Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Brief Messages for Time Limited Readers Part 6

These brief messages were created by Rev. Duane Maxey, who I consider to be my main mentor after Rev. J. Herbert Norton.

Brief Messages For Time-Limited Readers 05



A man distributed tracts for many years on a street corner.  Finally, seeing no visible results, he gave up.  When he returned to the same spot two years later, he saw another individual handing out Gospel leaflets as he had done.  Striking up a conversation, he discovered that the man had become a Christian through a salvation tract given him on that corner about two years before.  The convert added, "Many times I've come back here to find that earnest worker and thank him, but he never returned.  I decided he must have died, and so I've taken his place!"  The first man suddenly realized that his work had not been in vain.  Much encouraged he went back to giving out tracts the very next day.  "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord" (1 Cor. 15:58).

"Oh, Dear Jesus, with the above story, please encourage every reader who is laboring in Your Harvest that has been tempted to think his or her labors have been in vain because no visible results have been seen!  In Thy Name I pray, Amen."

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Two travelers, who fancied they were abundantly able to take care of themselves, entered a railroad passenger car when the train was being made up and found comfortable seats.  They had dropped into conversation when a porter looked in and told them to go forward.  "What is the matter with this coach?" they asked. "Nothing," he grinned, "only 'tain't coupled onto anything that'll take you anywhere."

Some folks love to join, this, that, and the other thing -- Lodges, Clubs, Labor Unions, Religions, even professed-Christian Churches, but none of these things are "coupled onto anything" that will take one to Heaven.  One can even join the most godly Christian Church on earth without moving one tiny bit toward Heaven.

There is only ONE JOINING that will take us to Heaven, and it is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:17, which speaks of being "JOINED TO THE LORD."  Get genuinely coupled with the Lord Jesus spiritually, and, since "All power is given unto Him in Heaven and in earth" (Matthew 28:18), He will "pull you through" -- all the way into the Holy City.  Oh, by the way, "FAITH" is the coupling link to Him!

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One day, a poor girl ventured into the garden of the Queen's palace at Balmoral [Scotland] and approached the gardener, telling him that her mother was lying very ill and that she longed for a flower such as she had seen in the Queen's gardens.  It was winter time, and the flowers were rare at that season.  The child had saved a few pennies and wished to buy rose for her sick mother.  The gardener had no authority to give away the Queen's flowers, and he said, when she offered to pay:  "THE QUEEN HAS NO FLOWERS FOR SALE."

The gardener would have sent the poor child away, but it chanced that the Queen herself was in the greenhouse and, unobserved either by the gardener or his little customer, had overheard the conversation.  As the child was turning away sorrowful and disappointed, the Queen stepped from behind her flowery screen and addressed the child, saying:  "The gardener was quite right, my child, he has no authority to give you the flowers you want nor does the Queen cultivate flowers for sale; but the Queen has flowers to give away."  Then, suiting the action to the word, she lifted from the basket into which she had been snipping the flowers, a handful of rare roses and gave them to the child saying:  "Take these to your mother with My love, and tell her that the Queen sent them.  I am the Queen." -- H. F. Sayles

"What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matthew 16:26).  Nothing! All of this earth's riches combined could not buy one's escape from Hell and Admittance into Heaven.  God has NOTHING! -- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! -- FOR SALE!  He owns all, for He created it all.  But, while we cannot purchase Heaven at any price, OUR SOVEREIGN GOD DOES HAVE SALVATION TO "GIVE AWAY"! -- "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

How do we obtain this "unspeakable gift" (2 Cor. 9:15)? -- the way that little girl got the gift of those beautiful flowers from the Queen of Scotland: -- by COMING TO OUR SOVEREIGN GOD down the pathway of repentance and then, by faith, "without money, and without price" (Isa. 55:1) receiving the "free gift" (Rom. 5:15) of His Loving Salvation: -- "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Brief Messages for Time Limited Readers Part 5

These brief messages were created by Rev. Duane Maxey, who I consider to be my main mentor after Rev. J. Herbert Norton.

Brief Messages For Time-Limited Readers 04


The tears flowed quite profusely today during my "time alone" with Jesus, and a potpourri of precious spiritual truths came to me, just 3 of which I shall present below.  I pray, dear time-limited reader, that they shall be a blessing to you.

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When it appeared to his guilt-smitten brethren that Joseph was going to keep Benjamin in Egypt, Judah's anguished plea to Joseph was: -- "HOW SHALL I GO UP TO MY FATHER, AND THE LAD BE NOT WITH ME?" (Genesis 44:34)!!

These same words express how deeply burdened parents of unsaved children feel when pleading with God for their salvation, "LORD, HOW CAN I GO UP TO HEAVEN AND MY CHILD (OR MY CHILDREN) BE NOT WITH ME?!!"  I could name three homes in the HDM Family now where parents are feeling this deep cry for children who are not now saved.

After such an anguished plea, "Joseph could not refrain himself" (Gen. 45:1)! -- and JUDAH WAS allowed to "Go up to his father WITH BENJAMIN!"  Of course, there is "more to the story," but let me just make this point: -- Burdened parents, JESUS HEARS YOUR ANGUISHED PLEAS! -- and when Christ can "refrain Himself" no longer, your prayers shall be answered!  Claim Acts 16:31 as God's promise: -- "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and THOU shalt be saved, AND THY HOUSE."

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Robert Lee Scott, Jr. was one of the "Flying Tigers" in the U.S. Air Force during World War II, flying missions over Burma against Imperial Japan.  He wrote a book about his experiences doing this, titled, "God Is My Co-Pilot."  Without trying to discredit any good in this book, I will just say, GOD WILL BE NOBODY'S CO-PILOT!

Reader, if you have NOT surrendered ALL of your HEART and LIFE to Christ's control, and His control alone -- GET OUT OF THE COCKPIT!  He belongs there, NOT YOU!  Christ is either "Lord OF ALL" or not your "Lord AT ALL"!!  And, to again change the figure, He will not come into our hearts to live as a "resident"!  He comes to dwell therein as our "PRESIDENT" -- Commander-In-Chief -- or not at all!

Ye who have still not surrendered ALL to Christ's control, GET OUT OF THE COCKPIT NOW! -- lest, by failing to do so, your soul suddenly, and soon, fatally crash into Eternal Destruction!!  DON'T TAKE THAT CHANCE!!

*     *     *


It is said in Judges 8:16 that Gideon "took the elders of the city, and THORNS of the wilderness and briers, AND WITH THEM HE TAUGHT the men of Succoth."

Before this morning I don't recall ever before thinking of how Gideon's "teaching with thorns" is like the way in which Jesus sometimes teaches US, His children -- but HE DOES sometimes teach us this way, figuratively speaking.

I remembered a song which was one of my dear old father's favorites -- one which I believe was sung in 1950 at his funeral at the Emmett Church of the Nazarene: -- "Your Roses May Have Thorns."  God blessed the words of the chorus to my heart:

"Your roses may have thorns, but don't forget:

Your thorns may have some roses too.

The God of great compassion loves you yet,

And He will never fail to see you through."

OH! DEAR READER! HOW GREATLY! God has helped me, and also Dorothea, during this, "Thorny, Briery" -- most trying ordeal of our married lives!  But, there have been 3-4 times at least when I have sincerely THANKED GOD for what He has let befall us!  During these "thorns and briers" a) HE has drawn closer than ever before to US, b) WE have been drawn closer than ever before too HIM, and c) WE have also been drawn much, much closer to each other!  ETERNAL PRAISES BE TO OUR LOVING GOD! WHO KNOWS HOW WE NEED TO BE TAUGHT, AND BROUGHT closer to Him, until finally, immersed in His Perfect Love, we shall dwell forever with Jesus, with all of His triumphant people, and with all of the Holy Angels in Glory forever!!

This, dear time-limited reader, is the end of this "Potpourri Of Precious Truths," but I shall append below, ALL of the lyrics of "Your Roses May Have Thorns," by Haldor Lillenas.  If you have time, read them, for each verse, as well as the chorus, has in it loving, and blessed truth. -- Your Brother In Christ, Duane V. Maxey, 14323 Dusty Trail Boulevard, Sun City West, Arizona, August 16, 2013.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Brief Messages for Time Limited Readers Part 4

These brief messages were created by Rev. Duane Maxey, who I consider to be my main mentor after Rev. J. Herbert Norton.

Brief Messages For Time-Limited Readers 03


"If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; FIRST BE RECONCILED TO THY BROTHER, and then come and offer thy gift" (Matt. 5:23-24).

