Saturday, March 6, 2021

A Church Bell Story

  At the close of the prayer-meeting, one evening, I told the church to pray God to send someone to the class-meeting to seek religion, as a pledge that he would carry on the revival. It was a rainy night, but I took pains to open the vestry and ring the bell. There was a great restlessness in the soul of Capt. Perry that afternoon. He hardly knew what ailed him, yet he felt that he was a great sinner, and wanted to go to some meeting. He seldom went to the Methodist meetings, but he felt so wretched that he was glad to go anywhere. He asked his backslidden father-in-law 'if he thought there would be any meeting that night.' He rather thought not; but when he heard the bell ring, he thought' Now there will be a meeting and I will go.'
     When I reached the vestry, I saw a stranger round the stove, and before I could go through the opening ceremony he rose up and said, he was so distressed that he could not rest, and wanted us to pray for him.
     This was like good news from a far country, and we bowed at once in prayer. God came to his relief, and we were sure it was the will of God that the good work should go on.

     Brother Perry became a pillar in the church, and he is one of the stewards. His wife found peace, and they walk on in the light of the Lord. Peace be with them, and the whole Israel of God! The Lord gave me converts enough in Rockland to make a good church, with plenty of material for stewards, class-leaders, etc.

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