Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fifth Bible Study: Christ, Our High Priest

Today's lesson is found in Hebrews 4:14-5:10. The writer of Hebrews having just urged his readers to enter into the rest of entire sanctification, now wants to assure them that they presently have a Great High Priest in Jesus Christ. The Hebrew believers were being tempted to return to their old religion. A physical high priest provided them compassion, helpfulness and being a mediator with God. The writer wants his readers to know that though Christ is not visibly present with us, He has promised to be with us unto the end of the age. Today, we walk by faith, not by sight. Whatever comfort or help a high priest might have been been, Jesus Christ, our Great High Priest, provides greater comfort and help. Since Jesus is a far better Priest than the Jewish high priest, the readers should resist the temptation to return to their Jewish faith apart from Jesus Christ.

The first section is "Our Priest's Sufficiency ch. 4:14-16." While an earthly priest may try to sympathize with his people when they are suffering, he is limited because of his humanity. Jesus Christ has no limitations. Christ can respond to every care and need, and He does. Jesus Christ faced every time of temptation we will face. He understands and is able to help us overcome those temptations and defeat the enemy of our souls. That is why we can "come boldly to the throne of grace." We have been encouraged to "hold fast our profession," and now we are being encouraged to take full advantage of the grace which Christ has provided. We can go to Jesus any time, any place, and every day. Jesus hears our cries, has perfect sympathy and responds with grace for every need. Never allow the devil to tell you have gone too far away from Jesus for Him to help you. Satan is a liar, the father of lies. If you hear such talk in your head, rejoice because you know it is a lie and run to the throne of grace in prayer. Remember temptation and sin are separate and distinct. Temptation is not sin. Christ was tempted but did not sin. Do not embrace the temptation, immediately flee to the throne of grace and you will find deliverance.

The second section is "A Priest's Requirements ch. 5:1-4." The writer of Hebrews addresses some of the qualifications to serve as a high priest. The high priest brought men to God and also God to men. The high priest was to be compassionate to the followers. He was to act with humility and be free from guilt before God. The high priest had a calling from God to serve in this capacity. In every way our High Priest Jesus Christ was superior to a human priest. Christ took on flesh to be our High Priest. Matthew 9:36 tells us Jesus was moved with compassion. He came to do the will of the Father and restore the lost to peace with God the Father. Jesus was without sin and went to the cross to save and sanctify us. We have complete and sure access to God the Father through our High Priest, Jesus. as a side note, it is equally important that preachers today have a calling from God to minister. This is not a position a person choses on his or her own. It is God who calls and man that responds. Preachers need to be both saved and sanctified to minister to people. Is your pastor saved and sanctified? You should hear them testify to what God has done for them?

The third section is "Our Priest's Accomplishments ch 5:5-10." Our High Priest Jesus had many accomplishments while He walked on the earth. He was so humble. Born in a stable to a common working family, He had few earthly possessions. Contrary to television preachers who tell you to give them money but tell you to trust God, our Lord did not seek this world’s riches, nor the praise of men.  He was a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Not much is known about Melchizedek. We don’t know if he had a predecessor or successor. Generally, the priesthood was handed down from father to son. We don’t know when Melchizedek was born or died. Jesus certainly was of this “order.” Jesus is without beginning or end. While on earth, Jesus lived a life of prayer. Though He was the Son of God, it was His submission to the will of God which qualified Him to be our High Priest. It is through His obedience, that He is the Author of our salvation and sanctification. Jesus suffered outside the gate (this means His place of execution) to sanctify the people. As a result of His actions, we also are to go forth outside the camp bearing His approach and be sanctified wholly. (Hebrews 13:12,13) To be used of God, we also must be wholly yielded to God.

Have you yielded completely to God? Have you repented of your sins and sought forgiveness through the blood of Jesus Christ by faith? If so, have you surrendered all and sought to enter into a place of rest and been entirely sanctified? If not, we can help you. Contact this ministry for more information.

My summary points:
1. We may boldly come to the throne of grace and seek help from our High Priest, Jesus Christ.
2. Our High Priest grants us complete access to Him as He is always available to us.
3. To be used of God, you must be fully yielded to God.

The Golden Test is: “Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” Hebrews 7:25

There is a salvation to the uttermost which means salvation from your sins (acts of sin) and cleansing or heart purity from carnality (the sin principle). Have you experienced this rest? If not, you can.

Next weeks lesson: “Go On Unto Perfection.” Hebrews 6:1-12; 18-20.

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration.

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