Tuesday, August 31, 2021



This society was organized for the purpose of propagating atheism, it has many members in the high schools and colleges of New York City, and Bible-scoffing meetings are held every two weeks. This society is affiliated with the national organization known as the Junior Atheist League. In Los Angeles they are called "The Devil's Angels." In Rochester they call themselves, "The Damned Souls." At some universities they call themselves, "The Legion of the Damned." They call the Bible, "The Jewish Scrapbook," and the general propaganda is in line with this blasphemy. Some of them have committed suicide. What an influence for some of our boys and girls to be under!

As to infidelity, Voltaire said he would utterly destroy the Bible, but he is now destroyed and almost forgotten, while the Bible is more alive today than anything else in the world. There is a report that the very building used by Voltaire to contain his printing press has been secured by the American Bible Society, and is now stocked with Bibles from the basement to the attic.

Bob Ingersoll, with his five hundred organized infidel clubs, said he would abolish the Bible in a few weeks, which took the disciples a lifetime to prepare. His infidel clubs have gone into oblivion, and today the increasing millions bow daily to the untiring study of the sacred shrine -- the Bible. -- "Gems of Truth," hdm0499, by W. G. Ketcheson

Monday, August 30, 2021



The noted infidel Edward Gibbon's last words were, "All is now lost; finally lost, irrevocably lost; all is dark and doubtful." All his expectation was lost, all his hope was lost, all his light was lost and lost forever. His sun was setting to rise no more. [It might be well to note here that while HDM has published Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," his atheistic beliefs are not thereby advocated.] The educated atheist Hobbes flaunted himself in his atheism and for years went unrestrained in his attacks on God, the Bible, and Christianity, but the day came when his candle was going out and his tabernacle was being clouded in utter darkness. As he drew near to death, he said, "I am about to take a leap into the dark. I would be glad to find a hole to creep out of this world through." He was entering the domain of darkness from which he has never found a door that leads to light and God. -- "Endless Retribution," hdm0232, by H. H. Hooker

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Lesson Nine of the Quarter: Nehemiah's Concern

 Today's lesson comes from the book of Nehemiah 1: 1-11. There has been a lapse of 12 years since the events of last Sunday's lesson. Ezra and Nehemiah lived during the reign of Artaxerxes. Some scholars believe the king wanted to build up the province of Judah as a base for military operations in the west. Trouble was developing in Egypt, and a strong pro-Persian group of people in Palestine would be militarily advantageous. 

Nehemiah was the cupbearer for the king. Such a man not only mad sure the food and drink of the king was free from poison, but he also served as a counselor and friend to the king. It was a prestigious position in the Persian Empire. Yet, Nehemiah's affections were centered on the condition of his people, the Jews. If he could advance the Jewish cause, he would gladly give up his position and luxuries. 

Prayer is an important subject in today's lesson. Nehemiah's prayer included praise, humility, confession, God's promises quoted, and petition. Too often when people pray, it focuses only on petition. I remember the old line, "Gimee, gimee, gimmie, my name is Jimmy." Prayer is so much more than just asking for things. As the story progresses, you will see Nehemiah's constant communion with God.

The first section is: Report of Affliction. vv. 1-3 Nehemiah's brother, Hanani, arrives back in the capital city of Shushan in 446B.C. Ninety years have elapsed since Zerubbabel led the first group of Jews back to Palestine. Nehemiah would have been curious as to how everyone was doing in the homeland. While Nehemiah had a high position in Persia, he kept his affections set on a distant land. We should be the same way. We live here, but our home is in a place far away. Our affections should be there and not become too attached to the world. 

The men gave Nehemiah a disturbing report. The small group of Jews in Palestine were struggling. They were surrounded by people who were antagonistic to the Jewish cause. Some of the enemies were outspoken and they had taken steps to stop the Jews from rebuilding their nation. There had been an attempt to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, but that attempt had been brought to a halt by the Jews' enemies (Ezra 4). The gates had been burned during the Babylonian invasion. Without walls and gates, the city was unprotected and could be easily overrun. Their national and religious center was defenseless. All of this would have been very troubling to Nehemiah.

The summary points of this section:

1. While we live here, our hearts should be on the kingdom of God.

2. Bad information received should be a matter of prayer, not gossip.

3. We should as we are able assist our Christian brothers and sisters in need.

The second section is: Response of Anguish. vv. 4-7 Nehemiah loses his strength when he hears the report. It was not just an emotional sadness, but instead it was a real soul burden. Nehemiah began seeking God for approximately 120 days. He "fasted and prayed before the God of heaven." When facing a problem, the first action should be to seek God in prayer. 