This message is a very brief sequel to "Brief Messages For Time-Limited Readers 02."  Herein, I shall set forth but two main thoughts ABOUT MINISTERS BEING RECONCILED WITH OTHER MINISTERS:

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Every God-called Minister Should Be Reconciled With Every Brother Minister,


2 Cor. 5:18-19 -- "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath GIVEN TO US THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath COMMITTED UNTO US THE WORD OF RECONCILIATION."

a) As "Ministers of God's Reconciliation" WE FIRST must be reconciled to all other ministers! -- because without being thus reconciled WE CANNOT, WITH CLEAR CONSCIENCE minister to sinners the gospel of their reconciliation to God! -- 1 Peter 4:17 -- "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God . . ."  The saving of the lost and sanctification of believers is greatly hindered when the gospel is preached by a preacher, hypocritically, who is holding a grudge against a "brother minister."  Neither can we be true "Ministers of God's Reconciliation if ANY "brother [genuinely] hath ought against us!" and we refuse to be reconciled with him\her!

b) Nothing hinders Holy Ghost Revival so much, perhaps, as ministers who are not reconciled with their fellow ministers.  Dost thou say, "Our parting of the ways was HIS\HER fault?"  Take heed lest YOUR heart-attitude toward him\her be wrong in any way!  In order to bring about your reconciliation with that alienated preacher, YOU MAKE THE FIRST MOVE toward reconciliation with that one!

*     *     *

Every God-called Minister Should Be Reconciled With Every Brother Minister,


In Proverbs 21:27, God's Word warns us: -- "The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination: how much more, WHEN HE BRINGETH IT WITH A WICKED MIND?"

a) Even under the Mosaic Covenant, the sacrifice of a man who did not intend to live righteously, but who inwardly intended to go right on living wickedly, WAS NOT ACCEPTED OF GOD!  Indeed, the sacrifice of such an one was AN ABOMINATION TO OUR HOLY GOD!!

b) "HOW MUCH MORE" is it an abomination to God for US, under the New Covenant, to PRESENT CHRIST AS OUR ATONING SACRIFICE, if we do not intend to make things right with all others as God requires! -- Especially is this SO when a Minister of the Reconciliation presents Jesus' death AS HIS ATONING SACRIFICE, when he\she KNOWS CLEARLY that he\she has not been reconciled with any, and ALL, other ministerial brethren! -- We should endeavor to "clear up" everything that is OUR FAULT (or which MAY BE our fault) regarding an alienation from any ministerial brother!

Again, dost thou say, "IT WAS HIS\HER FAULT!"  Be very sure of that!  Failing to "clear up" alienating differences COULD rob a preacher of Heaven, or keep a minister from "receiving the FULL REWARD" Christ so greatly desires to give us!

My advice, my beloved preacher-brethren: -- "shew thyself a man" (1 Kings 2:2) -- a loving, big-hearted man regarding any brother who even THINKS he has ought against you, whether he really does, or not.  With over-flowing, PERFECT LOVE, YOU MAKE THE FIRST MOVE toward being reconciled, if possible, with such an one.

Let your heart-attitude be like that expressed in the little poem below:

"He drew a circle that left me out,

A rebel, an heretic, a thing to flout;



OH, WHAT WONDERS we might see Christ perform, if WE, His "Ministers of Reconciliation," would thus do our utmost to unblock the the flood-gate and mighty flow of Holy Ghost Revival TO, and THROUGH us! Selah.

"Our Dear Lord, I pray that You will use this brief message to cause every minister who has need, or who thinks he\she may have need, of initiating a loving reconciliation with some other preacher, TO DO HIS\HER UTMOST to do it, so that You can LET FLOW A MIGHTY STREAM OF HOLY GHOST REVIVAL AROUND OUR POOR, LOST, SIN-BENIGHTED WORLD!  In Your Matchless Name I pray, Amen!"

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Thirteenth Bible Study of the Quarter: An Everlasting Dominion

Today's lesson comes from Daniel 7: 7-14. Chapter seven begins the second half of the book of Daniel. The first half is primarily historical, and the second half is primarily prophetic. Daniel received a vision fourteen years before the fall of Babylon. The vision begins with a description of four beasts which arise out of the sea. The beasts were a lion with wings, a bear, a leopard, and a terrible beast with teeth of iron and ten horns. This vision is parallel to the vision that Nebuchadnezzar had in chapter two. The primary focus of this lesson should be the certainty of the ultimate triumph of Christ, and the establishment of His kingdom on earth. As we study this lesson, it becomes very relevant to our time with the deterioration of our society morally, politically, economically, and spiritually. This should not frighten us, but should assure us that our Lord is coming soon. We are looking for the rapture, not the Antichrist. 

The first section is "A Terrible Beast." vv. 7, 8 Daniel does not describe the fourth beast in the likeness of a known animal. All he could say was that it was "dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly." It had great iron teeth and it devoured and broke in pieces what was in its path and what it didn't eat, it trampled. The four beasts represent four vast kingdoms. This last beast would be marked by great cruelty and oppression. This terrible beast had ten horns which most commentators believe represent ten kings possessing great power. This means that from this one kingdom would come forth ten kings that would exercise dominion. In the midst of the ten horns, there arose another "little horn." This horn has the eyes of a man and a mouth "speaking great things." The little horn is boastful and proud, and blasphemes and opposes God. Most Bible scholars agree that the little horn is the rise of the Antichrist. This fourth beast engages in brutal oppression to gain control of the entire world. The result is a person who openly opposes  God and persecute's God's people.

The second section is "The Ancient of Days." vv. 9, 10 Daniel is continuing to watch what is occurring in the vision. "Thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit." Thrones are being set up for the judgment that is to occur. The Ancient of Days is God the Father. He is clothed with a white garment, denoting purity, with hair that is "like the pure wool." Unlike the white throne judgment in Revelation where Jesus is the judge, here God the Father is the judge. God the Father will sit in judgment of the government of the Antichrist. This scene occurs prior to and ushers in the reign of the Messiah. There will be records of the corruption and wickedness of the Antichrist. The Antichrist and his cohorts will face a record of condemnation. 

The third section is "A Fiery Judgment." vv. 11, 12 Daniel had heard the words of blasphemy from the little horn, and he had seen the fiery judgment throne of the God set up. He would not have to wait long to see what would happen. The "beast was slain, and his body destroyed." The entire corrupt kingdom was destroyed, not just the little horn. The Antichrist's kingdom, organization, and followers will be "given to the burning flame." Regarding the other three beasts, verse 12 states that their power had been "taken away." Each kingdom was overthrown by a succeeding kingdom and the former kingdom faded away. Those kingdoms have faded away. God still remains Sovereign in the affairs of men and nations. He controls the rise and fall of all nations.

The fourth section is "The Son of Man." vv. 13, 14 In verses 11 and 12, we read of the removal of corruption. In verses 13, 14, we read of the installation of a new kingdom of righteousness headed by Jesus Christ, the Son of man. Christ appears before the Father after the corrupt kingdoms of the world have been destroyed. Christ's Kingdom will be a universal kingdom. He will rule over all nations and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  As the angel makes known to Daniel the interpretation of the vision, he in verse 18 gives the purpose for the vision. There would be many questions for those trying to serve God in captivity  in a heathen land. If God was all powerful, why was this happening? Many times we are too shortsighted when we look at our circumstances forgetting that God is Sovereign and still in control. Daniel's vision is comfort to all believers that the end result will be Jesus Christ as the ruler of the kingdom of righteousness. I want to be a part of that final kingdom, what about you?

My summary points:

1. No matter how terrible the forces of darkness appear, they will not ultimately prevail.

2. Our Father is Sovereign over all.

3. The corrupt world systems will one day be judged and removed from power.

4. Jesus Christ will be the ruler of the final kingdom of righteousness. It's a guarantee!

The Golden Text is: "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." (Rev. 11:15) The history of the world has seen the rise and fall of many kingdoms. In the last days, there will be a unifying of all kingdoms into one world government. This corrupt kingdom will be overthrown when Jesus returns. The reign of Christ will be established forever. That is a comforting thought as we look around and see the condition of our nation. God is Sovereign, and never forget it!

Next week we begin out study of the book Psalms. Contact us for the free study materials.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Brief Messages for Time Limited Readers Part 3

These brief messages were created by Rev. Duane Maxey, who I consider to be my main mentor after Rev. J. Herbert Norton.

 Brief Messages For Time-Limited Readers 02


For this brief message I shall quote from Genesis 45:24.  The words are those of Joseph to his brethren after he had revealed himself to them and instructed them to take wagons wherewith to bring their wives, their little ones, and their father Jacob down into Egypt where he (Joseph) would see to it that they had bountiful provisions during the remainder of the 7 years of famine.  Thus Joseph "sent his brethren away, and they departed: and he said unto them, SEE THAT YE FALL NOT OUT BY THE WAY."

Adam Clarke says, "This prudent caution was given by Joseph, to prevent his brethren from accusing each other for having sold him; and to prevent them from envying Benjamin, for the superior favour shown him by his brother."

