Sunday, September 27, 2020

Thirteenth Bible Study of the Quarter: An Everlasting Dominion

Today's lesson comes from Daniel 7: 7-14. Chapter seven begins the second half of the book of Daniel. The first half is primarily historical, and the second half is primarily prophetic. Daniel received a vision fourteen years before the fall of Babylon. The vision begins with a description of four beasts which arise out of the sea. The beasts were a lion with wings, a bear, a leopard, and a terrible beast with teeth of iron and ten horns. This vision is parallel to the vision that Nebuchadnezzar had in chapter two. The primary focus of this lesson should be the certainty of the ultimate triumph of Christ, and the establishment of His kingdom on earth. As we study this lesson, it becomes very relevant to our time with the deterioration of our society morally, politically, economically, and spiritually. This should not frighten us, but should assure us that our Lord is coming soon. We are looking for the rapture, not the Antichrist. 

The first section is "A Terrible Beast." vv. 7, 8 Daniel does not describe the fourth beast in the likeness of a known animal. All he could say was that it was "dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly." It had great iron teeth and it devoured and broke in pieces what was in its path and what it didn't eat, it trampled. The four beasts represent four vast kingdoms. This last beast would be marked by great cruelty and oppression. This terrible beast had ten horns which most commentators believe represent ten kings possessing great power. This means that from this one kingdom would come forth ten kings that would exercise dominion. In the midst of the ten horns, there arose another "little horn." This horn has the eyes of a man and a mouth "speaking great things." The little horn is boastful and proud, and blasphemes and opposes God. Most Bible scholars agree that the little horn is the rise of the Antichrist. This fourth beast engages in brutal oppression to gain control of the entire world. The result is a person who openly opposes  God and persecute's God's people.

The second section is "The Ancient of Days." vv. 9, 10 Daniel is continuing to watch what is occurring in the vision. "Thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit." Thrones are being set up for the judgment that is to occur. The Ancient of Days is God the Father. He is clothed with a white garment, denoting purity, with hair that is "like the pure wool." Unlike the white throne judgment in Revelation where Jesus is the judge, here God the Father is the judge. God the Father will sit in judgment of the government of the Antichrist. This scene occurs prior to and ushers in the reign of the Messiah. There will be records of the corruption and wickedness of the Antichrist. The Antichrist and his cohorts will face a record of condemnation. 

The third section is "A Fiery Judgment." vv. 11, 12 Daniel had heard the words of blasphemy from the little horn, and he had seen the fiery judgment throne of the God set up. He would not have to wait long to see what would happen. The "beast was slain, and his body destroyed." The entire corrupt kingdom was destroyed, not just the little horn. The Antichrist's kingdom, organization, and followers will be "given to the burning flame." Regarding the other three beasts, verse 12 states that their power had been "taken away." Each kingdom was overthrown by a succeeding kingdom and the former kingdom faded away. Those kingdoms have faded away. God still remains Sovereign in the affairs of men and nations. He controls the rise and fall of all nations.

The fourth section is "The Son of Man." vv. 13, 14 In verses 11 and 12, we read of the removal of corruption. In verses 13, 14, we read of the installation of a new kingdom of righteousness headed by Jesus Christ, the Son of man. Christ appears before the Father after the corrupt kingdoms of the world have been destroyed. Christ's Kingdom will be a universal kingdom. He will rule over all nations and every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  As the angel makes known to Daniel the interpretation of the vision, he in verse 18 gives the purpose for the vision. There would be many questions for those trying to serve God in captivity  in a heathen land. If God was all powerful, why was this happening? Many times we are too shortsighted when we look at our circumstances forgetting that God is Sovereign and still in control. Daniel's vision is comfort to all believers that the end result will be Jesus Christ as the ruler of the kingdom of righteousness. I want to be a part of that final kingdom, what about you?

My summary points:

1. No matter how terrible the forces of darkness appear, they will not ultimately prevail.

2. Our Father is Sovereign over all.

3. The corrupt world systems will one day be judged and removed from power.

4. Jesus Christ will be the ruler of the final kingdom of righteousness. It's a guarantee!

The Golden Text is: "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." (Rev. 11:15) The history of the world has seen the rise and fall of many kingdoms. In the last days, there will be a unifying of all kingdoms into one world government. This corrupt kingdom will be overthrown when Jesus returns. The reign of Christ will be established forever. That is a comforting thought as we look around and see the condition of our nation. God is Sovereign, and never forget it!

Next week we begin out study of the book Psalms. Contact us for the free study materials.

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