Nehemiah addresses God similar to how Daniel did in Daniel 9:4, "God of heaven, the great and terrible God." God is not only powerful, but He is gracious in that He "keepeth covenant and mercy." Nehemiah was consistent in praying "day and night." To help the Jews plight, Nehemiah would need King Artaxerxes help. That is why he would have prayed that God would "grant him mercy in the sight" of the king. 

Nehemiah's prayer involved both petition and confession. He stated, "We have sinned against thee." Prayer is an act of humility bringing the need to Almighty God for His assistance and help. I worry when I hear people command God in prayer. We are to be respectful and honest in our praying. It is acceptable to talk to God even if you are unhappy with His lack of response to your requests. I believe God enjoys our raw emotion and honesty, but it must come from a place of deep humility and contrition. 

The summary points of this section:

1. Prayer is the first act to take when facing a problem.

2. We should pray honestly with an attitude of humility.  

3. When interceding for others, we need to identify with the ones we are praying for, feeling the weight of their sin and making confession.

The third section is: Request of Assistance. vv. 8-11 Having come before the LORD in reverence and praise, Nehemiah begins quoting the promises of God back to Him. Just like a parent takes pleasure when his child speaks what he has said, God takes pleasure when we quote Him. Nehemiah, like Moses, reminded God of His promises and His word. Moses prayed that God would not destroy the Israelites in the wilderness. Nehemiah prayed that God would gather the Jews and bring them "unto the place that I (God) have chosen to set my name there." God had promised to gather back His people once they had turned back to Him and Nehemiah was reminded God of His word. Notice that Nehemiah did not carry the burden alone (v. 11), but enlisted others to pray with him. Nehemiah closes his prayer with a specific request, "prosper, I pray thee, thy servant this day, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man." If we have God's mercy, He will work on our behalf. And, He did.

The summary points of this section:

1. Praying God's Word back to Him builds our faith, and pleases God.

2. God always has a man that He can use in the right place at the right time.

3. You should enlist the help of other to pray with you. 

Examples of summary point 2 are:

1. Obadiah was in Ahab's court for Elijah and God's prophets.

2. Ebed-melech was in Zedekiah's court for Jeremiah.

3. Nehemiah was in Artaxerxes's court for the Jews.

The Golden Text is: "O Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant." (Neh. 1:11) There are several keys to Nehemiah's prayer:

1. Verses 4 and 5, he began by exalting the LORD.

2. Verses 6 and 7, he followed with a confession of his and his people's failures.

3. Verses 8 and 9, he quotes the promises of God.

4. Verses 10 and 11, he makes a specific application.

Nehemiah provides a good pattern to follow in praying. Let us be faithful.

Next week, "A Call to Labor." (Nehemiah 4-13; 17,18)

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Living In An Infidel City


Let us build an infidel city and see what it is like. Make it the size of Cleveland, Ohio, ten by twenty miles with a million people.

In the post offices every person is an infidel. Every one you meet on the streets is an infidel. In the stores, clerks, managers, and everybody you see is an infidel. In the day schools, all the teachers, principals, and the mass of pupils all of them, are infidels. The little children in the homes never see or hear anything religious, nothing but infidelity from one year's end to the other. In the hospitals some are very sick, others are dying, but all the doctors and nurses; yes, and all the sick people they are caring for, one and all, are infidels. If the Spirit of God moves upon a dying person and he becomes in trouble about his soul, he cannot ask for prayer, he's an infidel, and there is no one there or in the city to pray for him; they are all infidels. The dead have to be buried without a gospel sermon, without prayer and without a hymn being sung; these things cannot be done in the city; they are all infidels.

On Sunday, there are no church services nor Sunday Schools anywhere in the city, and business continues on the Sabbath the same as any other day; in fact, infidels have no Sabbath; it belongs to the believers, it is only Sunday to them. Not a child in the city has been baptized; they are all infidels. No sacraments are ever administered; infidels don't have such things. Buy a Bible there if you can. There is not one to be had in the city. Not a religious book or paper to be seen, just infidel books and papers. Christmas comes, Thanksgiving comes, and Easter comes, but no attention is given to these by infidels.

