- "BUT NOT BY ME"By Duane V. MaxeyFebruary 21, 2021Twice in the Bible, we find the words "BUT NOT BY ME," and in bothplaces, God is saying that folks are doing things THAT HE IS NOT PART OF --things completely apart from His Divine involvement, and without His HolyApproval! -- and indeed sometimes they do things that shall "cut them off" fromhis blessing!In Hosea 8:4 God says, "They have set up kings, BUT NOT BY ME: theyhave made princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they madethem idols, that they may be cut off."Once, in my own life, God gave me Isaiah 54:15 to inform me that certainones would gather together against me, but that He had no part in it: -- "Behold,they shall surely gather together, BUT NOT BY ME.." At the time God gave methat verse, I was going through what was the most anguishing part of my life --the nearest I have ever been to a complete nervous break-down. It was severalyears before I pulled out of it, but in Kind Love to me, Jesus had let me know thatHE HAD NO PART with those who had gathered together against me. Thank You,Jesus!As Charles Albert Tindley wrote in 1905:When the storms of life are raging, stand by me;When the storms of life are raging, stand by me.When the world is tossing me like a ship upon the sea,Thou Who rulest wind and water, stand by me.In the midst of tribulation, stand by me;In the midst of tribulation, stand by me.When the hosts of hell assail,
- And my strength begins to fail,Thou who never lost a battle, stand by me!In the midst of faults and failures, stand by me;In the midst of faults and failures, stand by me.When I’ve done the best I can,And my friends misunderstand,Thou who knowest all about me, stand by me.The whole time of that Great Anguishing came upon me, partly through ablunder I made because of a fiendish, satanic accusation! But Jesus, wanted tolet me know it was "NOT BY ME!" He didn't bring it on me, but finally He DIDbring me out of it! Hallelujah!When the Lord brought me out of that Horrible Anguish, He gave me SweetAssurance and a Glorious Baptism of the Holy Ghost! Also, in a marvelous wayHe informed me that I was to marry Dorothea Alice Davis. Happily, she accepted --38 years ago on the 15th of March, 1983.But uniquely, as the sign that we were to marry, God made it impossible forme to take a certain secular job -- (I shan't explain that now). And, inwardly, I feltconfident that God was going to soon put me back into the ministry.However, after Dot and I married, for a while I was waiting for God to makeit clear what church I should take. I turned down a recall to pastor Elkins, WestVirginia, and I turned down another offer, not feeling it to be right.In the meantime, I had been doing a lot of shouting and running the aislesin church services, which apparently stirred some carnality. One sister accusedme of "living off of my wife" -- which of course (probably in her mind was) a sinfulviolation of 1 Timothy 5:8.
- But, brethren, we can be assured that God says of Carnal Accusation, thatit is "NOT BY ME!" Nevertheless, I am praying for that dear woman and herhusband and family, and I hope to meet them in Heaven.On top of that "NOT BY ME" instance, before I accepted the church towhich God sent us, two more of the brethren apparently tried to inform me that Ineeded to get a secular job, and stop living off of Dorothea. They were goodsanctified men, but brethren, THEY WERE MISTAKEN!When the Second One of those two brethren tried to tell me that it was timefor me to get a secular job, I told him calmly, "I am in the will of the Lord!" and notlong after that time, "The Bell Rang," and God showed me the church I was totake.Dear Reader, seeking God's guidance, sometimes even good sanctifiedpeople try to give us direction that God says is "NOT BY ME." In Psalm 27:11 weread: "Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mineenemies." And sometimes we must turn a deaf ear even to friends who try to leadus in the way THEY mistakenly think we ought to go!Sometimes also, God gives us guidance that others might think isunscriptural. About 21 years ago, I was in a doctor's office and a TV was playing,when I heard, or saw the words, "You'll be warm where you are going." Thenshortly after that, I felt led to move South, and we moved to Pahrump, Nevada,and the next year to Phoenix, Arizona, where we've been plenty warm most of thetime. Now, Precious Jesus, I am 83-plus, and...Since I’ve now grown old and feeble, stand by me;Since I’ve now grown old and feeble, stand by me.Since my body is a burden,And I’m nearing chilly Jordan,O thou Lily of the Valley, stand by me!
- "Also, Precious Savior, please continue to stand by my dear wife,Dorothea, all of her way Home, and stand by All of those who read this little emailwho love and serve Thee. This I ask in Jesus Name, Amen."* * * * * * *
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