Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Churches and COVID-19

I wanted to write a personal observation regarding churches re-opening amid the COVID-19 pandemic. First, let me be clear from the start that I in no way intend to minimize the feelings of those legitimately concerned for their health and well-being. The media has done much to frighten people with misconstrued and inaccurate data. Yet, people's feelings are real and they should be respected.

The church I attend did not re-open this past Sunday but continued with online services. They are doing a good job to present messages and worship through media. I believe a media church does have its place, but not as much when people can assemble in person. My wife told me she wanted to travel to a friend's house to pick up a basketball hoop and stand. So on Sunday morning with phone in hand so I could see our services online, we began our journey. It was about forty minutes one way. We passed a number of churches that were closed. It was so sad. I even passed our church and that was the saddest for me. After we picked up the gift, my wife said she wanted to stop by the local Bass Pro Shop to check on something. When we pulled into the parking lot, it was packed. Cars were everywhere and there was no social distancing in the store. These folks that want to hunt and fish had more commitment to their leisure activities than the church people did who canceled services. It was so sad that I wanted to cry. I had to leave the store and went for a walk while my wife and son stayed in the store.

I believe it is wrong to cancel services when the state has said you can re-open with restrictions. If someone does not feel comfortable, then it is their right not to attend. That is perfectly fine. However, it is equally fine if someone (and that includes me) wants to attend services and worship God. Some will say they can worship God at home. Yes, that's true, but the Bible tells us not to forget to assemble together. You cannot assemble together in separate locations. There is no accountability. This virus has an almost 99% survival rate. I refuse to act in fear because of a sickness with that survival statistic. Christians throughout the ages have suffered and died for their faith being tortured, burned alive, beheaded. What must the cloud of witnesses think of the modern Christian who cancels church in the face of a 1% mortality rate?

When church leadership fails to follow the Scriptures, it supplants their wisdom for God's Wisdom. Those that feel that they should continue to shut the church doors, I simply ask what is your Scriptural support for such a decision? I don't want you looking at medical reports with false data and making this decision. I want you in the Holy Bible and in prayer. I don't want your collective wisdom. I want God's Word on the subject. Church leadership needs to reconsider and follow the Word, but if you don't, know that when you finally do agree to open, you might be by yourself.

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