What a place to live in, and what a place to raise a family! Christianity at its worst, is a thousand times better than the deceitfulness, blindness and ignorance of infidelity. -- "Gems of Truth," hdm0499, by W. G. Ketcheson

Friday, August 27, 2021



Dr. Powers, a noble evangelist of Lincoln, Nebraska, told this in my presence. He said, "My father was an infidel. He wrote a great book on infidelity which never was published. My mother's brother's son imbibed the infidelity of my father, and he became, at the age of twenty-seven, a perfect demon, an infidel of the rankest kind. He used to laugh at me and my brother because we served the Lord. One day in the harvest field, to show his great atheistic daring, he dropped his cradle and rolled up his sleeves and challenged God. He said, 'I dare God the Father to come down and fight with me; I dare God the Son to come down and fight with me.' God the Father and God the Son took the insult; but the next day, with that awful daring, he laid down his cradle again, struck up his sleeves and said, 'I dare the Holy Ghost to come down and fight with me.' Quicker than a flash the fellow dropped, paralyzed from his arms down. They carried him to the house and sent hastily for two doctors, who came and examined him and declared they did not know what was the matter with him; they had never seen anything like it. In the early part of his sickness he began to groan, 'O eternity, eternity; how shall I spend eternity!' He had beautiful, long, curly hair, and for four days he pulled at it until he had pulled it all out. On the ninth day, just as the sun was going down, he groaned out, 'O eternity, eternity; how can I endure eternity?' and he was gone."-- "Dying to Live," hdm0099, by A. M. Hills

Thursday, August 26, 2021



"The author of 'Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation' gives an account of a man of his acquaintance, a notorious and profane atheist. By the persuasion of pious relatives, who had long prayed for his conversion, he was induced to attend a series of religious meetings, where he was brought to see his condition as a sinner, and to exercise saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 'Old things' having 'passed away, and all things become new,' the change was so strikingly great that it was obvious to all who knew him. He immediately sought reconciliation with his enemies, and asked their forgiveness, and tried to benefit them by leading them to Christ. He began to visit from house to house, laboring and praying with his neighbors, and inviting them to attend religious worship on the Sabbath. When converted, one of his first acts, although he had heard nothing of any such act in others, was to make out a list of all his own associates then living within reach of his influence. For the conversion of these he determined to labor as he had opportunity, and pray daily. On his list were one hundred and sixteen names, among whom were skeptics, drunkards, and other individuals as little likely to be reached by Christian influence as any other men in the region. Within two years of the period of the old man's conversion, one hundred of these individuals had made a profession of religion. This account is not exaggerated; the old man is living, and there are a thousand living witnesses to this testimony." -- "Pentecost, Its Scope, Power and Perpetuation," hdm0209, by W. G. Bennett

Wednesday, August 25, 2021



So today God often hears the cry of unbelievers for temporal mercies. One case well known to the writer may be given as an illustration. My friend told me that he had been an atheist many years. While an infidel, he had been singing for forty years in a church choir because he was fond of music. His aged father became seriously ill two or three years ago, and lay in great pain. The doctors were helpless to relieve the sufferer. In his distress for his father, the infidel choirman fell on his knees and cried, "O God, if there is a God, show Thy power by taking away, my father's pain!" God heard the man's piteous cry, and removed the pain immediately. The "atheist" praised God, and hurried off to his vicar to find out the way of salvation! Today he is out-and-out for Christ, giving his whole time to work for his newly-found Savior. Yes, God is greater than His promises, and is more willing to hear than we are to pray. -- "The Kneeling Christian," hdm0663, by Anonymous

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Are You On Fire?

 “Keep your eyes on the LORD! You will shine like the sun.” (Psalm 34:5) Moses’ face reflected the glory of God after he had spent time with God at Sinai. Stephen’s face became bright as an angel’s before they killed him. People that spend time with God have a certain “something” about them. They have a fire about them and it shows.

What is this fire? It is love. It is faith. It is hope. It is passion, purpose, and utter devotion. It is discontent with compromise, worldliness, dead formality and spiritual parades. It is recognizing that some pretenders are “all thunder, no rain.” This means that they do not have the anointing of the Holy Ghost and they just make noise. When someone has the fire of God on them, they can be like David and run toward Goliath, or be like Esther and face the king putting her life on the line.
The Holy Spirit will burn in and through a humble, holy, faithful man or woman. Are you ready to burn?

