Friday, July 31, 2020

Even Your Sanctification: Different Expressions

BLJ: Entire Sanctification has several expressions that mean the same thing. Today, we read about them.


There is an old poem of several blind men who were examining an elephant for the first time. One took hold of a leg saying, "An elephant is like a tree!" Another pulled down an ear and said, "An elephant is like a fan!" Another, pushing with both hands against the side said, "No, an elephant is like a wall!" The one who took hold of the trunk felt it begin to twist around and he said, "Oh, an elephant is like a snake!" One, feeling the tusk, said, "The elephant is like a spear." The last took hold of the tail and said, "I have it, an elephant is like a rope!" Each one was correct. The six men were simply expressing different features of the "giant of the jungle."

The holiness people also use various Scriptures to express the great experience. Other expressions, while not found in Scripture, are still valid for they have the Scripture's support.

The following terms and expressions are used throughout the holiness movement:

Sanctification -- There are two basic meanings. 1. To set apart, consecrate 2. To make clean or pure.

Entire sanctification -- "Entire sanctification is a second definite work of grace, wrought by the baptism with the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer subsequent to regeneration, received instantly by faith, by which the heart is cleansed from all corruption and filled with the perfect love of God." [2]

Holiness -- The two terms sanctification and holiness are often used interchangeably. Sanctification is the experience that makes holy. Holiness is the continuing state of the sanctified. It implies a character that is Godlike.

The fullness of the blessing -- To one who has experienced both forgiveness and cleansing this term expresses the full benefits of Christ's death and resurrection and is what is meant by the term full salvation.

The deeper life -- This term addresses an entire range of living beyond the work of the new birth. It speaks of a relationship with the Lord that is deeper than the average Christian enjoys.

The second work of grace -- The first work of grace is termed justification or forgiveness. The second work of grace is experienced when the believer's carnal nature is eradicated, and he is filled with the Holy Spirit.

Heart purity -- This term expresses the conscious removal of inbred sin with its depravities and the infilling of the heart with pure and perfect love.

Perfect love -- A person loves God with all his heart, mind, soul and strength and his neighbor as himself. One's interpersonal relationships with others is Christlike.

Christian perfection -- "A perfect Christian is one who loves the Lord with all his heart, with all his soul, with all his mind, and with all his strength." [3]

Crucifixion of the old man -- A physical death is not implied, but a death to the sin and carnal self influence. Christians are to reckon themselves dead unto sin (Romans 6:11).

Baptism of the Holy Ghost -- Fire is a symbol of purification. Christ's purifying fire separates the chaff from the wheat and refines moral impurities from the nature.

A more excellent way -- The way of love is expressed in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8. It is superior to "prophesies which will fail; tongues which will cease; knowledge which will vanish."

The Spirit filled life -- The life is conquered, cleansed and under the control of the Spirit, without the rivalry of the carnal mind.

Resurrection life -- The new freedom, power and joy that results from inward crucifixion and death to sin is expressed in this term.

The rest of faith -- It expresses the perfect trust of those who are wholly sanctified.

The abundant life -- The holy life is a wholesome life. The idea that the sanctified Christian is now experiencing full spiritual health and enjoyment in the Lord is expressed with this term.

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