Sunday, May 24, 2020

Eighth Bible Study: More Than Conquerors

Today’s lesson comes from Romans 8: 26-39. The eighth chapter begins with no condemnation and ends with no separation. The chapter describes the blessedness of being a child of God. In the verses before our text, three particulars of the blessing are given:
1. The gospel did what the law could not do;
2. By adoption, the believer joins the family of God;
3. It assures us of Complete and final redemption from all the evils in this life.

In the first section, the lesson focuses on prayer and the Spirit’s ministry for us. In section two, we see that God works all things together for the good of those that love Him. The last two sections cover verses which are filled with questions and answers. Nothing that has been created can separate us from the love of God. Only God could, but God won’t. 

The first section is “The Spirit Helpeth.” vv. 26,27 The Holy Spirit not only does what verses 1-16 stated, but He also “helpeth our infirmities.” As flesh and blood, we all have weaknesses and limitations. These include our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. What a blessing it is to know that the Spirit of God will help us carry the load that we cannot bear alone.  Our mental limitations can cause us to not know how we should even pray. Praise God that the Spirit will step in and help us pray. Our words may be less than perfect, but He knows the desireS and attitudeS of our hearts. Since the Spirit’s intercession will be in harmony with the “will of God,”  our petitions will be accepted before the throne.

The second section is “All Things Work Together.” vv. 28-30. There is a wonderful promise contained in verse 28. "We Know" that God is going to work everything out, no matter what we are facing, to and for our good. It will cause God's plan for our life to become manifest. God's Providence ensures us that nothing can happen to us that does not first past by the window of heaven. There is no force or power on earth that is not subject to the Providence of God. A miracle occurs when God interferes with natural law to bring about a desired result, e.g., a person being healed with terminal cancer. Providence is when God allows or directs events to occur that He in His wisdom will cause His perfect plan to become manifest. That is the comfort we have when we read verse 28.

Verses 29, 30 deal with the subjects of foreknowledge, predestination,  the call of God, justification and glorification. There are some deep theological waters in these verses that people have been arguing over for centuries. Suffice it to say the following about these verses:
1. Before the foundation of the world, God the Father had a plan to save people from a life of sin and restore them to right relationship to Him;
2. He predestined them to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ;
3. The ones who were predestined, He called through an act of grace in their hearts;
4. The ones who answered the call, would be justified (this is a judicial act being declared not liable for the sins we have committed); and
5. The ones justified would ultimately be glorified and live with God throughout all eternity.

Regardless of one's particular theological persuasion, we can take comfort in that if you are in the family of God through the blood of Jesus Christ, you were predestined before you were born to be a believer. You received a personal call from God to join His family. He has justified you and through the blood of Jesus Christ you have been declared not guilty. Finally, your ultimate destination will be with God forever.

The third section is "If God Be for Us." vv. 31-34 Paul writes in verse 31, "What shall we then say to these things?" In essence, he says what is the conclusion of what I have written. His answer should be a comfort to Christians of all ages, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" The latter phrase means who can triumph over us? The answer is no one! In verse 32, we have proof of God's care for His own.The Father gave up His own Son for us and He will "freely give us all things." The enemy likes to bring a charge against us. Sometimes it is in our minds and sometimes it is the minds of others. Paul counters this with, "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect?" If your sins have been forgiven and your heart cleansed through entire sanctification, there is nothing else to fear. Jesus is now "at the right hand of God," and is in control of our security in this present world. He will see us through every trial and dilemma if we keep trusting and believing in Him. If God is for us, it doesn't matter who is against us.

The fourth section is "Who Shall Separate Us?" vv. 35-39 In light of what God has done for us, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" This is the climax of Paul's argument. Notice that the Apostle does not say he can not separate himself. Salvation does not undermine man's freedom of choice. We came into a relationship by faith and the Scriptures contain several warnings about not allowing your faith to become shipwrecked. The point is that we need never sever our relationship with God. He will never say no to us. Several groups have different opinions on whether you can lose your salvation. Both sides agree that someone living a life of sin is not going to heaven. If that person at one time was a professing believer, the question is did he lose his salvation. One says yes, he backslid. The other side says he never was a real believer, he was a pretender. My point is that someone living in habitual sin is not saved. I don't want to argue over the failures. It doesn't matter for the purposes of this post. The point is that you can through the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit live a victorious life in Christ. You don't have to backslide and return to sin. God knows the way through every difficulty and He will see you through to the end.

The Golden Text is: "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ." (2 Corinthians 2: 14) Wwe have the victory. This is not like a sporting event that you hope to win. The final outcome has already been decided. God wins and Satan loses! This is a cause of great joy for the believer. We can walk in victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. He may act like a roaring lion, but we have the true power to defeat him. No matter what your circumstances are, you have the Word of God, prayer and the Holy Spirit actively working in your life to walk in the victory that has been won for you in Jesus Christ. That is shouting ground!

My summary points:
1. The Holy Spirit works actively in our lives to help us pray and overcome infirmities;
2. No matter what occurs in this life, God works everything out for good;
3. Since God is for us, why should we fear?;
4. Nothing can separate us from God's love.

Next week's lesson: "The Gospel Message." Romans 10: 1-17

Don't forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

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