, a distance of perhaps thirty-five miles. On board that Grand Trunk train the thing happened. I truly crossed Jordan and entered Canaan without a spoken word or any outward manifestation; but I stepped off the train in Perry, Michigan, with the blessing. I walked to my parsonage home singing softly,

I'm living in Canaan now;
I'm living in Canaan now;
I'm doing well, I'm glad to tell; I'm living in Canaan now.

The atmosphere of my soul was all love. I breathed for the first time in my life the atmosphere which my soul and yours were created to enjoy. It fitted and satisfied me so fully! I felt as though I had lived there always. It was all new, but so full and complete that it was as though it had always been. The inward revelation of Christ was so rich I feared to go to sleep at night lest my Lord would depart. I learned by blessed experience that He comes to stay. His inward abiding was the most marked experiential manifestation of the experience.

I immediately began both to minister and to witness to the truth. This was Saturday evening. On Sunday morning I preached from Matthew 3:11: "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance; but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear; he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire." Two baptisms, two elements administered, and two administrators; I saw doubles. I preached the "double cure." I have been at it ever since. Glory to God!
Source: "Living Flames of Fire" by Bernie Smith

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