Thursday, May 6, 2021

Two Fathers, Two Families, Two Fates



Jonathan Edwards, one of the greatest minds that God has given America, lived in the state of New York. He was a Christian and believed in Christian training. He married a girl of like character. From this union men have studied 729 descendants. Of this number came 300 preachers, 65 college professors, 13 university presidents, 60 authors of good books, 3 United States congressmen, and one vice president of the United States; and barring one grandson who married a questionable character, the family has not cost the state a single dollar.

Max Jukes lived in the same state. He did not believe in Christian training. He married a girl of like character. From this union men have studied 1,026 descendants. Three hundred of them died prematurely. One hundred were sent to the penitentiary for an average of 13 years each. One hundred ninety were public prostitutes. There were 100 drunkards. The family cost the state $1,200,000. They made no helpful contribution to society.

The difference in these two fathers, two families, and two fates was caused by Christian home training and heart conversion. What choices will you make? What direction will you set for your family? Life is not a bed of roses. However, you may choose to go with God or you may choose to go alone. Trust the Lord and He will go with you. Yes, the storms of life will come and the critics will have their opinions, but the Lord will never leave or forsake you.

Parents, hear this account! What message are you sending your children? Is it godliness? Is it worldliness? You need to instill family altar time. There needs to be family Bible reading, family prayer and time together. Husbands, you are the spiritual head of the home, so you need to act like it. Wives are to be supportive of your husband's spiritual leadership in the home. Read Ephesians 5 and 6 if you want to see how home life is to be lived. 

What will be your legacy?

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