Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Bible Salvation and Popular Religion Part 6: Pride in the Church


And now abideth pride, fashion, extravagance, -- these three; but the greatest of these is pride -- simply because it is the root of the whole matter. Destroy the root and the tree will die. It is useless to make war upon the externals of fashion and extravagance, while the root is suffered to grow. Most persons say that it does not matter how people dress if pride is not in the heart. Very true. But straws show which way the wind blows. A plain exterior befits a plain heart. But depend upon it, a fashionable exterior seldom covers up a holy heart. Some rules work two ways; and some do not. A lady once asked a minister whether a person might not be fond of dress and ornaments without being proud? He replied, "When you see the fox's tail peeping out of the hole, you may be sure the fox is within." Even if jewelery and costly and fashionable clothing could be innocent things in their places, yet when hung on a human form, they give most conclusive evidence of a proud or vain heart. How seldom can one be found -- at this advanced age of refinement -- that dares to write or speak a word against pride and its consequences. The large majority of that class of men died, and they were handsomely buried some time ago. The pulpits have nearly all shut down upon that style of preaching. The truth is, we have passed that age, and we are living in imaginary better times. Our fathers and mothers were far behind the times. They were good enough in their way. But, alas! they would not do now. They wore plain clothes, worshipped in plain churches, and sang old-fashioned hymns. They talked and acted like some old pilgrims that were looking for a better country. When they left the country, they testified to the very last that they were going to a city where there is no night. And it is our deliberate opinion, that the vast majority of them went just where they said they were going.

But they are nearly all out of the way now; and the people have a mind to try a different route. We can be Christians now and do as we like. Yes, indeed! We can have fine churches, cushioned seats, costly carpets, a fashionable preacher, and have all our fiddling and singing done to order. Why, in some of our modern churches the majority of the choir are not even members of the church: and they do sing so sweetly -- perfectly delightful. The music rolls over the heads of the congregation like the sound of many waters. Not a word can be heard, but the sound is glorious! Sometimes one sings all alone for a little while, and then two, and pretty soon the whole choir chimes in until the whole house is filled with most transporting sounds! Now, if this is not singing with the spirit, and with the understanding also, then what is it? -- that's the question. I know that it is a little risky to speak out against pride at this day because the Church is full of it. And hundreds who occupy the pulpits, whose duty it is to point out these evils plainly, are like dumb dogs -- they don't even bark at it. They just let it go; and go it does with a vengeance! And in proportion as pride gains in a church, spiritual life dies out. They will not, cannot dwell together, for they are eternal opposites.

It is a sin and a shame for men and women professing Christianity to spend money the way they do to gratify a proud heart, while five-sixths of the people are yet unsaved; two-thirds have not so much as heard the Gospel of Christ. There are many evils in the land and in the Church, but I doubt if any one evil is doing more harm than pride. It has stolen into the Church by degrees; and it now rules with a rod of iron. Churches that were once noted for their plainness, -- and whose law still stands against pride and fashion, -- are practically powerless to avert the evil. The originators of fashion are kept busy in furnishing fashions enough to satisfy the cravings of the depraved heart. Art old Scotch preacher is reported to have said in a sermon at Aberdeen, "Ye people of Aberdeen get your fashions from Glasgow, and Glasgow from Edinburgh, and Edinburgh from London, and London from Paris, and Paris from the Devil." Now, we cannot say that we get our fashions by that route; but we are tolerably certain that they originate at the same headquarters.

The religion of Christ is pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, and full of mercy. All spiritually alive Christians are baptized by one Spirit into one body -- the body of Christ. They mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Their highest ambition is to honor God with all they have and with all they are. They are not puffed up, nor conformed to this world; but they are transformed by the renewing of their minds. There is no such thing in heaven above nor in the earth below as a proud Christian: there never was -- there never can be.

Pride is of the Devil -- it originated with him -- and he is managing it most successfully for destroying souls. But who is to blame for this state of things in the Church First and prominently, the pulpit is to blame. Men, who profess to be called of God to lead the people to heaven, have ceased to rebuke this soul-destroying and heaven-provoking spirit. But why? -- First for a living, then for popularity. Esau sold his birthright for a dinner of greens. That was a costly morsel for him. But now men sell out "cheap for cash or produce." Churches that were once powerful for good are now well-nigh lost in form and fashions. We may shut our eyes, wink and whine, and cry, "old fogy," and "grandfather," and "Moses and Aaron," -- and all that. But the fact is before us -- pride, fashion and extravagance are eating the very life out of many, deemed the best congregations in the land. The world is running crazy. The rich lead the way because they can; while the poor strain every nerve to keep in sight -- and the Devil laughs to see them rush on. "Pride thrust Nebuchadnezzar out of men's society, -- Saul out of his kingdom, -- Adam out of paradise, and Lucifer out of heaven." And it will shut out of heaven many more who are now prominent in the Church. Neither death nor the grave will change the character of any one. The same spirit that controlled in life will cling to the soul in death, and it will enter with it into eternity. The angels of God would shrink from the society of many a fashionable Christian of this day. A few such souls in heaven would ruin everything. Among the first things they would propose would be a change of fashions. Those pure white robes that the saints wear would not at all suit their taste. In this life they care but little about Christ and spiritual things. They would care no more for them in heaven than they do on earth. If there were two heavens, -- one where Jesus is all and in all, and the other with a Paris in it, -- I presume the road to the Paris heaven would be crowded with fashionable Christians.

"Ma," said a little girl, "if I should die and go to heaven, should I wear my moire antique dress?" "No, my love, we can scarcely suppose we shall wear in heaven the attire worn on earth." "Then tell me, ma, how the angels would know I belonged to the best society?" In the views of that little girl we have illustrated the spirit of many a would-be Christian of this day. "If ye be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." -- Bishop Weaver.

Fashion not only tortures her votaries, but also commands them to make themselves ridiculous and hideous. One is surprised to see the pains people take, not only to ruin their health, but also to make themselves positively ugly. A girl will go about all day with her hair tied, twisted, and puckered, and pinned upon her forehead, looking like a perfect fright, for the sake of having the privilege at night of combing her tresses in kinky waves, or brushing them down in her eyes in the shape of contemptible frizzes; thus appearing like a guy all the morning, for the sake of looking like a chimpanzee at night; and losing the respect of those who know her best, for the sake of attracting the attention of those who never saw her before, and may never wish to see her again. -- Safeguard.

Imagine a company of fops and flirts and wordlings singing: "O Beulah land, sweet Beulah land," or warbling some song about the "Evergreen Shore," for which they say they are bound, when, if the Bible is true, they know that they are bound straight for perdition. And yet gay and godless worldlings are hired and paid to participate in the worship of God, and sing words which, on their lips, can be nothing less than falsehood, hypocrisy and profanation. -- H. L. Hastings.

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