Monday, November 18, 2019



Daniel 6:10

Daniel knew how to pray, because he was taught by the Holy Ghost. Natural man does not know how to pray, nor can he teach himself. Hence, he needs the Holy Ghost to pray through him with groanings which cannot be uttered by lips of clay. One of the disciples said, "Lord, teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples," and Jesus said, "It is expedient that I go away, that the Holy Spirit may come, who will bring all things to your remembrance."
The Holy Ghost will help our infirmities, for we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but we are fighting against principalities and powers. Remember that Satan's force is a strong force. and this force is led by the prince of the power of the air.

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known unto you the mystery of the gospel, for which I am
an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." We see here that the Christian's foe is a powerful one, and there is only one way to defeat this foe, that is, by praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. The Holy Ghost will teach us how to pray; He will lead us out into prayer; He will place burdens of prayer upon our hearts; He will place the earnest spirit of prayer in our soul. He knows the enemy; hence, He knows how to gird us for the battle, how to qualify us for a victorious service, how to gird us for the battle's front, how to prepare us for the bugle's blast.

Daniel cleaned up the enemy and cleared the field of the foe by throwing up his windows and praying three times a day as he had done aforetime, and we are taught, by this great man's example, that if we are to be victors, glorifying the name of Jesus Christ and gathering precious sheaves into His garner, it will be accomplished only through prayer.

George Mueller housed, fed and clothed multiplied thousands of orphans, by living upon his knees. A. B. Simpson, who prayed all night at Old Orchard, Me., in earnest, wrestling prayer, the next morning took up over one hundred thousand dollars for missionary purposes. Why? Because he prayed clear through that night. The Holy Ghost unctionized him, the Holy Ghost filled him with the spirit of prayer. He had soul agony, soul travail. He got the answer. He knew the money was coming.
The saints who live upon their faces know beforehand that victory is theirs. What confidence, what settledness, what contentment, there is in the heart of those who have a grip in prayer! What sweet peace floods the soul, what joyful songs leap through the avenues of the heart! The choir of birds is turned loose in the forest of one s spirit, warbling the sweet songs of joy; the flowers are blooming, lading the air with fragrant odors; the leaping brooklets run across the sparkling pebbles of one's soul, carrying a freshness of peace that is full of glory and sunshine.

There is a rest in God, a rest of faith, a rest of mind, a rest of body, a sweet rest, deep rest, abiding rest, undisturbed rest, a rest that brings mastery, self-mastery. We are conquerors, yea, more than conquerors, through much continued, earnest prayer. If you would live on the mountain of Beulah, and be swept by one holy gale after another, of God's perfect love, live much on your knees. If you would be strong in faith, robust in experience, have that constant, intimate relationship with God that Daniel had, pray. God needs pray-ers, more pray-ers, We would rather be a great pray-er than a great preacher; we would rather be a great pray-er than a great man, for it is the pray-ers that pull the fire out of Heaven, put a withering, blistering conviction upon sinners, crowd the altars with earnest seekers who confess, uncover, and pray right through to God

Have you ever had the Holy Ghost to place some soul hard upon your soul, and cause you to fly to your room, upon your face, and cry and wrestle over that soul? Has God sent your community a gracious, soul-saving revival, through your prayers? Mordecai and Esther fasted and prayed. yea, wrestled in prayer, they had heart agony and soul travail, and in answer to their earnest, protracted prayer, God sent one of the greatest revivals the Jewish race ever witnessed. He delivered the entire race through Mordecai's and Esther's prayers. Another time, the Holy Ghost came in His sanctifying power upon the hundred and twenty after they had had a prayer-meeting for ten days.

We have never had any trouble in having sweeping revivals where the saints had been earnestly praying for weeks ahead of the revival. A certain lady once said to this preacher, "I had the witness for one hundred souls three months before you began the meeting in Glasgow, Ky." The reason there are not greater revivals and more souls saved is, the saints do not pray things through. God has said, "Ask, and ye shall receive." He has said, where two or three agree as touching any one thing, He will be in the midst. Let us be certain that our hands and skirts are free from the blood of men; let us be certain that no one stumbles over our prayerless life, into Hell. I tell you it is awful when we think of the prayer-less lives in every community, men and women who profess to love God and their families, and yet have not vital connection with God in their prayer life. They enjoy the daily paper, the chats with friends, but when it comes to the real prayer life, they are ignorant. These things ought not so to be!

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