Friday, July 24, 2020

Even Your Sanctification: Are You Prepared?

BLJ: We continue to study Rev. Fay's book, "Even You're Sanctification." This is an excellent book on the second work of grace, commonly called holiness.


It has been said that one verse out of every twenty-three verses in the New Testament touch upon this theme. The second coming of Christ is the Christian's hope. Christians are to prepare for the Lord's coming even as a bride prepares for her husband in marriage. If one carefully examines the scriptural context of the second coming passages, he will find that "holiness of heart and life" is an absolute necessity. There is to be a marriage with Christ as the Bridegroom and the Church as His holy Bride. Believe the Scriptures! Jesus is not coming for a dirty bride!

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However, we do not know for certain how long yet our Lord may delay His coming. Meanwhile, Christian persecution is accelerating around the world. It is said that more Christians have been martyred in the twentieth century than in all the other preceding nineteen centuries of the Christian Church. Only that church that is filled and strengthened by the resources of the indwelling Sanctifier, the Holy Spirit, will stand true when the fiery trial of persecution comes.
R. A. Torrey, the great evangelist and teacher, made this confession,

"I cannot take another step in Christian service until I know I am baptized with the Holy Ghost."

Later in his ministry, which was mightily blessed of the Holy Ghost, he declared to all who would be Spirit filled and sanctified,

No man ever got this blessing who felt he could get along without it." [10]

"Wake up, brother, wake up, sister,
Seek, O seek this holy state,
None but Holy ones can enter
Through the pure celestial gate:
Can you bear the thought of losing
All the joys that are above?
No, my brother! no my sister!
God will perfect you in love." [11]

-- Walter H. Talcott

Being profoundly serious is a condition necessary for--

Even your sanctification!

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