Friday, September 25, 2020

Brief Messages for Time Limited Readers Part 2

These brief messages were created by Rev. Duane Maxey, who I consider to be my main mentor after Rev. J. Herbert Norton. 


This can be seen from Acts 2:4; 4:8, 31).

It is only when we possess "the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ" (Rom. 15:29) that Christ can work through us to the maximum of His will along with our Divinely empowered ability.

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1) A SPEAKING miracle -- the 120 spake in languages different from their native tongues

2) An HEARING miracle -- When Peter stood and "lifted up his voice" and preached unto "devout men, out of every nation" (2:10, 14), PETER SPOKE IN ONE LANGUAGE, but all of that vast crowd of 3,000 plus men HEARD PETER SPEAK IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE!  This, was a miracle of HEARING!  Thus the multitude asked incredulously, "How HEAR WE every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?" (2:8).

3) An HEALING miracle -- When Christ healed the crippled man at the Gate Beautiful, who had been lame from birth, "The man was above forty years old, on whom this miracle of healing was shewed" (4:22).

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After Peter's message at Pentecost, "they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them ABOUT THREE THOUSAND souls." (2:41).

[PS -- Take Note: -- These 3,000 were "BAPTIZED IN JERUSALEM" WHERE THERE WAS NO RIVER, ONLY WATER CONDUITS AND POOLS!  Thus, I think it likely they were "baptized" by standing in the water and having water poured down upon their heads.  The "Baptism of the Holy Ghost was an "out-pouring" downward upon the 120, and I thus believe "pouring water down" over the heads of converts is an acceptable mode of baptism.]

After Peter's message, following the healing of the 40-plus-year-old cripple at the Gate Beautiful, "many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was ABOUT FIVE THOUSAND."

During the time of "Christ's Church In Its Pristine Glory" -- BEFORE EVEN ONE UGLY DIVISION in it occurred, "the Lord added to the church daily" (2:47), the brethren loved one another "with a pure heart fervently" (1 Peter 1:22), the apostles preached the word "with boldness (4:31), the envious enemies of the Church "could say nothing against it (4:14), and the Risen Christ was greatly exalted.

Add to the 120 in the Upper Room, the 3,000 converted at Pentecost, and the 5,000 converted after the healing of the Gate-Beautiful-Cripple, and we see that the number of converted Christians in Jerusalem at that time had to have been no less than about 8,120! -- but, I think the actual total may have numbered 10,000 to 12,000.

Thus, through "Peter and John" (and the other apostles, etc.) who were "perceived" to be "unlearned and ignorant men," (4:13) THE RISEN CHRIST BEGAN TO BUILD HIS CHURCH, while the unbelieving Jews "marvelled; and "took knowledge" of these supposedly uneducated and uncultured Christians, "that they had been with Jesus." Hallelujah!

"Precious Jesus, please AGAIN give us MORE Spirit-Baptized Christians, whom the world takes to be 'unlearned and ignorant' -- and use them to 'confound the wise'. . and 'bring to nought things that are, that no flesh should glory in Thy presence' (1 Cor. 1:27, 29), so that THOU SHALT BE HIGHLY EXALTED, and millions of lost souls may be "added to the Church daily."  If it please Thee, before Thou dost Return, give us another MIGHTY REVIVAL which shall cause men around the world to see once again Thy True Church AS IT WAS IN ITS 'PRISTINE GLORY'.  In Holy Name I pray, Amen."

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