They had a "Good News Gospel" (as it were) to preach to Jacob, "JOSEPH IS YET ALIVE, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt."

You and I also have THE GOOD NEWS GOSPEL to preach to all the world: -- "JESUS IS YET ALIVE, AND IS GOVERNOR OVER ALL MANKIND!"  Further, "IN HIM dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily" (Col. 2:9), and by coming to Him and dwelling in Him, our "God shall supply all" the needs of every obedient soul, "according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus!"  There is not one spiritual, physical, or eternal need He will not supply!   HALLELUJAH!

As followers of the LIVING JESUS, He has commanded us to "Go ye into all the world, and preach" this GLORIOUS GOOD NEWS OF "the gospel to every creature."

Joseph did not want his brethren to "HAVE A FALLING OUT" that would in any way hinder their bearing their "Good News Gospel" -- and JESUS, likewise does not was US, as brethren, to have "A FALLING OUT" with each other that will hinder the fulfilling of the Great Commission.  I believe that His command to us also as we walk the Narrow Way is: -- "SEE THAT YE FALL NOT OUT BY THE WAY!"

Nevertheless, throughout the centuries of the Church Age there have no doubt been countless thousands, perhaps numbers of millions, of "falling outs" between Christian brethren.

Not all such "falling outs" are carnal (a la that of Paul and Barnabas, concerning Mark), and sometimes deeply spiritual men and women feel compelled to cease working together.  Nevertheless, every such "falling out" scatters the power of the Holy People.

THREE THINGS THAT I THINK WOULD HELP, if you have had a "falling out" with a fellow Christian:

1) Ask God to help you love that differing Christian "with a pure heart FERVENTLY" (1 Peter 1:22), making very sure that you do not have a grudge in your heart, or wrong attitude, toward that one with whom you are now divided:--

Leviticus 19:18, "Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the Lord.

James 5:9, "Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door."

2) Pray often for that one from whom you are divided, asking God to meet his or her deepest needs, and, at the same time asking God to show you how you can assure that one, in spite of your great difference, you STILL LOVE him, or her.

3) Contact that one with whom you had "a falling out" -- by a personal visit, or by email, letter, or phone (whichever of these 4 means of communication is possible and seems best), and let that one know that you LOVE HIM, are praying for him, bear no ill-will toward him, and hope to spend eternity with him in Heaven.

The apostle Paul commended those at Corinth concerning one problem, saying to them, "what clearing of yourselves . . . WHAT VEHEMENT DESIRE, YEA, WHAT ZEAL . . . IN ALL THINGS YE HAVE APPROVED YOURSELVES TO BE CLEAR IN THIS MATTER!" (2 Corinthians 7:11).

My beloved brethren, when we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, we shall need to be "CLEAR IN ALL MATTERS" -- among which are matters involving our heart attitudes toward those Christian brethren with whom there has been "a falling out."

I feel confident that there was "a clearing of the matter" of the "falling out" between Paul and Barnabas, because BOTH of them had a "VEHEMENT DESIRE" to see the work of Christ move forward, without being hindered by "irreconcilable differences" -- a term which married couples sometimes falsely use to excuse their divorce.

May we ALL have within us a "VEHEMENT DESIRE" to promote the Gospel, as much as possible, in "the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3).

Friday, September 25, 2020

Brief Messages for Time Limited Readers Part 2

These brief messages were created by Rev. Duane Maxey, who I consider to be my main mentor after Rev. J. Herbert Norton. 


This can be seen from Acts 2:4; 4:8, 31).

It is only when we possess "the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ" (Rom. 15:29) that Christ can work through us to the maximum of His will along with our Divinely empowered ability.

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1) A SPEAKING miracle -- the 120 spake in languages different from their native tongues

2) An HEARING miracle -- When Peter stood and "lifted up his voice" and preached unto "devout men, out of every nation" (2:10, 14), PETER SPOKE IN ONE LANGUAGE, but all of that vast crowd of 3,000 plus men HEARD PETER SPEAK IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE!  This, was a miracle of HEARING!  Thus the multitude asked incredulously, "How HEAR WE every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?" (2:8).

3) An HEALING miracle -- When Christ healed the crippled man at the Gate Beautiful, who had been lame from birth, "The man was above forty years old, on whom this miracle of healing was shewed" (4:22).

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After Peter's message at Pentecost, "they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them ABOUT THREE THOUSAND souls." (2:41).

[PS -- Take Note: -- These 3,000 were "BAPTIZED IN JERUSALEM" WHERE THERE WAS NO RIVER, ONLY WATER CONDUITS AND POOLS!  Thus, I think it likely they were "baptized" by standing in the water and having water poured down upon their heads.  The "Baptism of the Holy Ghost was an "out-pouring" downward upon the 120, and I thus believe "pouring water down" over the heads of converts is an acceptable mode of baptism.]

After Peter's message, following the healing of the 40-plus-year-old cripple at the Gate Beautiful, "many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was ABOUT FIVE THOUSAND."

During the time of "Christ's Church In Its Pristine Glory" -- BEFORE EVEN ONE UGLY DIVISION in it occurred, "the Lord added to the church daily" (2:47), the brethren loved one another "with a pure heart fervently" (1 Peter 1:22), the apostles preached the word "with boldness (4:31), the envious enemies of the Church "could say nothing against it (4:14), and the Risen Christ was greatly exalted.

Add to the 120 in the Upper Room, the 3,000 converted at Pentecost, and the 5,000 converted after the healing of the Gate-Beautiful-Cripple, and we see that the number of converted Christians in Jerusalem at that time had to have been no less than about 8,120! -- but, I think the actual total may have numbered 10,000 to 12,000.

Thus, through "Peter and John" (and the other apostles, etc.) who were "perceived" to be "unlearned and ignorant men," (4:13) THE RISEN CHRIST BEGAN TO BUILD HIS CHURCH, while the unbelieving Jews "marvelled; and "took knowledge" of these supposedly uneducated and uncultured Christians, "that they had been with Jesus." Hallelujah!

"Precious Jesus, please AGAIN give us MORE Spirit-Baptized Christians, whom the world takes to be 'unlearned and ignorant' -- and use them to 'confound the wise'. . and 'bring to nought things that are, that no flesh should glory in Thy presence' (1 Cor. 1:27, 29), so that THOU SHALT BE HIGHLY EXALTED, and millions of lost souls may be "added to the Church daily."  If it please Thee, before Thou dost Return, give us another MIGHTY REVIVAL which shall cause men around the world to see once again Thy True Church AS IT WAS IN ITS 'PRISTINE GLORY'.  In Holy Name I pray, Amen."

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Brief Messages for Time Limited Readers Part 1

These brief messages were created by Rev. Duane Maxey, who I consider to be my main mentor after Rev. J. Herbert Norton. 

Brief Messages For Time-Limited Readers 01


In Acts 1:14 and 2:1--4:37 we see a picture of what the Church should be -- "CHRIST'S CHURCH IN ITS PRISTINE GLORY," BEFORE THERE WAS "ANY TROUBLE" WITHIN IT.  Christians had:


a) All Christians were IN "ONE ACCORD in prayer and supplication" waiting for the Promise of the Father (1:14).

b) They were "IN ONE ACCORD IN ONE PLACE" when the Mighty Baptism of the Holy Ghost fell upon the 120 in the upper room (2:1).

c) After Pentecost they continued "daily WITH ONE ACCORD in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and SINGLENESS OF HEART, praising God, and having favour with all the people" (2:46-47).

d) After the healing of the cripple at the Gate Beautiful "the multitude of them that believed were OF ONE HEART AND OF ONE SOUL: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common" (4:32)  OH! for a revival of that same "unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph. 4:3) within Christ's true Church TODAY! "Send it upon us, O Lord, I pray!"

Does this sound like your church? If it doesn't, perhaps leadership needs a good dose of the Holy Ghost! And the layman also!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Holiness Attainable Part 8

60. What is the voice of the leading writers on sanctification in respect to it instantaneousness?

They teach that the work of entire sanctification proper -- the cleansing of the heart by the Holy Spirit is instantaneous. Those who teach otherwise, my invariably confound purity with maturity, and predicate a gradual sanctification upon the growth and maturity of the Christian virtues.

The following quotations will be seen to agree with our positions on this subject.

1. I give Mr. Wesley's views. "Indeed, this is so evident a truth that well-nigh all the children of God, scattered abroad, however they differ in other points, yet generally agree in this: that although we may 'by the Spirit mortify the deeds of the body,' resist and conquer both outward and inward sin, -- although we may weaken our enemies day by day, -- yet we can not drive them out. By all the grace which is given at justification we can not extirpate them. Though we watch and pray ever so much, we can not wholly cleanse either our hearts or hands. Most sure we can not, till it please our Lord to speak to our hearts again -- to speak the SECOND time, 'Be clean;' and then only the leprosy is cleansed. Then only the evil ROOT, the CARNAL MIND, is destroyed; inbred sin subsists no more. But if there be no such SECOND CHANGE: if there be no INSTANTANEOUS deliverance AFTER justification if there be NONE but a GRADUAL work of God (that there is a gradual work none denies), -- then we must be content, as well as we can, TO REMAIN FULL OF SIN TILL DEATH." --Sermons, vol. i. p. 122.

