Sunday, July 5, 2020

First Bible Study of the Quarter: Ezekiel's Call

Today's lesson is from Ezekiel 2: 1-10. Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel were contemporaries. Jeremiah was God's profit to the people remaining in Palestine after the Babylonians had taken many into captivity. In the first invasion approximately 606B.C., the Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar had taken the upper classes into captivity which included Daniel and his three friends. In the second invasion, the Babylonians took the king, Jehoiachin, and all the men of valor, the craftsmen, and the smiths. Ezekiel was taken in this deportation in 597 B.C. Only the very poor remained. In the third invasion in 586 B.C., fearing the emperor's wrath, the people fled to Egypt and took Jeremiah with them. This time Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem.

The first three chapters of Ezekiel form a unit which contain a vision (chapter 1); Ezekiel's call (chapter 2); and Ezekiel's commission (chapter 3). Chapter 2 opens up with God calling Ezekiel to be a messenger to the Jews in captivity. The primary thrust of this lesson is to realize that each one is called to convey God's message to he people around them. As we shall se, Ezekiel left no room for uncertainty in the people's minds regarding the message of God. We are to be likewise faithful ton our calling.

The first section is "A Rebellious Nation." vv. 1-5 We hear God's command to Ezekiel to stand, and we read of the Spirit's enabling Ezekiel to do so. God wants us to take our stand in the midst of a corrupt society. It is the Spirit of God which gives us the strength needed. The Spirit will also instruct us as to what we should say (Mk 13:11). The passage speaks to our times today. There is a major attack on Christianity. The powers of evil want us silenced. They don't want us talking about the sins of abortion, homosexuality, transgender, etc. the Bible is clear on these subjects. God wants to raise up so Ezekiels to speak truth in the midst of error.

When Ezekiel stood up, "the Spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet." In the same way, the Spirit of God will give His servants the words to speak when the time is right. Just like in Ezekiel's day, our nation is rebellious. Israel's problem was not ignorance, it was obstinate rebellion. Ezekiel was not to preach his ideas or opinions, he was to speak with divine authority. We are to do the same. God help us if we don't. We must stand for Biblical truth. Our opinions and thoughts do not matter. Only what is contained in the Word of God does. Once we give truth from the Word, the responsibility is on the hearer to respond. Our nation is so far gone, it will be difficult to return to a nation of righteousness, but we must be willing to be a modern day Ezekiel if God calls us.

The second section is "Be Not Afraid." vv. 6, 7 Ezekiel had a difficult ministry ahead of him. God instructs him to "be not afraid." The thought is expressed four times in verse six. Regardless of the opposition, Ezekiel was not to suppress the message for fear of persecution. God can cleanse the heart of the man-fearing spirit. God repeats the instruction from verse five. Ezekiel is to declare God's message regardless of whether the people will hear or will not hear. The truth must not be toned down. We are not to fear those that kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. We must be straightforward in our approach to sinners. We must be sanctified wholly to remove the carnal mind, otherwise we may give in to man-fear.

The third section is "Eat This Roll." vv. 8-10 In these verses, In a vision, God gives Ezekiel a roll of book to be eaten. The scroll of woes contained God's warnings and judgments against a backslidden and wicked people. The school tasted sweet as honey (3:3) and it symbolized the Word of God. We are to treat the Word of God the same today. We are to read it, meditate on it, pray it and speak it. That is our "eating" of the scroll. Sometimes the message may be difficult, but it is necessary. We must be a people of the Word. Years ago I heard the statement, "We must teach what the Bible says not what we want it to say." As we digest the Word, we will have the answer to the needs of the sinners. The world is waiting for truth. Will you be willing to give igt to them? Ezekiel answered the call, will you?

The Golden Text is: "How shall they preach, except they be sent?" (Romans 10: 15) To "preach" is to proclaim. God qualifies those He selects to proclaim the good news. Jesus told us, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mk 16: 15) We are to make a public proclamation of His message. We are to be as bold as a lion and proclaim our message of Christ crucified!!! While not all are called to be a minister or pastor, we are all called to make known the good news.

My summary points:
1. Be willing to make a stand for God, for holiness.
2. Never be afraid of opposition, you are not alone.
3. God is all wise, accept what He gives.

Next week: "Because of Idolatry." (Ezekiel 6: 1-10)

Don't forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

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