Monday, August 23, 2021

Thoughts on Holiness

 The following is taken from J.C. Ryle's book on holiness:

"That a life of daily self-consecration and daily communion with God should be aimed at by everyone who professes to be a believer - that we should strive to attain the habit of going to the Lord Jesus Christ with everything we find a burden, whether great or small, and casting it upon Him - all this, I repeat, no welltaught child of God will dream of disputing. But surely the New Testament teaches us that we want something more than generalities about holy living, which often prick no conscience and give no offence. The details and particular ingredients of which holiness is composed in daily life, ought to be fully set forth and pressed on believers by all who profess to handle the subject. True holiness does not consist merely of believing and feeling, but of doing and bearing, and a practical exhibition of active and passive grace. Our tongues, our tempers, our natural passions and inclinations - our conduct as parents and children, masters and servants, husbands and wives, rulers and subjects - our dress, our employment of time, our behaviour in business, our demeanour in sickness and health, in riches and in poverty - all, all these are matters which are fully treated by inspired writers. They are not content with a general statement of what we should believe and feel, and how we are to have the roots of holiness planted in our hearts. They dig down lower. They go into particulars. They specify minutely what a holy man ought to do and be in his own family, and by his own fireside, if he abides in Christ. I doubt whether this sort of teaching is sufficiently attended to in the movement of the present day. When people talk of having received “such a blessing,” and of having found “the higher life,” after hearing some earnest advocate of “holiness by faith and self-consecration,” while their families and friends see no improvement and no increased sanctity in their daily tempers and behaviour, immense harm is done to the cause of Christ. True holiness, we surely ought to remember, does not consist merely of inward sensations and impressions. It is much more than tears, and sighs, and bodily excitement, and a quickened pulse, and a passionate feeling of attachment to our own favourite preachers and our own religious party, and a readiness to quarrel with everyone who does not agree with us. It is something of “the image of Christ,” which can be seen and observed by others in our private life, and habits, and character, and doings. (Rom. viii. 29.)"

Holiness comes from faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, but unlike salvation, it is not all of God. We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit and apply effort as He develops us into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. We will never obtain absolute perfection in this life. John Wesley spoke of Christian Perfection. This he defined as loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbor as ourselves. This is an appropriate goal for all true believers.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Lesson Eight of the Quarter: Ezra's Return

 Today's lesson comes from Ezra chapter 7: 6-11; 24-28. Chapter six concludes the record of the activities of Zerubbabel, the rebuilding of the temple, and the celebration of the Passover. Fifty seven years elapses before the start of chapter seven. During the fifty seven years the story of Esther takes place.  This passage begins the account of Ezra's return of the Jews to Palestine approximately 458 B.C.

Ezra was both a priest and a scribe. A scribe not only copied the law, but also studied and interpreted the Law. While a priest, Ezra did not qualify to be a high priest because he was a descendant of a younger son in the family lineage. The lesson today will address the important of actions, the true measure of right and wrong and God's Providence over His creation.

The first section is "Ezra's Determination." vv. 6-10 Jewish tradition holds that Ezra gathered together all of the sacred writings up to his day, and compiled them into the first cannon of the Old Testament Scriptures. Ezra asked the king for permission to travel to Jerusalem to see how the Jews were doing. The king granted the request, for "the hand of the LORD his God upon him." These words occur eight times in Ezra and Nehemiah. They reveal the dependence that Ezra and Nehemiah had upon God for direction and protection. 

In verses 7-9, Ezra's journey to Palestine is summarized. The shortest route would have been about 520 miles. The longest route was about 900 miles. The size of the group traveling has been estimated between four and five thousand people. They traveled about four months. This showed determination and commitment to successfully complete this journey. 

Verse 10 gives insight into Ezra's character. He "prepared his heart," meaning he set his heart firmly to do these things. He gave himself over to the intense study of the Word of God. He first applied what he learned to his own life and then to others. This is good pattern for us to practice today. Ezra became "a man of one book." Living in a heathen culture, Ezra could have devoted his life to a number of sciences or studies. However, he remained committed to the LORD and His Holy Scriptures. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. We teach as much by what we do as by what we say.