"Inquiring in 1761, how it was that in all these parts we had so few witnesses of full salvation, I constantly received one and the same answer: 'We see now we sought it by our works; we thought it was to come gradually; we never expected it to come in a moment, by simple faith, in the very same manner as we received justification.' What wonder is it, then, that you have been fighting all these years as one that beateth the air!" -- Works, vol. vii. p. 377.

"You may obtain a growing victory over sin from the moment you are justified. But this is not enough. The body of sin the carnal mind, must be destroyed; the old man must be slain, or we can not put on the new man, which is created after God (or which is the image of God) in righteousness and true holiness; and this is done in a moment. To talk of this work as being gradual, would be nonsense, as much as we talked of gradual justification." -- Journal of H. A. Rogers, p. 174.

"As to manner, I believe this perfection is always wrought in the soul by a simple act of faith; consequently in an instant." He further says: "Look for it every day, every hour, every moment. Why not this hour -- this moment? Certainly you may look for it now, if you believe it is by faith. And by this token you may surely know whether you seek it by faith or by works. If by works, you want something to be done first before you are sanctified. You think, I must be or do thus or thus. Then you are seeking it by works unto this day. If you seek it by faith, you expect it as you are; and if as you are, then expect it now. It is important to observe that there is an inseparable connection between these three points -- expect it by faith, expect it as you are, and expect it now. To DENY ONE IS TO DENY THEM ALL." -- Sermons, vol. i. p. 391.

"In London alone I found six hundred and fifty-two members of our society, who were EXCEEDING CLEAR IN THEIR EXPERIENCE, and of whose testimony I could see no reason to doubt." And every one of these (after the most careful inquiry, I have not found ONE EXCEPTION either in Great Britain or Ireland) has declared that his deliverance from sin was instantaneous; that the change was WROUGHT IN A MOMENT. Had half of these, or one third, or one in twenty, declared it was gradually wrought in them, I should have believed this in regard to them, and thought that some were gradually sanctified, and some instantaneously. But as I have not found, in so long a space of time (more than thirty years), a single person speaking thus AS ALL, who believe they are sanctified, declare with one voice, that the change was wrought in a moment I can not but believe, that sanctification is commonly, if not always, an instantaneous work." -- Sermons, vol. ii. p. 223.

"I have continually testified for these five and twenty years in private and public, that we are sanctified as well as justified by faith. And, indeed, the one of those great truths does exceedingly illustrate the other. EXACTLY AS WE ARE JUSTIFIED BY FAITH, So ARE WE SANCTIFIED BY FAITH." -- Works, vol. i. p 338.

Tyreman says: "The doctrine of Christian Perfection, attainable in an instant by a simple act of faith, was made prominent in Methodist congregations in 1762, and ever after it was one of the chief topics of Mr. Wesley's ministry and that of his itinerant preachers." (Tyreman, vol. ii. pp. 346, 416, 444.) According to this, during half of his ministerial life, Mr. Wesley made instantaneous sanctification a prominent topic of his ministry. He wrote his brother Charles in 1766: "Insist everywhere on full redemption received now by faith alone. Press the instantaneous blessing."

2. "It is, I think, allowed on all sides," says Rev. John Fletcher, that 'we are saved,' that is, sanctified, as well a justified 'by faith.' Now, that particular height of sanctification, that full 'circumcision of the heart,' which centrally purifies the soul, springs from a peculiar degree of saving faith, and from a particular operation of the 'spirit of burning;' a quick operation this, which is compared to a baptism of fire, and proves sometimes so sharp and searching. that it is as much as a healthy, strong man can do to bear up under it." -- Last Check, p. 566.

3. Dr. Adam Clarke says: We are to come to God for an instantaneous and complete purification from all sin, as for instantaneous pardon. In no part of the Scriptures are we directed to seek the remission of sins seriatim -- one now and another then, and so on. Neither in any part are we directed to seek holiness by gradation. Neither a gradation pardon nor a gradation PURIFICATION exists in the Bible." For as the work of cleansing and renewing the heart is the work of God, his almighty power can perform it in a moment. in the twinkling of au eye. And as it is this moment our duty to love God with all our heart, and we can not do this till he cleanse our hearts, consequently he is ready to do it this moment, because he wills that we should in this moment love him. This moment, therefore, we may be emptied of sin, filled with holiness, and become truly happy." -- Clarke's Theology, p. 208.

4. Bishop Janes said in his sermon at Morristown: "These two blessings, pardon and regeneration, justification and sanctification, are here presented [1 John i. 8, 10]in the same manner, offered upon the same condition ... the conditions of justification and sanctification, according to the text, are the same."

6. Bishop Foster says: sanctification is "distinct in opposition to the idea that it is a mere regeneration holding it to be something more and additional instantaneous, in opposition to the idea of GROWTH GRADUALLY TO MATURITY OR RIPENESS." "And though there is progress toward it, yet that its attainment is not a mere ripeness ensuing by gradual growth, but is by the direct agency of the Holy Ghost, and instantaneously wrought, however long the soul may have been progressing toward Christian Purity, p. 46.

6. Dr. Nathan Bangs says: "Those who teach that we are gradually to grow into a state of sanctification, without ever experiencing an instantaneous change from inbred sin to holiness, -- are to be repudiated as unsound, anti-scriptural and anti-Wesleyan." -- Article in Guide, 1854.

7. Dr. F. G. Hibbard says: "It is hence Mr. Wesley, and also Mr. Fletcher, distinguish sanctification into two stages: the lowest degree is to be 'emptied of all sin,' the highest to be 'filled with God.' To be emptied of all sin, to be 'cleansed from all unrighteousness,' is a work to be done by the Spirit of God immediately acting on the soul, through the truth. It is done at once according to the faith of the believer, through the meritorious blood and righteousness of the Redeemer. But to bring forth the Christian graces to the highest measure of maturity or perfection compatible with this earthly state, or with the moral capabilities of the believer, is a work of time, to be carried forward and performed, till the day of Jesus Christ." -- N. C. Advocate.

8. Rev. Dr. Fuller, in his address before the Evangelical Alliance: "Nor did you find relief, peace, strength, victory over your corruptions, until you repaired to the fountain in open for sin and uncleanness, until looking to Jesus, casting your soul upon him for sanctification, just as you did at first for pardon."

9. Richard Watson: "To this faith shall the promises of entire sanctification be given, which in the nature of the case, supposes an instantaneous work immediately following upon entire and unwavering faith." -- Institutes, vol. ii. p. 455.

10. Rev. J. S. Inskip says: "I apprehend in all cases where any special success has been given to the teaching of this doctrine, it has been where the instantaneous character of the work has been made very prominent." -- Method of Promoting Perfect Love.

11. Rev. Dr. Lowry says "Salvation in all its stages is by faith and by faith alone. And this makes sanctification not only instantaneous, but creates a necessity that we should receive it as a gracious gift, bestowed in opposition to a product worked out, or resulting from development and growth." -- Divine Life, June, 1878.

12. The pastoral address of the General Conference of 1832 presents the following upon the subject of holiness: "When we speak of holiness, we mean that state in which God is loved with all the heart, and served with all the power. This, as Methodists, we have said, is the privilege of the Christian in this life and we have further said that this privilege may be secured instantaneously by an act of faith, as justification was."

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Holiness Attainable Part 7

58. If growth in grace does not cleanse the heart, what does it accomplish?

1. It secures a progressive Christian life. Growth is an essential condition of life, and all development of life is by growth. The life of righteousness, embracing all the features of Christian character, gathers strength, symmetry, and stature by development.

2. Growth in grace is so related to the soul's activities and voluntary powers and the formation of its habitudes, as to secure increasing spiritual strength and moral vigor; hence, it will secure easier and more complete victories over inbred sin. It will secure increasing light and knowledge. It strengthens the habits of virtue. It fortifies the graces of the spirit, and renders them more and more mature. All this affords increasing power to weaken, and hold in subjection, and prevent the operations of carnal nature.

3. Growth in grace is an increase in the volume and power of patience, meekness, gentleness, and love to God. An increase of patience will afford easier victory over impatience. An increase of love will secure a more easy and perfect victory over all its opposites in the heart. An increase of faith will give more perfect triumph over unbelief. While this growth and strengthening these graces may weaken and lessen the power of indwelling sin, it does not cleanse the heart or remove the cause of these inward antagonisms. Growth may abate its force, but can neither change its nature nor remove it from the soul.

