Sunday, November 24, 2019

Eighth Bible Study: The Perfect Sacrifice

Today's lesson is from Hebrews 9:11-28. This study serves as a summary of the main truths which have been presented thus far in the book of Hebrews. Jesus, who has ascended to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit upon us, is a living eternal Saviour and still cares for us every minute of every day. His mission has not ceased. We have an Active Saviour, Redeemer and Mediator between us and the Father. This lesson's subject is Jesus is our High Priest, our Mediator, removing those things that could separate the soul from God.

The first section is "The Jewish High Priest." It is important to understand the purpose and duties of the Jewish high priest to realize what Jesus means to us as our High Priest. Lesson five went into great detail teaching about Jesus' sufficiency as High Priest and His accomplishments. The Jewish high priest was appointed by God, was mediator between God and man, and the representative of the people before God. The high priest was to reveal God's will to men and offer sacrifices for the sines of the Jewish people. The Old Testament is a type and shadow of the New Testament dispensation. Jesus Christ as our High Priest is the only begotten Son of God, offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins and sin nature, and taught us how to know God's will and how to live our lives to make heaven.

The second section is "Christ, Our High Priest." Verse 11 states that Christ is "an high priest of good things to come." We have the capability through Jesus Christ to live an amazing life here on earth. He provides everything we need to live a godly life free from sin and the sin nature. Through the blood offered by our High Priest, we can have forgiveness of sins and be given a new and pure heart. The Jewish high priest only offered sacrifices for unintentional sins in the old dispensation. Intentional sins brought the consequences directly on the individual. You had to pay the price for your intentional acts. Under the new dispensation with Jesus Christ as our High Priest, we have forgiveness for all our sins, both intentional and unintentional. The Jewish high priest had no ability to provide anyone with a new and pure heart. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, we have forgiveness for sins and cleansing in entire sanctification.  The character of our High Priest was perfect. The Jewish high priest had to offer a sin offering for his sins also. Our High Priest did not need a sin offering, He was the sin offering. By His experience living on earth, Jesus was a perfect example of how we should live and follow God. Our High Priest Jesus Christ was perfect in every way, lived the perfect life, and is the perfect High Priest.

The third section is "A Mediator and His Sacrifice." I have been involved with many legal cases that a mediator was involved. The purpose of mediation was to avoid the judge having to make a decision. If the parties could work out their differences with the help of a third party, it would be better for everyone. If the judge had to make a decision, it would be to the harm of one of the parties. The mediator would build a bridge between the parties because the parties had a difficult time talking with each other. Jesus Christ is our perfect Mediator, our Intercessor, and our Advocate. He was the perfect sacrifice. The blood of goats and calves could not cleanse from sin. However, the precious blood of Jesus Christ can both cleanse and purify. The sacrifices of the Jews were types and symbols of spiritual truths to be found in Jesus Christ. Jesus serves to create the bridge between humanity and God the Father.  Just as Christ rose from the dead, so shall we if we are saved and sanctified. There is a heaven to be gained and a hell to be avoided.  Christ's high priestly work was complete and a perfect answer to the sin problem. Has Jesus become your Mediator? Do you have a real relationship with Him?

The Golden Text is: "For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." (Hebrews 10:14) Provision for both salvation and entire sanctification are found in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. "Christ has delivered and will perfectly deliver those that are brought over to Him from all guilt, power, and punishment of sin. He will put them into the sure possession of perfect holiness and felicity." (Matthew Henry)

My summary points:
1. Jesus Christ is our High Priest of good things to come.
2. Jesus Christ is the perfect Mediator and Sacrifice.
3. Jesus Christ's sacrifice provides for our salvation and entire sanctification.

Next week: "Holding Fast (Hebrews 10:19-25;31-39)."

Don't forget to read the Sunday school Beacon for encouragement and inspiration.

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