2. We should invest time in the study of God's Word.

3. The key top a successful ministry is to study God's Word, apply it to your life, and then instruct others.

The second section is "Artaxerxes' Decrees." vv. 11-26 This section is broken down into three parts:

1. Verses 11-20 contain Artaxerxes'  letter to Ezra;

2. Verses 21-24 record his decree to the provincial treasurers; and

3. Verses 25-26 describe Ezra's personal instructions from the king.

The decree listed both instructions and very liberal provisions. Just like when the children of Israel left Egypt, they would have substantial offerings to meet their needs. People did not have to return, but anyone who desired to leave could. This has spiritual significance for us. God calls us to come out from among the lost, but we don't have to. We may dwell with the world or we can separate ourselves from worldliness and be sanctified unto God and His purposes. 

The king's treasurers of the provinces on the other side of the Euphrates River also received instructions. Ezra could receive up to 3 3/4 tons of silver, 940  bushels of wheat, a thousand gallons of wine and oil. This was a vast fortune. 

The king's personal instructions to Ezra included having him set up magistrates and judges in the land. These men were to govern the people based on the Laws of God. Thus, the society would be peaceful and productive. Any violations of God's laws would be dealt with speedily. 

The summary points of this section:

1. God in His providence can turn the hearts of those in authority to bless His people.

2. The only true measure of right and wrong is found in God's Word.

3. The peace of a people is dependent on their adherence to the laws of God. (Think about our society and you know why what is happening is happening today.)

The third section is "God's Designs." vv. 27, 28 In this last section, Ezra offers praise to God. First, he praised God for His influence over the king of Persia. Second, he praised God for the good favor which was shown to him by the king and his counselors. Third, he praised God for the strength he received to put the plan into action. Ezra acknowledged God's Providence, mercy, and grace in bringing about His perfect plan. 

The summary points of this section:

1. God still controls our leaders.

2. The hand of God is in every event.

3. We are to constantly give thanks.

The Golden Text is: "According to the good hand of his God upon me." (Ezra 7:9) This verse occurs three times in today's lesson, in verses 6, 9, and 28. Whether you agree or not, it doesn't matter. God in His Providence controls events and will use secondary causes, e.g. people, to bring about His will. God turns the hearts of kings, gives us the strength to carry out His purposes and provides grace and favor for us to be successful. As the old hymn states, "Great is thy faithfulness, O God, my Father." We can trust God's goodness and faithfulness to carry us through our lives in this world and in the one to come.

Next week: "Nehemiah's Concern." (Nehemiah 1:1-11)

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Praying for the Grace of Contentment and Patience

 Lord, teach us in whatever situation we are to be content; let us know how to be brought low and how to abound; in any and every circumstance, let us learn the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. Philippians 4:11-12(ESV) And let godliness with contentment be great gain to us, 1 Timothy 6:6(ESV) and a little with the fear of the LORD and quietness, be better than great treasure and trouble with it. Proverbs 15:16(ESV)

Lord, grant that our life may be free from the love of money, and we may always be content with what we have, Hebrews 13:5(ESV) ever saying, “Let the will of the Lord be done.” Acts 21:14(ESV)

Enable us in our endurance to possess our own souls; Luke 21:19(KJV) and let steadfastness always have its full effect, that we may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:4(ESV)

Lord, give us grace to mourn as though we were not mourning, and to rejoice as though we were not rejoicing, and to buy as though we had no goods, and to deal with the world as though we had no dealings with it, because the appointed time has grown very short, and the present form of this world is passing away. 1 Corinthians 7:29-31(ESV)

Friday, August 20, 2021

A Prayer to Control Your Tongue

 Lord, enable us to guard our ways, that we may not sin with our tongue, and to guard our mouth, as if with a muzzle, Psalm 39:1(ESV) that it may not be hasty to utter a word. Ecclesiastes 5:2(ESV)

Set a guard, O LORD, over our mouth; keep watch over the door of our lips, Psalm 141:3(ESV) that we may not stumble in what we say. James 3:2(ESV)

Let our speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, Colossians 4:6(ESV) and enable us always, out of the good treasure of our heart, to bring forth good. Matthew 12:35(KJV) Let our mouth utter wisdom, and our tongue speak justice; Psalm 37:30(ESV) and let not your words depart out of our mouth, or out of the mouth of our offspring, or our children’s offspring, from this time forth and forevermore. Isaiah 59:21(ESV)

Enable us always to open our mouth with wisdom, and let the teaching of kindness be on our tongue. Proverbs 31:26(ESV) Give us to know what is acceptable, Proverbs 10:32(ESV) that our tongue may be as choice silver, and our lips may feed many. Proverbs 10:20-21(ESV)