4. Growth in grace is a gradual approach to the conditions of entire sanctification; and after entire sanctification, growth is inseparable from the conditions of retaining that state. This growth, however, is not gradual sanctification, but gradual preparation.

Rev. Dr. Steele says: "Growth in grace, while accompanied by increasing power to abstain from actual sin, has no power to annihilate the spirit of sin, commonly called original sin. -- Love Enthroned, p. 331.

59. Is there a distinction between purity and maturity?

There is, and a very important one. Identifying and confounding these lie at the base of nearly every objection made to an instantaneous sanctification; and has occasioned many strange notions, and much confusion upon this subject.

1. Purity has respect to moral cleanness or freedom from the defilement of sin. "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Health is not manhood. Maturity as respect to moral stature and strength, to adulthood. "The fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ."

2. Purity, in the light of gospel provisions, is a present privilege and duty. "Be ye holy." Maturity a question of time, and is subject to the laws of growth and development. "Grow in grace."

3. Purity being instantaneous, may be received at once. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Maturity is a gradual, progressive, and indefinite development. "Take heed, and add to your faith virtue," &c.

4. No Christian is cleansed into maturity, nor do any grow into purity. The Bible nowhere promises maturity as a work of God by faith, but purity it does. Even "a babe in Christ " may be cleansed from all inbred sin and become a pure Christian; but "a babe in Christ" becomes "a young man," and "a father," by growth and development, and not by cleansing power.

5. It must be seen that there is a difference between purity or entire sanctification, in infancy -- as just received, and in maturity -- as an advanced and confirmed state of purity -- "rooted and grounded in love." There are "babes," "young men," and "men of full age," a state of entire sanctification.

6. There are two classes of commands and figures in the Scriptures in regard to Christian character and duty. One contains commands and figures enjoining and illustrating growth in grace and maturity the other class enjoins and illustrates Christian holiness or purity.

7. Maturity is nowhere made a condition of entrance to heaven while purity is. Millions of Christians die in immaturity and are saved: they have been made pure, which is th e moral qualification for heaven.

Making this plain and easily understood distinction relieves this subject of difficulties which have perplexed multitudes of good men.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Holiness Attainable Part 6

56. Can a state of entire sanctification be secured by ordinary growth in grace?

It cannot; for the following reasons:--

1. Growth in grace is neither a destroying, nor a washing, nor a crucifying, nor a cleansing process. Entire sanctification is a death, a washing, a purification. "The blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin."

2. Growth in grace has respect to addition, to enlargement and development, and belongs entirely to the positive in Christian life -- the graces of the spirit. Growth is an increase or development of some living force: not a destroyer or transformer of any living force. The idea of entire sanctification is that of justification, i. e., the removal of an impurity or defilement. One is a destruction, the other is an enlargement.

3. Growth in grace is a natural process, involving culture and discipline, and appertains to spiritual life. Sanctification is a supernatural and divine work wrought in the soul. Growth, the natural, gradual process of development, should not be mixed with the instantaneous, supernatural work of purgation and purification.

4. In growth in grace, the soul is active and co-operative. Entire sanctification is something experienced, and not something done. The soul is passive, is the subject, and not the agent of the cleansing, the same as it was in regeneration. Before and after both regeneration and entire sanctification the soul is active and co-operative.

5. Growth never changes the nature of any thing; hence, a believer cannot grow pure, for the same reason that a sinner cannot grow into a saint -- growth not changing the nature of things. A pure nature may grow, and an impure one may grow, and mere growth does not change the one or the other.

6. Growth and development have no fixed relations to purity in any way. They have respect to size, or enlargement, and not to quality or purity; and hence, all changes by growth, or gradual processes, are in size or quantity, and not in kind or quality. Purity or holiness has respect to quality and not to quantity.

7. Growth in grace is the same after entire sanctification as before. If growth in grace is a cleansing process, and is growth in purity, it must follow, that when the soul is entirely sanctified, there can be no further growth, since what is wholly pure can never become more pure.

8. Dr. F. G. Hibbard says: "It has long appeared to us that any who are seeking after entire holiness mistake the duty of gradual growth in grace, and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, for a gradual growing out of sin. They seem to think that the two mutually involve each other, and that as they must always grow up into Christ in all things, so they must by degrees grow out of the bondage, guilt, and pollution of sin." Now, to all such we would say one word of admonition. There is no gradual growing out of sin. All that partakes of the proper nature of sin in you must be forgiven and washed way through faith in the blood of the Lamb. WHEN THIS IS DONE, IT IS AN INSTANTANEOUS WORK."

Sin is not a thing to be grown out of, but a thing to be forgiven and to be cleansed away." -- "In this view of perfection [the improvement and maturity of the graces of the Spirit], there are degrees and progressive stages but in the work of simply cleansing from all sin, both of flesh and spirit, inbred and overt sin, there are no degrees, no progressive stages, -- the work is complete at the first, and instantaneous as to time, performed by the Holy Ghost just at the moment when the burdened soul has faith to be made every whit whole." -- N. C. Advocate.

The idea that deliverance from indwelling sin, and a state of entire sanctification may be secured by the ordinary process of growth, we regard as a serious mistake and productive of much evil. The reader will find this question treated with special attention in Purity and Maturity, pp. 128-185.

57. In what sense is entire sanctification instantaneous?

1. If, by entire sanctification be intended the act of cleansing the justified believer from inbred sin, it is instantaneous in the same sense as regeneration. Not necessarily in the "twinkling of an eye," at least so far as our perceptions are concerned, but is a short, quick, rapid work, the same as the new birth. It is instantaneous as a death or a birth, as a washing or refining. Note the imagery -- (question 54.)

2. The preparatory process is usually more or less gradual hence, Bishop Hamline says: "It is gradually approached, but instantaneously bestowed." Before regeneration, there was a gradual process of conviction, repentance, humiliation, consecration, and faith; but they did not regenerate the soul in part, or in whole, they preceded it. Preceding entire sanctification there is a gradual process of obtaining light, receiving conviction, hungering after purity, confession, prayer, and faith. These do not gradually sanctify the soul, but precede that work.

3. The approach to entire sanctification -- the life of righteousness, and the growth of the Christian virtues received in regeneration, are gradual, and not instantaneous. This is the sense that some writers mean who maintain that sanctification is only gradual in this life. Others claim that it is both gradual and instantaneous, gradual as to the growth of the Christian virtues, and instantaneous in heart purification.

Making this plain distinction between the death of sin and the life of righteousness, relieves this subject of much confusion, and many writers of contradiction regarding instantaneous and gradual sanctification.

4. The death of sin is made instantaneous, and the life of righteousness gradual, by Dr. George Peck, one of the purest and ablest theologians of his day:

"It will be remembered that we have found sanctification to imply both the death of sin, and the life of righteousness. and when we speak of entire sanctification, as to the former part of it, we say it may be attained at once -- it is an instantaneous work." ... But in relation to the latter part of this great work, viz., the life of righteousness embracing all holy affections, and pious efforts, it is regarded as entirely progressive. The destruction of sin in the soul, and the growth of holiness, are two distinct things The one is instantaneous, the other gradual and hence it is that we sometimes say, with propriety that the work of entire sanctification is both gradual and instantaneous." -- Peck's Christian Perfection, p. 212.

5. Dr. Raymond says: In this view it is obvious that the work of complete sanctification is both progressive and instantaneous progressive as to the acquisition of knowledge and ability to know, and instantaneous as to the appropriation of he blessing apprehended." -- Vol. ii. p. 393.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Twelfth Bible Study of the Quarter: Delivered From the Lions

Today's lesson comes from Daniel 6: 10, 16, 19-26. The story of Daniel and the lions' den is very familiar to most people. In the painting of the story, artists often portray Daniel as a young or middle-aged man. In reality, he was quite old at this time. He had proved true to God throughout the duration of the Babylonian captivity. Now with the Medo-Persian Empire in power, Daniel did not compromise or change his behavior. He remained true to God. 

Because of Daniel's sterling character and experience, "Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes." The ruler Darius had found that Daniel had "an excellent spirit." Daniel was about 80 years old at the time of this lesson. There were several among the presidents and princes that were jealous of Daniel and they wanted to get rid of him. They had Darius sign a decree that for thirty days no one could petition any God or man. All requests had to come to the king. 

The first section is "Daniel Arrested." vv. 10-18 Daniel had no knowledge of the decree until after it was signed. A law of the Medes and Persians could not be changed. Daniel did not complain about his circumstances, he went to prayer like he always did. He prayed as he always did with the windows open facing Jerusalem. He "prayed and gave thanks." He knew he could be facing death but that did not cause Daniel to change what he had always done. Daniel was setting an example for other Jews to be steadfast and faithful. The envious princes were delighted as their plot had worked. Daniel was arrested and brought to the lions den. The king told Daniel that there was no hope for him except for, "thy God, whom thou servest continually." Since Darius could not deliver Daniel, his only hope was in God. Today, since God dwells in the heart of believers, there is no need to pray facing a particular direction. Other than the directional praying, the message from Daniel to us is to remain steadfast and true to our God, regardless of the consequences.

