Friday, May 14, 2021

Are You A "Woke" Christian?

 Today, we examine the topic of being a "woke" Christian. In our culture, the word "woke" means "alert to injustice in society, especially racism."  The popular online resource Urban Dictionary defines "woke" as "being aware of the truth behind things 'the man' doesn't want you to know." Neither of these have direct Biblical support. However, there is a different type of wokeness or being awakened that the Bible does address. It is in this sense that I can affirmatively testify that I am a "woke" or awakened Christian. What do I mean by the idea of being awakened?

"Do you know the beginning of your religion? (Paul did, read Philippians 3:7-11) Was there ever a time in your life when you were awakened as a poor, lost, guilty sinner and the bitter arrows of God pierced your heart and you saw you were under the wrath of God? Can you now say, 'Once I was lost, but now I'm found; once I was guilty, but now I know that Christ was made a curse for me, and I live in Him, because I have been accepted in the Beloved by God the Father and justified by His grace?'"

Notice that if you are an awakened sinner, then you can become a true Christian. It is you who are accepted by God, not the other way around. You don't get saved by "accepting Christ" or "making a decision for Christ," or repeating a prayer for 30 seconds.

The Gospel is the Lord Jesus Christ crucified, buried, and risen (1 Cor.15:1-4). He is the living Lord, and if we confess Him as Lord, and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, we shall be saved. Have you obeyed the Gospel? Have you come to know Christ? Have you bowed to Him as Lord?

I was awakened one day to the fact that I was a lost sinner. I responded to His call of grace and God saved me. In that sense, I am a "woke" Christian. If you have never been awakened to your sin and corruption, you are most likely not a true Christian.

Something to think about: "Sin sends every sinner to bed every night ready for damnation." Rev. Paul Dodd 07/2020

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