Today in most churches, there is a lack of understanding and teaching on this subject. I have said many times that today "preachers" deify man and humanize God. The "god" of today is a helpless, effeminate being whom man can push round and bully as he pleases. The "god" of today's pulpit is an object of pity rather than a God on the throne, who inspires reverence and obedience in His creatures. The "god" today is a disappointed, dissatisfied and defeated being. It is like He is on the sidelines of a sporting event just hoping someone will "accept" Him or make "decision" for Him. No, that is not the picture of the Sovereign LORD! God is on the throne, and He does as He pleases and directs the universe according to His set plan and purpose for His Glory regardless of what man thinks about it.
Let me say from personal testimony that there is no attribute of God more comforting to me than the Sovereignty of God. My wife and I own a successful business and we are navigating challenging times due to inflation and interest rates since we are in real estate. Every day we acknowledge God's Sovereignty and Providence, and we submit to His Will and Purposes. The Sovereignty of God ordains our afflictions, severe trials, and whatever challenges we face. I take great comfort that nothing touches me that does not first pass by the throne room of Heaven where my LORD sits in glory. I believe and accept our Lord Jesus Christ my Master and Lord and I accept and embrace His right to sit upon the throne. That is shouting ground for me! Our God reigns and that includes the good and the not so good.
The Sovereignty of God is how I can get up in the morning, face difficulties and challenges, and not worry incessantly about my wife and children. They are in God's hands and I trust Him.
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