The second section is "Daniel Delivered." vv. 19-23 King Darius had spent a sleepless night because he was concerned about Daniel in the lions den. Early in the morning, he went to check on Daniel, "Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God," "Is thy to deliver thee from the lions?" Daniel responds, "O king, live forever." It is explained that "God hath sent His angel." Whether the angel stood guard or took away the lions appetitie we do not know. However, we do know that the angel guarded Daniel and he survived the night. "No matter of hurt was found" upon Daniel. There was not even a scratch on him. It was Daniel's faithfulness (serving God continually) and his innocence which were the foundations enabling him to have a strong, unwavering faith.

The third section is "Enemies Destroyed." v. 24 The king now commanded Daniel's accussers to be brought forth and cast into the lions den. The word "accused" in Aramaic language means to "to chew to bits, or to eat the flesh of." It is ironic that those that sought to have Daniel devoured by lions would suffer the fate themselves. The famous Nazarene evangelist Uncle Bud Robinson preached a message, "Chickens Come Home to Roost." The meaning is that when evil people design evil against God's people, their desire for others to be killed comes back to them. Think about Moses who was to be drowned, but it was Pharaoh's army that drowned. Think about Haman from the book of Esther. He built the gallows for Mordecai but it was he that was hanged. Darius orders not only those individuals that created the plot against Daniel to be thrown to the lions, but also the wives and children. They were eaten and crushed before they ever hit the bottom of the den. The lions were hungry that day.

The fourth section is "Darius's Decree." vv. 25-27 God's purpose was that "all people, nations, and languages" would be made aware of the true God and worship Him. Sometimes, God uses miracles to accomplish His purposes. In this case, Darius issued a decree that "men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel." It is God who makes all things and governs all things. He will use situations and circumstances to bring about His perfect will. He is sovereign, and no human or demonic power can thwart His plans. The deliverance of Daniel gave evidence of God's power and goodness. We do serve a great and mighty God!

My summary points:

1.  If you are living a godly life, you don't need to make any changes when persecution comes.

2.  Faithfulness is the foundation for faithful living.

3. Those that design evil against you will reap their harvest of evil.

4. God is Sovereign so we can trust His plans and methods.

The Golden Text is: "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." (Psalm 91:11) The angels of God have a special charge to accompany, defend, and preserve us as believers. They may turn away danger and keep us safe from harm. We should always remember that we are never away from Gd's protection, and that includes protection by angels. As we follow God, He will continue to guide and protect us, no matter what the circumstances look like. 

Next week's lesson, "An Everlasting Dominion." (Daniel 7:7-14)

Please read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Holiness Attainable Part 5

54. Does the Scripture imagery employed to illustrate the work of entire sanctification imply rapidity and dispatch?

It does. The imagery employed is that of death by mortification, death by crucifixion, the refining of metals, working of leaven, creation, ablution, and the cleansing of the leper.

1. Death by mortification. "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth." (Col. iii. 5.) Let mortification set in, and its victim is soon laid in the dust.

2. Death by crucifixion. "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed." (Rom. vi. 6.) Mr. Benson says: "Our old man, signifies our entire depravity and corruption, which by nature spreads itself over the whole man, leaving no part uninfected." Crucifixion is a short process.

3. The process of creation. "Create in me a clean heart, O God." (Ps. li. 10.) " Which after (the image of) God is created in righteousness and true holiness." (Eph. iv. 24.) The process of creation, so far as we know, is instantaneous.

4. The cleansing of the leper. "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean." (Ps. li.) Leprosy was incurable by human means, was cured only by a special work of God, and was effected in a moment. The cleansing of the leper was an emblem of the removal of sin. The whole process was short. Christ said: "I will, be thou clean, and immediately his leprosy was cleansed." (Matt. viii. 3.)

5. The refinement of silver and gold. "I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin." (Isa. i. 25.) "And he shall sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver." (Mal. iii. 3.) This is another short process.

6. The working of leaven. "The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal until the whole was leavened." (Matt. xiii. 33.) This parable is plain, and adapted to the weakest capacity, and indicates a short process.

7. As an ablution. "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." (Ps. li.) " Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean." (Ezek. xxxvi. 25.)

The process in each of these cases is rapid and soon accomplished. Mortification, crucifixion, creation, refining metals, ablution, and the working of leaven are accomplished in a few hours, and never extend through series of years. In neither of them is it continued through even a week. "Behold, now is the day of salvation."

55. Is it not objected that the terms "corruption," "defilement," and the like, are too physical to be asserted of the soul?

It is; and is a result of efforts to be wise "above what is written." These terms are given in the Bible; they are very numerous, are in both Testaments, and are more used than any others. The philosophy of human depravity God has not revealed. The fact he reveals and amply illustrates, and uses the figures in question to do it.

The Bible clearly teaches, that the soul in its fallen, depraved state is "diseased," "defiled," and "polluted," and needs "washing," "purging," "cleansing," and "healing." It is both scriptural and reasonable to believe that human depravity is a corrupt, diseased condition of soul, analogous to a diseased, polluted human body. The predisposing evil tendency in the heart is the exponent of an underlying, radical evil, or corrupt nature. Teaching that "indwelling sin," "inbred sin," "sin in believers," and "the evil treasure," and the like, mean only "predisposing tendencies," conflicts with the whole tenor of the Scriptures. To assert that defilement and pollution are too physical to be predicated of spirit, when we do not even know what spirit is, is to draw conclusions from premises which we do not understand, and our conclusions in the nature of the case must be as uncertain as our knowledge of the premise is uncertain. A false method always leads to a false conclusion.

We may inter moral condition from moral phenomena just as we do physical condition from physical phenomena. See Matt. xii. 35; Luke vi. 45. To assert that "the evil man" has no "evil treasure" in "his heart," because we cannot analyze, explain it and tell what it is, is to contradict the Bible because of our ignorance. It is reasonable to suppose that the Holy Ghost has selected the best and most appropriate terms significant of human depravity.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Holiness Attainable Part 4

52. If entire sanctification is attainable, why do so few experience it?

There are a variety of reasons, the same as there are a variety of reasons why more sinners are not converted. The main reason in both cases is an unwillingness to come to Christ and comply with his conditions. This question can be answered by asking, If conversion is attainable, why are so few converted? If any are converted, more might be; and if any are entirely sanctified, others may be. One case of the experience in either, proves the attainableness of regeneration or sanctification. The Church holds that all sinners have the opportunity of repenting, and being converted and saved, and yet we see that but a small share of sinners are converted and saved. For the same reason that millions of sinners are not converted, because they will not come to Christ, multitudes of believers are not fully sanctified, because they do not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for it.

1. It is not that God is unwilling to entirely sanctify all his children. "This is the will of God, even your sanctification."

2. Nor is it that some are born more depraved than others. "He is able to save them to the uttermost, that come unto the Father by him."

3. Nor is it because some have fewer helps and privileges than others. God requires "according to what a man hath, and not according to what a man hath not."

We repeat, the main reason is, they will not come to Christ and comply with the conditions of entire sanctification. We must not measure the possible by the actual.

No doubt, if the Church and ministry were more faithful to the impenitent, more sinners would be converted; and if the ministry and the Church were more faithful in respect to this doctrine and experience, many more believers would be entirely sanctified.

Dr. Lovick Pierce gives his views thus: "The desire of entire sanctification is dying out in the Church, because the grade of religion our people have been running upon is below the level where sanctification begins." -- Sermon before Gen. Con.

53. Can a person successfully seek the gradual attainment of entire sanctification?

No; for the following reasons:--

1. He who seeks a gradual sanctification, seeks necessarily something less than entire sanctification; that is, he does not seek entire sanctification at all.

2. He who does not aim at the extirpation of all sin from his heart now, tolerates some sin in his heart now. But he who tolerates sin in his heart is not in a condition to offer acceptable prayer to God. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." Seeking a gradual purification, renders the attainment of purity impossible, as it excludes its proximate condition. Faith, the proximate condition of purity, can be exercised only in connection with renunciation of all sin, entire submission to God, and approval of all his known will. Conscious confidence -- evangelical faith -- and conscious rebellion -- disobedience cannot coexist in the heart. The former excludes the latter.

3. Inbred sin (the destruction or removal of which constitutes entire sanctification) is a unit, a simple evil principle, and cannot be divided or subdivided and removed in parts. It is a carnal life, a simple uncompounded element or quality. In its essential nature it is unchangeably the same. This "principle," or "flesh," or "nature" or "seed of all sin," or "indwelling sin," or whatever it may be called, is not removed by any gradual process. See Purity and Maturity, p. 177.