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Being a Red Hot Christian

 “Be on fire in the Spirit as you serve the Lord!” (Romans 12:11 CEB) We use the expression, “to be on fire for God.” The following are some characteristics of on those who are red-hot for God:

1. Red-hot Christians are those who have hungered and thirsted for God and have found Him.
2. Red-hot Christians believe God and what He says.
3. Red-hot Christians get alone with God as Jesus did in His all-nights of prayer.
4. Red-hot Christians love God, His people, His church, and His service. They love righteousness and holiness.
5. Red-hot Christians do not entangle themselves with the affairs of life. They do not mix with worldly people except to do them good or if possible, lead them to Christ.
We need to be on fire for God. We need to stop the compromising with the world. As my mentor Rev. J. Herbert Norton would say, “if a shoe pinches, fix it so it doesn’t hurt.” This means if preaching offends you because it is too close to an area you need correction, then change your life so you aren’t under the rod of correction. We need men and women of God to stand up for Biblical truth and stand up for what the Bible says, not what we want it to say.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Separation from the World

 “Having these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Corinthians 7:1) What are the promises that Paul is referring to? In the last few verses of chapter 6, Paul the apostle tells us to separate from those who worship idols and are non believers. When we do, God will be a Father to us and we shall be His children. This is not a call to live a solitary or a monastic life. However, it is a call to separate from the evil doings from others. This does not mean we remove all contact, we are to be a light to those who don’t know Jesus. We are to influence them, not the other way around.

Candidly, this separation will occur almost naturally as we cleanse ourselves “from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit.” We are to live holy lives. We are not perfect in this world but we do have Christian perfection. Christian perfection is loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and your neighbor as yourself. When we do that, those not interested in the gospel message yet (that is a big word, “yet”), will not want you around. Those that God is touching their hearts will respond in faith eventually as they respond to Him. Our job is to love with a Biblical love for others. That does not mean agreement with sin. We are to cleanse ourselves and that sometimes means removal from people, groups, and associations that are not godly.

We live in challenging times, however, the Word of God has the answers we need. We are to come out from among the ungodly and walk in holiness. That means loving people you disagree with. That means showing the compassion of Christ to the hurting, without embracing their sin. We can do this because we have the promises of God that belong to us. We can walk on the highway of holiness. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A Prayer for the Grace of Hope

 Let endurance produce character in us, and character produce hope – such a hope that does not put us to shame. Romans 5:4-5(ESV) Through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures, let us have hope, Romans 15:4(ESV) and be saved by hope. Romans 8:24(ESV)

Let the God of Jacob be our help, and our hope always be in the LORD our God. Psalm 146:5(ESV)

Let us be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 1 Peter 1:3(ESV) and let that hope be to us as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, entering into the inner place behind the curtain, where the Forerunner has gone on our behalf. Hebrews 6:19-20(ESV)

Let us have Christ in us, the hope of glory, Colossians 1:27(ESV) and never be shifting from the hope of the gospel; Colossians 1:23(ESV) but enable us to show earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end. Hebrews 6:11(ESV)

Monday, August 16, 2021

A Prayer for Grace to Keep You From Sin

 We pray to God that we may not do wrong, 2 Corinthians 13:7(ESV) but may be blameless and innocent, as children of God, without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation. Philippians 2:15(ESV)

Turn our eyes from looking at worthless things; and give us life in your ways. Psalm 119:37(ESV) Put false ways far from us and graciously teach us your law! Psalm 119:29(ESV)

Do not let our hearts incline to any evil, to busy ourselves with wicked deeds in company with men who work iniquity, and let us not eat of their delicacies! Psalm 141:4(ESV)

O declare us innocent from hidden faults; keep back your servants also from presumptuous sins: Let them not have dominion over us, but let us be blameless and innocent of great transgression; Psalm 19:12-13(ESV) and grant that hereby we may prove ourselves blameless before you, by keeping ourselves from our own guilt. Psalm 18:23(ESV)

Let your word be stored up in our hearts, that we might not sin against you; Psalm 119:11(ESV) and your grace be at all times sufficient for us, 2 Corinthians 12:9(ESV) ready to us, and mighty in us; and never give us up to our own hearts’ lust, to walk in our own counsel. Jeremiah 7:24(ESV)

Enable us to walk carefully, not as unwise but as wise, Ephesians 5:15(ESV) so carefully, that we may cut off occasion from those who desire occasion to blaspheme that honorable name by which we are called; James 2:7(ESV) and by doing good may we put to silence the ignorance of foolish people, 1 Peter 2:15(ESV) and may we adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in everything. Titus 2:10(ESV)

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Lesson Seven of the Quarter: A Decree of Deliverance

 Today's lesson comes from Esther 8:7-17. A few things have happened since last Sunday's lesson and today. They can be summarized as follows:

1. With prayer and fasting, Esther risked her life to go before the king and he held out the golden scepter to Esther, thus saving her life.

