Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Brief Messages for Time Limited Readers Part 5

These brief messages were created by Rev. Duane Maxey, who I consider to be my main mentor after Rev. J. Herbert Norton.

Brief Messages For Time-Limited Readers 04


The tears flowed quite profusely today during my "time alone" with Jesus, and a potpourri of precious spiritual truths came to me, just 3 of which I shall present below.  I pray, dear time-limited reader, that they shall be a blessing to you.

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When it appeared to his guilt-smitten brethren that Joseph was going to keep Benjamin in Egypt, Judah's anguished plea to Joseph was: -- "HOW SHALL I GO UP TO MY FATHER, AND THE LAD BE NOT WITH ME?" (Genesis 44:34)!!

These same words express how deeply burdened parents of unsaved children feel when pleading with God for their salvation, "LORD, HOW CAN I GO UP TO HEAVEN AND MY CHILD (OR MY CHILDREN) BE NOT WITH ME?!!"  I could name three homes in the HDM Family now where parents are feeling this deep cry for children who are not now saved.

After such an anguished plea, "Joseph could not refrain himself" (Gen. 45:1)! -- and JUDAH WAS allowed to "Go up to his father WITH BENJAMIN!"  Of course, there is "more to the story," but let me just make this point: -- Burdened parents, JESUS HEARS YOUR ANGUISHED PLEAS! -- and when Christ can "refrain Himself" no longer, your prayers shall be answered!  Claim Acts 16:31 as God's promise: -- "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and THOU shalt be saved, AND THY HOUSE."

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Robert Lee Scott, Jr. was one of the "Flying Tigers" in the U.S. Air Force during World War II, flying missions over Burma against Imperial Japan.  He wrote a book about his experiences doing this, titled, "God Is My Co-Pilot."  Without trying to discredit any good in this book, I will just say, GOD WILL BE NOBODY'S CO-PILOT!

Reader, if you have NOT surrendered ALL of your HEART and LIFE to Christ's control, and His control alone -- GET OUT OF THE COCKPIT!  He belongs there, NOT YOU!  Christ is either "Lord OF ALL" or not your "Lord AT ALL"!!  And, to again change the figure, He will not come into our hearts to live as a "resident"!  He comes to dwell therein as our "PRESIDENT" -- Commander-In-Chief -- or not at all!

Ye who have still not surrendered ALL to Christ's control, GET OUT OF THE COCKPIT NOW! -- lest, by failing to do so, your soul suddenly, and soon, fatally crash into Eternal Destruction!!  DON'T TAKE THAT CHANCE!!

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It is said in Judges 8:16 that Gideon "took the elders of the city, and THORNS of the wilderness and briers, AND WITH THEM HE TAUGHT the men of Succoth."

Before this morning I don't recall ever before thinking of how Gideon's "teaching with thorns" is like the way in which Jesus sometimes teaches US, His children -- but HE DOES sometimes teach us this way, figuratively speaking.

I remembered a song which was one of my dear old father's favorites -- one which I believe was sung in 1950 at his funeral at the Emmett Church of the Nazarene: -- "Your Roses May Have Thorns."  God blessed the words of the chorus to my heart:

"Your roses may have thorns, but don't forget:

Your thorns may have some roses too.

The God of great compassion loves you yet,

And He will never fail to see you through."

OH! DEAR READER! HOW GREATLY! God has helped me, and also Dorothea, during this, "Thorny, Briery" -- most trying ordeal of our married lives!  But, there have been 3-4 times at least when I have sincerely THANKED GOD for what He has let befall us!  During these "thorns and briers" a) HE has drawn closer than ever before to US, b) WE have been drawn closer than ever before too HIM, and c) WE have also been drawn much, much closer to each other!  ETERNAL PRAISES BE TO OUR LOVING GOD! WHO KNOWS HOW WE NEED TO BE TAUGHT, AND BROUGHT closer to Him, until finally, immersed in His Perfect Love, we shall dwell forever with Jesus, with all of His triumphant people, and with all of the Holy Angels in Glory forever!!

This, dear time-limited reader, is the end of this "Potpourri Of Precious Truths," but I shall append below, ALL of the lyrics of "Your Roses May Have Thorns," by Haldor Lillenas.  If you have time, read them, for each verse, as well as the chorus, has in it loving, and blessed truth. -- Your Brother In Christ, Duane V. Maxey, 14323 Dusty Trail Boulevard, Sun City West, Arizona, August 16, 2013.

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