4. The suppression of depravity is not its destruction or removal; and any gradual process which contemplates the subjugation only of indwelling sin is no definite approach to entire sanctification.

Rev. Dr. Lowry says: "We can no more evolve it by discipline and culture and good works, than the Ethiopian can change his skin, or the leopard his spots. We might as well undertake to grow briers and thorns and Canada thistles out of our fields, by sowing wheat among them, as to attempt to grow sinful appetites, and lusts, and tastes and tendencies out of the soul, by cultivating counter graces." -- Divine Life, June, 1878.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Holiness Attainable Part 3

12. That holiness is attainable is clear from the fact that it is represented in the Bible as having been experienced.

(1) The comprehensive declaration that "Enoch walked with God three hundred years," teaches us that he was believer, and was righteous, was obedient, uniform, and persevering, and lived holy in his dispensation, and "pleased God." His faith in God and the promised Redeemer restored to him the righteousness and true holiness from which Adam fell in the Garden of Eden. (Gen. vi. 23.)

(2) Noah, we read, "walked with God, and was a just man and perfect in his generation." (Gen. vi: 9.) That was all God required, it was all he could do, and to do it was the fulfilling of the law.

(3) Whatever Job's friends or his enemies, may have said regarding him, God said, "There was a man in the Land of Uz, whose name was Job and that man was perfect." The Lord told Satan three or four times that Job "was a perfect and an upright man." (Job i., ii.)

(4) When Abraham was ninety years old, four hundred years before the giving of the Law, the Lord appeared to him, and said, "I am Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect." It is evident, Abraham loved God with all his heart, and obeyed him fully at the time he offered up Isaac, if not before. (Gen. xx.)

(5) The prophet declares (1 Kings xv.) that king Asa "did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father;" and, "Asa's heart was perfect with the Lord all his days."

(6) The prophet Isaiah, writing by the inspiration of the Almighty, says, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool; " and afterwards fixed the time of his entire sanctification in the year king Uzziah died, seven hundred and fifty-eight years before the Christian era, and gives his experience somewhat minutely. He says he saw the Lord high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. He saw a burning seraph, covering his face with both wings, in awful amazement at the wonderful holiness of God; crying, "Holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!" When the evangelical prophet cried out in bitterness of soul, -- "Woe is me! for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips; then one of the bright, swift-winged seraphs flew to me, having a live coal in his hand, and he laid it upon my mouth, and said, 'Lo! this hath touched thy lips, and thine iniquity is taken away and thy sin is purged.' " Isaiah vi. 1-8.)

(7) Zacharias and Elizabeth, it is distinctly stated, "were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments of the Lord blameless."

(8) St. John says: "Herein is our love made perfect;" and, "Hereby we know that we dwell in Him, and he in us." St. Paul says: "Ye are my witnesses and God also, how holily, and justly, and unblamably we behaved ourselves among you." St. Paul appeals to the Church, and to God Himself, to witness to the truth of his profession. To be holy, just, and unblamable, is to be entirely sanctified. See Luke i. 6; 1 Thess. ii. 10; 1 John iv. 17.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Holiness Attainable Part 2

7. The Bible positively affirms that provision is made in the gospel for our sanctification. "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, might live unto righteousness." (1 Pet. ii. 24.) "Who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption." (1 Cor. i. 30.) "Wherefore Jesus, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate." (Heb. xiii. 12.) We have the same Scripture evidence precisely that provision is made for the entire sanctification of Christians, that we have that provision is made for the pardon and regeneration of sinners.

8. It is the declared object for which the Holy Ghost dwells in the heart of the Christian. "To be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge; that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God." (Eph. iii. 14.)

9. Sanctification is attainable from the fact that God has given us The Word as the instrumental means of effecting it. "Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth." (John xvii. 17.) "Ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you." (John xv. 3.) All scripture is given by inspiration of God ... that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Tim. iii. 16.) The Word declares its necessity, points to the cleansing blood, and to the Holy Ghost as the efficient agent; "Through the sanctification of the Spirit, and the belief of the truth." (2 Thess. ii. 13.)

10. It is the grand object of an established ministry. "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." (Eph. iv. 11.)

11. That holiness is attainable is seen in the fact that its attainability lays the only adequate foundation for vigorous and prayerful efforts to be holy. All admit that we are bound to aim at holiness. To aim at a state, without the expectation of reaching it, is a hard task, and must render our efforts powerless. If holiness is not attainable in this life, to seek it is to act in opposition to a principle that is considered necessary to efficient action on every other subject. No one ever strives to secure or to accomplish what he knows to be impossible. The full salvation, or holiness of the child of God, is the grand fact running through the whole book of God. In the Bible figure of refining gold, it is, "I will purely purge away all thy dross." If water be the figure, it is, "Ye shall be clean," or "Ye shall be whiter than snow." If it be the working of leaven, it is, "Till the whole is leavened." If it be death to sin by crucifixion, it is, "He that is dead is freed from sin." If cleansing the leper be the figure, it is, "Ye shall be clean," or, " I will, be thou clean." If it be a creation, it is, "Create in me clean heart," If it be a renewal, it is, "In righteousness and true holiness."

If it has respect to the priesthood of Christ, it is "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost." Is it a state described? It is, "Blessed are the pure in heart." Is depravity represented as deep and indelible as scarlet and crimson? It is, "They shall be as white as snow." Does it present a Divine Prototype? It is, "As He (Christ) is, so are we in this world." Does it present the instrumental cause? It is,"Sanctify them through thy truth." Does it present the meritorious cause? It is, "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son," who "gave himself a ransom for all." Is human agency involved in the work? It is, "He purifieth himself, even as he is pure." Is the proximate conditional cause stated? It is, "Sanctified by faith that is in me," and, "Purifying their hearts by faith." Is the grand efficient agent referred to? It is, "Through sanctification of the Spirit." Is the time stated? It is, "Behold, now is the accepted time," and, "Come, for all things are now ready." Does it declare who shall enter heaven? It is, "he that hath clean lands and a pure heart."

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Holiness Attainable Part 1


51. Will you present some evidences that holiness is attainable?

The Bible plainly teaches, --

1. That God commands us to be holy. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all by soul and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself." (Luke x. 27.) "Be ye holy, for I am holy." (1 Pet. i. 16.) "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your father which is in heaven is perfect." Matt. v. 48.)

These commands are just as authoritative as any in the Bible; and if holiness is not attainable, God commands what is impossible. If this requirement is too great to be observed, it is too great to be commanded. No man ever strives to accomplish what he knows to be impossible.

2. We are expressly exhorted to be holy. "Having, therefore, these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of' God." (2 Cor. vii. 1.)

"Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection." (Heb. vi. 1.) God requires no impossibilities. All his requirements are based on our gracious ability. He exhorts no man to do an impracticable thing.

3. It is expressly promised in the Scriptures. "Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness, and from all your idols will I cleanse you." (Ezek. xxxvi. 25.) " Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness [Holiness]; for they shall be filled." (Matt v. 6.) We have just as strong evidence that holiness is promised to Christians as that it is required of them. We may just as consistently and hopefully insist upon and urge Christians to lay hold on Christ for sanctifying grace, as to urge sinners to lay hold on Christ for pardon and regeneration.

4. That entire sanctification is attainable is evident from the fact that the commands and the promises stand correlated to each other. What God commands, He promises to aid us in doing. If he commands us to love him with all our heart, he promises, -- "The Lord thy God will circumcise thy heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul." (Deut. xxx. 6.) If he commands us to "be holy," he promises, -- "From all your filthiness, and from all your idols will I cleanse you." (Ezek. xxxvi. 25.) If he commands, "Be ye therefore perfect," he promises, "My grace is sufficient for thee;" and, "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it." This we understand to be a universal law of the Gospel economy. The Bible enjoins duty, but never without the promise of needful grace to perform it.

5. The possibility of attaining this state is seen in the declarations of Scripture. "Jesus Christ is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. (1 Cor. i. 30.) "And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." (Eph. iv. 24.) " To the end that he may establish your hearts unblamable in holiness before God." (1 Thess. iii. 13.) "For God hath not called us into uncleanness, but unto holiness." (1 Thess. iv. 7.) If these, with kindred declarations, are true, holiness is attainable. If they are not true, the Bible is not true.

6. Christ and the apostles prayed for it. "Sanctify them through thy truth." (John xvii. 17.) "Thy kingdom come; thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven; deliver us from evil." (Matt. vi. 10.) "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Ps. li. 10.) "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit, and soul, and body, be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thess. v. 23.) Inspired men made holiness the subject of definite, fervent, and earnest prayer. If they did not believe holiness attainable, they would not have prayed for it, or, they were guilty of solemn mockery.

