Psalm 62: 1 says: "Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation." The word "waiteth" is the Hebrew word "silent." We need to have a regular time of silence before our God. This will refresh your inner person and assist you to deal with the stress and circumstances of life.
Andrew Murray spoke of waiting on God as follows: "our first and highest duty is to wait on Him to do the work that pleases Him. Waiting becomes then the only way to the experience of a full salvation, the only way, truly, to know God as the God of our salvation. All the difficulties that are brought forward as keeping us back from full salvation, have their cause in this one thing: the defective knowledge and practice of waiting upon God. All that the Church and its members need for the manifestation of the mighty power of God in the world, is the return to our true place, the place that belongs to us, both in creation and redemption, the place of absolute and unceasing dependence upon God. Let us strive to see what the elements are that make up this most blessed and needful waiting upon God: it may help us to discover the reasons why this grace is so little cultivated, and to feel how infinitely desirable it is that the Church, that we ourselves, should at any price learn its blessed secret."
If you would listen to television evangelists or take a trip to the local Christian bookstore, you would think that the Christian walk was about you improving your life. The modern trend is the "self-help Jesus." "Come to Jesus to fix your marriage, money problems or health issues. Now mind you that He can do all those things; however, the reason you come to Him is because you are a lost sinner headed to hell. Once we understand that salvation was to bring you to God and now having come, you are to have a relationship with Him that has saved you from destruction. Developing that relationship, the establishment of fellowship with God will be accomplished through silence before Him. Silence before God will change your devotional life; it will change your Christian walk. We cannot escape the requirement of being silent before the Lord. Enter in today to this blessed experience of silence before the Lord. Experience the joy of your salvation as you come before Him.
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