Sunday, March 7, 2021

Deuteronomy Study Ten: Blessings and Curses

 Today's study comes from Deuteronomy 28: 1,2; 9-15. While God is unchanging in His nature and what He says He will do He will do, some of His promises are conditional on our obedience. With conditional promises, there needs to be the correct response by man. There are two key phrases in these passages: "if thou shalt hearken" and "if thou wilt not hearken." The section on "curses" is four times longer than the section "blessings." As we start the study, let us not forget that God's word does not change. It will be our choice whether we receive blessings or curses. I would say to people, I don't need to hear about the choices you made because I can see the results in your life today. We can live a blessed life or a cursed life. 

The first section is: "If Thou Shalt Hearken." vv. 1, 2 In verse 1, there was a condition of 'if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD...," that the LORD would respond by setting the Israelites high above all the other nations of the earth. To "hearken" meant to hear the words of God, and act on them and that act would be of obedience.  In verse 2,  God promised to have blessings come on the obedient and even "overtake" them. The word "overtake" means to catch up with and pass by." This means that when one is obedient to God's Word, laws and statutes, that His blessings will be so on top of you that you will not be able to get away from them! Blessings would come without measure and be beyond their expectations. There may be times in your Christian walk that you feel forgotten, but these are the times you are to check your obedience and if you know you are following God's Word, you are to keep going knowing that a blessing is coming to overshadow you. As Adam Clarke said, "Those who run in the way of God's testimonies shall have an abundance of blessing." 

The second section is "Blessed Shalt Thou Be." vv. 3-14 Beautiful blessings are conditioned on faithful obedience. There were 21 blessings for obedience:

1. God will set you on high above all the other nations of the earth, and the blessings shall come upon you and overtake you (v 1-2).

2. You will be blessed in the city. (v. 3)

3. You will be blessed in the field. 

4. You will have perfect off spring. (v. 4)

5. Your crops will be blessed.

6. Your cattle will increase.

7. Your flocks will increase.

8. Your baskets and storehouses will be full of good things. (v. 5,8)

9. You will be blessed in all you undertake. (v. 6,8)

10. You will have complete victory over all your enemies. (v. 7)

11. Your land will be abundantly fertile and productive. 

12. You will be established as a holy people to God. (v. 9).

13. You will be a witness and an example to all people on earth. (v. 10)

14. All nations will be afraid of you.

15. You will be prosperous in goods, in children, in stock, and in crops in all the land. (v. 11)

16. The Lord will open to you all His good treasure. (v. 12)

17. The heavens will give you rain in due season in all your land.

18. The Lord will bless all the work of your hands.

19. You will be prosperous enough to lend to many nations, and you will not need to borrow.

20. The Lord shall make you the head, and not the tail. (v. 13)

21. You shall be above all men and never beneath them. 

These blessings are both spiritual and material. These conditional blessings encompass everything needed to be a success in this life.

The third section is "If Thou Wilt Not Hearken." v. 15 The last verse of the lesson, v. 15, begins the section of curses. This verse promises the exact opposite of verse one and two. Just as God's promises of good things are certain to those that obey, even so there is the certainty of evil coming to those that disobey. The frightening thing is that the curses would "overtake" them and there would be no escape. Sin always has consequences. God provides us a choice: obedience versus disobedience. While we are free to make the choice, we are not free to choose the consequences of those choices. We can have blessings or curses. 

The Golden Text is: "Blessed is the man...his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night." (Psalm 1: 1, 2) One should not just read the Word of God, but one should meditate on it. he word "meditate" can mean to mutter. Have you ever seen someone muttering, or speaking softly to himself or herself? Imagine how your life might change if you spoke the Word of God throughout the day instead of complaining, gossiping, or criticizing others. You would be blessed!   

My summary points:

1. We are to hear and obey God's Word, our choice.

2. We will be blessed with overflowing blessings if we obey.

3. We will be cursed with overflowing curses if we disobey.

Next week: "To Love the Lord." (Deuteronomy 30: 4-10; 19, 20)

Read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement. 

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