Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sixth Bible Study: “Go On to Perfection”

The sixth Bible study of the quarter is from Hebrews 6: 1-12; 18-20. The desperate need of those who received the Hebrew letter was that they would receive a sanctified heart. This is the writer’s main purpose in writing the book. Our lesson today focuses on this main purpose. In the book, the Exodus from Egypt, which represents being born again, is not mentioned, but the failure of the Israelites to enter Canaan appears several times. Consider the importance of the saved individual’s pressing on and obtaining a sanctified heart. What are the dangers if he or she should fail to do so? What are the advantages to be enjoyed by doing so? Today’s lesson answers these questions.

The first section is “Action Prompted VB. 1-3.” There are warnings in the book of Hebrews. The first one was not to neglect so great a salvation (2:1-4). The second warned against coming short of the promised rest (3:7-4:13). Now, the writer warns the readers about being sluggish, standing still, and eventually falling away. These believers had not progressed beyond the basics. The writer urges them to “go on unto perfection.” The readers needed to settle the issues of  repentance, baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and judgment. The writer was telling them it was time for them to allow God to take them to a higher level of Christian living, a plane of maturity, a sanctified experience. It is clear that the writer wanted the believers to become entirely sanctified and in verse 3, he says: “And this will we do, if God permit.” Entire sanctification is a divine act in the heart of the believer when the believer has completely surrendered his or her all to God and has faith that God will do the work. No matter how complete your consecration, it is God who does the final work. We surrender our carnal traits one at a time, but God cleanses in an instant. Consecration May take a while, but when the believer gets to the end of himself, God’s work is fast.

The second section is “Apostasy Possible vv. 4-8.” Having urged the readers to go onto perfection, the writer now warns them of the possibility of falling away and being lost forever in hell. Some believe in “once saved always saved.” That is a dangerous teaching. Sin is of the devil. God wants to save you from your sins, not in your sins. That is why repentance precedes being born again. I have known believers, even ministers, that once had the anointing and smile of God on their lives, that turned their back on God and are headed to hell. They seem to be unafraid and have no interest for their souls. Apostasy is real. It is possible. We must be watchful and guard ourselves from falling away. Pressing into holiness and becoming entirely sanctified will keep you from falling away. This is not to say that the entirely sanctified cannot fall away, but it is less likely. When someone hears the truth about holiness and dismisses it, I fear for them. They are turning away from truth. Jesus is truth. He paid with His own blood for our sanctification. Remember, if a person is not growing spiritually, he or she is dying spiritually.

The third section is “Advice Proffered vv. 9-12.” After warning the reader, the writer gives advice from a heart of love. He states his confidence in them. He is persuaded better of them. Both he and God have remembered their work and labor. He urges them to be diligent with regard to their spiritual life. He wants them to be diligent in pursuing a life holiness, the sanctified life. What does this diligence look like? You are to follow those who have inherited the promises. They inherited the promises by faith and patience. Diligence in spiritual matters requires a determination to believe, obey, and endure. You can have as much of God in your life as you are willing to pay the price for. How much of God do you want in your life?

The fourth section is “Anchor Provided vv. 18-20. God never goes back on His promises. He cannot lie. Verse 19 states we have an anchor of the soul. Jesus is our anchor. Hebrews 12:14; 13:12-13 are anchor Scriptures to become entirely sanctified. Do you want more? Please read John 17:17; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; 5:23; and 1 Peter 1:15. These are anchors to trust in as by faith you run to the Father. By faith get a grip on the anchor. Look to your High Priest, Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. God’s promises are real and you can walk on the highway of holiness. As I write this I’m almost shouting! Praise God! Holiness is real!

The Golden Text is: “Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48
You can be fully saved from sin in this life. You can have a holy, cleansed and perfect heart when you have met the conditions. Why delay?

My summary points:
1. We should not remain “baby Christians,” but should press onto perfection.
2. Apostasy is real and we should never take our salvation for granted.
3. We have an anchor in Jesus that will always hold!

Next week, “A New Covenant.”

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for encouragement.

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