Sunday, May 17, 2020

Seventh Bible Study: Who Walk After the Spirit

Today's lesson comes from Romans 8: 1-14. Chapter seven was bypassed. In that chapter, Paul describes an unregenerate man who is trying to live up to the demands of the law. But because he is yet carnal, he finds himself doing the things which he knows are wrong, and failing to do those things which are right. Is there something wrong with the law of God which demands righteousness? Paul replies, "no!" The law is good--showing men their sin and lost condition.  The problem is not the law; the problem is in the depraved heart of man. How can man be delivered from this corruption? Through Jesus Christ, and a life that has been abandoned to the Holy Ghost.

In his book, "The Establishing Grace, A.M. Hills wrote: "In chapter six, Paul exhibited sanctification and a life of holiness as provided for in the atonement. In this chapter (eight), he reveals it as a personal experience in his own life. Prior to this chapter, the Holy Spirit is mentioned only one time by Paul. In this chapter, the Holy Spirit is referred to nineteen times. Victorious Christian living comes only from the indwelling presence and power of the Spirit of God. That is what today's lesson is about.

The first section is, "Now No Condemnation." vv. 1-4 In chapter seven, we see the struggle of an unregenerate man who is trying to live according to the moral law. However, he finds within himself a sinful carnal nature which frustrates his efforts, leaving him under condemnation. In chapter eight, the picture has changed. Now, we have a man by the grace of God has been set free from the domination of the carnal mind. The work of grace is to be obtained and enjoyed in this present life.

Verse two speaks of two laws: the law of sin and the law of the Spirit. The unsanctified person has an inner influence that is evil and sinful. In the believer, this has been replaced by the law of the Spirit which enables him to live a life above sin. The Holy Spirit sets us free from the "law of sin and death." In verse three, the "law" spoken of is the moral code of the Old Testament. The law set standards but not the ability to obey. The law demonstrated man's sin and the need of salvation. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, He not only passed sentence on sin, but also provided the means to remove sin from the heart of the believer. God's purpose in sending His Son was that we might live free from sin, both the acts of sin and the sin nature. When the perfect love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the indwelling Holy Spirit, we are then enabled to keep God's laws, and walk pleasing to Him.

The second section is "The Carnal Mind." vv. 5-8 In these verse, Paul is showing why those that are in the flesh cannot fulfill "the righteousness of the law" and "cannot please God." "Flesh" does not refer to the physical body. Instead, it means the depraved, fallen nature of man. Sometimes it is called the old man, the carnal mind, flesh, or sin nature. It is the depraved part of a person that wars against God. It is present in the unbeliever as well as the unsanctified Christian. "To be carnally minded is death." Sin is a disease that will bring about separation from God. In contrast, those who are "after the Spirit," are under the guidance and influence of the Holy Ghost. Their minds and affections are set on things spiritual: communion with God, service to God and mankind, and eternal realities. To be "spiritually minded" is to be filled and led by the Holy Spirit in the discipline of a holy lifestyle. The result is to be truly alive. The "carnal mind" is not subject to God, is in rebellion against God, and at war with God. "The design of God in the economy of the gospel, is not to weaken, curtail, or lay the carnal principle bonds, but to destroy it. As it is not subject, and cannot be subject to the law of God, it must be destroyed, else it will continue to rebel against God." (Adam Clarke) God does not want His children to have the carnal mind. That is why He has provided a method to have the carnal mind removed and eradicated from the believer. What is that method? Entire sanctification kills the old man and removes him from the heart resulting in holiness and heart purity.

The third section is "Indwelling Spirit." vv. 9-14 What does it take to be a Christian? Is Christianity merely a system of ethics, a body of teaching, or a distinct lifestyle? No, to be a Christian you must have the Spirit of God dwelling in you. The believer is indwell by The Holy Spirit. Due to the fall of Adam, our physical bodies will die. However, if the Spirit of Christ has come into your heart, while your body may die, you will have eternal life. The Holy Spirit gives you spiritual life. The indwelling Spirit enables the believer to "mortify" (means put to death) "the deeds of the body." Prior to conversion, our bodies were instuments through which our carnal mind found expression. After conversion to Jesus Christ, these bodily weaknesses were brought under the control of God's Spirit. Entire sanctification removed the source of the problem (carnal depravity) and enables the sanctified believer to live a life without an internal struggle. The Holy Spirit guides us by His Word, providence, and impressions. The Spirit will always lead in harmony with God's Word, never contrary. A.M. Hills said: "The influence of the Spirit, if followed, would lead every man into the experience of sanctification, and finally to heaven. But when neglected, rejected, or despised, man driven on by his own carnality, makes his final home in hell." To maintain our right relationship with God we must submit to the leadership and authority of the Spirit of God in our lives.

To the reader I ask:
1. Are you unsaved? Is your life characterized by a life of sin? Or,
2. Do you know your sins have been forgiven but your heart struggles with anger, lust, jealousy, gossip, greed, hatred, or other works of the flesh? Or,
3. Do you know that God has saved and sanctified you? If so, you may rejoice that you have been perfected in love and walk in the Spirit.

It is important to be honest and know where you are standing with the Lord. It is holiness or hell. What is your final destination? While you still breathe, you can make an eternal choice and be transformed.

The Golden Text is "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." (Galatians 5:16) "If the Spirit of God dwells in and rules your heart, the whole carnal mind will be destroyed; and then, not only carnal ordinances will be abandoned, but also the works and propensities of the flesh." (Adam Clarke) As we walk on the highway of holiness, we will continue to have an adversary that battles us. However, the attack comes from an external foe and finds no friend in our hearts to align with. To remain pure in our evil society, holiness of heart and life is essential to walking in consistent victory.

My summary points:
1. Jesus Christ came to free us from the penalty of sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
2. The carnal mind, i.e. the old man, is the sin nature we were born with and it fights against God.
3. There is victory over the carnal mind through the blood of Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Next week, "More Than Conquerors." Romans 8: 26-39

Read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

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