2. Esther requests that the king and Haman attend a banquet she has prepared.

3. Haman's wife suggests to him to build a gallows to hang Mordecai.

4. The king has a problem sleeping and as a result, he has the records of the kingdom read to him. He learns that Mordecai had exposed a plot to assassinate the king but Mordecai was never honored for his actions.

5. Haman is ordered to parade Mordecai through the city in royal apparel. Haman is humiliated.

6. Esther has a second banquet and exposes the plot of Haman to kill all the Jews.

7. Haman is executed and the king gives all his possessions to Esther. Mordecai is promoted to prime minister. 

Only one problem remained, the decree previously given to murder the Jews.

The first section is "Write to the Jews." vv. 7,8  The original decree could not be rescinded. The Persians believed that their rulers were godlike and could foresee the future and the consequences of their decrees. Therefore, it would never be necessary to change a decree once made. This demonstrates the pride of the Persians and their folly. The king sees only one way out. He must issue a new decree. The king tells Mordecai to write to the Jews "as it liketh you." Since Mordecai has the kin's seal, a new decree can be issued to counter the first decree.

The summary points of this section:

1. No human has the ability to know the future except as it has been given him by the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Pride leads to destruction.

3. Only God knows the beginning from the end.

The second section is "Stand for Your Lives." vv. 9-14 The king summons his scribes and a new decree is written. It contained the following four parts:

1. The Jews have the right to assemble together.

2. Jews could arm themselves and "stand for their life."

3. Jews could kill anyone who opposed them.

4. Jews could take the spoil of their enemies as a prize.

The new decree would be dispatched with the fastest means of transportation. No time was to be lost. This decree was written two months after the first decree so the Jews had nine months to prepare.

The summary points of this sections:

1. Sometimes you have to be prepared for a fight.

2. We should never delay in giving good news, especially the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. God still rules in the affairs of men and nations.

The third section is "Joy and Gladness." vv. 15-17 After the decree for the Jews to be able to defend themselves, Mordecai is seen in the capitol. He is no longer in sackcloth and ashes, he is arrayed in royal robes. He is the new prime minister of Persia. The city "rejoiced and was glad." When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice. When evil people are in charge, the people mourn. As a result of the decree the following occurred:

1. Many of the people converted to Judaism because they saw God was with the Jews.

2. No one could stand against the Jews: 75000 enemies of the Jews were slain.

3. In Shushan, 810 were slain including the sons of Haman.

4. Mordecai decrees that the 14th and 15th of the 12th month were to be set aside as days of celebration. It is called "The Feast of Purim." 

Today, on Purim the tradition is that Jews are to become so intoxicated that they cannot tell the difference between the righteousness of Mordecai and the evil of Haman. Now, that is drunk!

The summary points of this section are:

1. After mourning and seeking God, He will deliver His children.

2. God will ever preserve His people.

3. When adversity comes, we should respond in prayer. That is our first and best response.

The Golden Text is: "The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honour." (Esther 8:16)

Life is full of battles and conflicts. However, if we face those problems with prayer and confidence in God, we shall have the victory. This is not a guarantee of a "Disney ending," but rather the promise that God will preserve us and give us the victory. We are to keep faith in God. He will never fail us. He will bring us through the adversity.

Next week: "Ezra's Return." (Ezra 7: 6-11; 7: 23-28)

Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Truth About Holy Spirit Conviction Part 3

 We are learning about what exactly is Holy Spirit conviction. This is necessary because many in the pulpit have never been saved, never received Holy Spirit conviction, so they are unable to help the lost in their congregations. 

The Holy Spirit takes the Word of God as the means of driving the sinner out of himself to the Lord Jesus Christ. Notice the word "Lord." If Jesus Christ is not Lord over your life, you are not saved. The Spirit causes the sinner to sit and listen, for "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (Romans 10:17) The Holy Spirit brings the requirements of the Law to the lost and causes the sinner to cry out that he is lost! "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death" (Romans 7:24) The law condemns, it is the gospel that acquits.