Monday, September 14, 2020


196. Is the work and experience of holiness making progress in the church?

It is. One needs but an honest look, to be convinced of the interest and deepening conviction on this subject in the churches, both of this country and Protestant Europe. Coldness, formality, and spiritual death are seen to be inadequate to meet the encroachments of the world, and contend with the greed and fraud, intemperance, impurities, riots, sabbath desecration, and bold skepticism so fearfully prevalent. More attention is now given to the circulation of books and periodicals, devoted to its promotion, and the attention of the church is more generally directed to its claims and importance. The number of those in the ministry who enjoy it, and faithfully preach it, is increasing constantly, and the witnesses of perfect love in the membership are augmenting from year to year.

But it must be remembered there is much yet to be done, as vast multitudes of our people never read the excellent books and periodicals furnished by the church on this subject. Many of our preachers do not enjoy perfect love; some seldom preach it, and, painful as is the admission, some discard Mr. Wesley's views altogether. Many, very many, of our members are living without an experimental knowledge of its saving power and blessedness. Some, we fear, are content to remain so.

While, then, we rejoice, and give thanks to God for what has been, and for what is being done, we should be incited to pray and labor to secure a more extensive and general work of perfect love through our entire ministry and membership.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Eleventh Bible Study of the Quarter: The Handwriting on the Wall

 Today's lesson comes from Daniel 5: 1-9; 25-28. Daniel served during the long reign of Nebuchadnezzar, which was followed by the short reign of Evil-Merodach. The empire went through a time of turmoil, out of which emerged Nabonidus to rule. Nabonidus shared the regency with his son Belshazzar. In this chapter Nebuchadnezzar is referred to as the father of Belshazzar. He was actually his grandfather. The form of expression is often used in the scriptures when referring to a family. Therefore, it is not a mistake or an error. 

The city of Babylon was considered to be invincible. It was 15 miles square. The city had a double wall that was 350 feet high and 87 feet thick. The Euphrates River flowed through the city surrounded by a moat. The kingdoms of Media and Persia united to overthrow the Babylonians. The initial invasion had occurred. The armies had surrounded the capital, and were faced with the apparent impossibility of breaking in.

The first section is "Blasphemous Banquet." vv. 1-4 The city was under siege, but inside there was a party in the palace. The people were inside getting drunk on wine. They were not concerned about the invading armies. The feast was being held in honor of the Babylonian gods. Then they decided to make it even more profane. Belshazzar remembered that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem vessels that could be drunk from. They brought out the sacred vessels and openly challenged God by drinking from the sacred goblets. They praised the superiority of the Babylonian gods. They drank wine and praised their gods. This was very foolish to mock the true God of Israel. "A nation or man that has shaken off God will not long keep sobriety or purity." (A. Maclaren) It would not be long before things were about to change.

The second section is "Mysterious Message." vv. 5-9 In the middle of the party, the king cries out and there on the wall were the "fingers of a man's hand." The writing inspired fear and also raised questions. Were the gods angry? Was the God of the Jews out of whose cups they were drinking sending a message? The party is now over. The words of God are sufficient to strike terror to the heart of the belligerent. There is a revival of Belshazzar's conscience. He becomes terrified. The proud king shrinks to insignificance when confronted by the almighty. Belshazzar calls for the "wise men of Babylon" and makes a generous offer for the one who could read and interpret the writing. The wise men stare at the words, but they "could not read the writing." Now, Belshazzar was "greatly troubled." There was a threefold mystery: the fingers of a hand, unintelligible words, and the hidden meaning. The whole party was thrown into confusion. 

The third section is "Ponderous Pronouncement." vv. 10-28 The queen heard what was happening. She was either Belshazzar's mother of the widow of Nebuchadnezzar. She told Belshazzar about a man called Daniel. Daniel was no longer a part of the advisors to the king, but he was close enough to be able so that God could bring his services back to the forefront for the unfolding of God's will, the progress of history, and the good of the Jewish people. Daniel reminds Belshazzar that it was the "most high God" who exalted Nebuchadnezzar and gave him authority over "all people, nations, and languages." Daniel reminded him that Nebuchadnezzar became filled with pride and he was smitten. Belshazzar had done essentially the same in his open defiance of God. 

Daniel had no problem interpreting the writing:

1. Mene: Thy kingdom is numbered and finished;

2. Tekel: You are weighed in the balance and found wanting.

3. Upharsin: "Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians."

While Daniel was interpreting the writing, the Persian army was diverting the water of the Euphrates River and were entering underneath the city walls. The Babylonians were unprepared. They offered little resistance. Belshazzar was killed and Darius the Mede took over. Darius brought Daniel into a place of prominence so he could be used to influence the leaders of the Persian Empire.  

The Golden Text is: "He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy." (Proverbs 29:1) Those that harden themselves to sin may find that God helps them in the process. Those that want hard hearts will find them hardened even more. Think about Pharaoh. However, there will come a time where the sin is confronted. Then, fear will abound. The proud will know that in the presence of Almighty God, they are facing destruction. Let us not embrace sin, but rather repent and put sin far away from us. Do it before it is too late.

My summary points:

1. Mocking God brings consequences.

2. The judgment of God will strike terror in the hearts of sinners. 

3. God has a plan that He is working on to bring about His perfect will.

Next weeks lesson: "Delivered from the Lions." Daniel 6: 10, 16, 19-26. 

Don't forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

Next quarter we study the book of Psalms. Write, email, or message for your free study materials.

Saturday, September 12, 2020


195. Do not the formation of associations, and holding special meetings for the promotion of holiness, tend to division in the church?

No. This has been asserted over and over again, but never proved. We wish to meet this question squarely. No legitimate efforts to promote holiness tend to division among Christians. The direct opposite of this is true. Sin alienates and divides; holiness unites and binds together, and constitutes the strongest bond of union in the church of God. Any other union in the church is but a rope of sand.

Holding special meetings for the promotion of holiness and pressing it upon the attention of the church by associations, organized only for mutual co-operation in such work, will create division only where it ought to -- among dead, worldly professors, who attend theaters, parlor dances, festivals, places of amusement, and play euchre, and yet belong to the church, and desire to run it on the line of their spirit and lives. Proud, fashionable, and worldly people in the church, annoyed by those deeply devoted to God, have made this cry from the days of Wesley.

Bishop Foster well says: "We cannot doubt that in many, perhaps most instances, they have been driven to separate and class efforts, from the indifference and coldness of the body of their brethren, and in many instances of the pastors. The cure of the evil must be sought and found, not in surrendering the doctrine or experience, but in a general movement of the sacramental host to higher experience." -- Christian Purity, p. 276.

Rev. Dr. Stevens, in his History of Methodism, says: "The professors of sanctification were generally distinguished more than other Methodists as 'calm and sober-minded.' Quietness without 'quietism' became a characteristic of them as a class, and among preachers and people, they were considered by Wesley to be his most prudent, most reliable coadjutors." -- History, vol. i. p. 405.

We maintain that the fruit of these organizations and meetings, and of this doctrine and experience, after more than one hundred years of trial, has proved good. The late Bishop Thomson said in the N. Y. Advocate: "It is not saying too much to aver that they (the professors and advocates of this doctrine) form the most loving, spiritual, and effective membership in the churches to which they belong."

These very persons (connected with these associations) constitute no inconsiderable part of the attendants and workers in our prayer, class, and revival meetings. Facts are stubborn things, and William Pitt once said in the British Parliament, "One fact is worth a thousand arguments."

The facts that we present are these:

1. It cannot be shown that these associations or meetings have ever divided the church.

2. The Protestant Church has never been so much united as during the past ten years, and yet the doctrine of holiness has never received as much attention by all denominations as during that time.

3. As to the Methodist Church, she was never more united in all her connectional interests and work. She has increased more during the past ten years than during any decade of her existence -- more than double any other decade. Her total increase in ten years has been 4,024 ordained innerant ministers 4,501 local preachers, and 635,101 in her lay membership. She has built 4,974 churches, at an expense of over $51,000,000.

Her increase alone in ten years is more than double the whole Congregational Church, nearly three times the membership of the Episcopal Church, and six times that of the Reformed Dutch Church, and about equal to the whole membership of the Presbyterian Church of this country.

We do not mention these facts boastfully, but in vindication of the practical efficiency of Christian holiness as the great unifying and evangelizing power of Methodism. And yet not half as much has been accomplished, as would have been, if the church more generally had put away her sins, come up to her privilege, and there had been less fault-finding with the measures and efforts put forth to promote Christian holiness.

The ministry of the Methodist Church cannot afford to ignore this doctrine to antagonize it, to tone it down, or emasculate it. The history of Methodism is a diary of Christian holiness, cutting its way through the icy walls of a nominal Christianity and he who would rob it of its clear and specific testimony on this subject, or hinder its best efforts for advancement, is an unworthy successor of the Wesleys.