There is so much empty preaching in churches today that there is no conviction in the average fellowship. The sinner is made comfortable in his sins, he feels no necessity to repent and run to the cross for salvation. Friend, have you ever mourned over your sins? Have you ever been made to lie at the feet of Christ in the dust of repentance? If you haven't, God help you to get there.

In summary, Holy Spirit conviction can be described as follows: The Holy Spirit takes the Word of God and digs deep into the very nature of that sinner's being; He brings the sinner to a place of weeping and mourning over his lost condition until he repents and forsakes his sin. Then, the Holy Spirit takes the Word of God and digs deep into his prejudices, his pride, his rebellion, and his utter emptiness until sees his guilty distance from a holy God and is made to cry out, "Have mercy upon me, O God...Against thee, thee only, have I sinned." (Psalm 51: 1,4)

Unless the Holy Spirit strips you and lets you see your nakedness before God, you will never cry for the righteousness of Christ. May there be a cry in your heart that you will not let go until you find rest in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

The Truth About Holy Spirit Conviction Part 2

 We continue looking at Holy Spirit conviction. We do this because many preachers are unsaved and they don't know the first thing about true Holy Spirit conviction. 

The Word of God becomes effective to the lost soul because it is a sword. Ephesians 6:17 says: "And the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." The Holy Spirit cannot do one thing in the heart of the sinner apart from the Word, and the Word is powerless without the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes the Word of God to the sinners heart and when He does, He brings him to the bar of justice. He convicts him of his sinfulness and shows him that he is condemned. The sinner feels and realizes and acknowledges his guilt and condemnation. 

Many people that claim to be saved have no idea what I am writing about. They "accepted Jesus," or "trusted Jesus," or "made a decision for Jesus." The Holy Spirit will apply the Word of God to the sinner and open him up. The Holy Spirit will direct the arrow of God's Word into the heart of the sinner and lay bare his depravity. He will reveal the loathsome nature and his vile corruption. Holy Spirit conviction will open the eyes of the guilty sinner and let him look within for the first time. He turns the sinner "from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God." He does this that the sinner may "receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith." (Acts 26:18) 

Holy Spirit conviction is when He takes the Word of God home to the heart of the sinner, causes the sinner to discover his misery out of Christ and causes him to cry out, "Brethren, what must I do?" Or, like the Philippian jailer, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:30) The Holy Spirit causes the lost man to see himself bound over to death as a guilty sinner and fills him with fear and terror, anxiety and remorse, and sets to mourning after Christ for salvation.  

Friend, this is why we as a ministry exist, to provide the old rugged truth to help people get saved and become holy. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Truth About Holy Spirit Conviction

 There can be no salvation apart from Holy Spirit conviction. When the false teacher does not preach repentance and the necessity of Holy Spirit conviction, not matter what "sinners prayer" is prayed, whether they "accept" or "make a decision for Jesus," no salvation is possible according to the Word of God. There seems to be a "downgrade" movement similar to what Charles Spurgeon faced in the 19th century. The gospel is being reduced to a feel good, prosperity focused, relativism that is the work of Satan. Just as the world has rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, the church has rejected the Holy Spirit. Since many (and I fear most) modern day preachers are not truly saved, they don't know how to convey what Holy Spirit conviction is to the lost. This post will describe what Holy Spirit conviction is and is not.

1. The Holy Spirit reveals to the sinner how dark and deprived his heart is, just as the Holy Spirit in Genesis 1:2, "moved upon the face of the waters." In the third verse, God said, "Let there be light, and there was light." Holy Spirit conviction brings order out of chaos. 

2. Holy Spirit conviction makes the sinner "confounded." (Acts 2:6) Confounded means confused. When the sinner first has light on their soul condition, they are confused because before conviction, they didn't know.

3. Holy Spirit conviction makes the sinner "amazed" (Acts 2:7) That means they are deeply stirred and the fear of God  falls upon them until they are transported into a new world of thinking.

4. Then, the Holy Spirit brings "doubt" upon the sinner. (Acts 2:12) This means they in a state of fear and did not know how to get out.

The first stage of Holy Spirit conviction described above is summarized as the doubt phrase. This is what happened on the day of Pentecost. They were first convicted, convinced by the Holy Spirit, that they were sinners, lost and ruined, with no way out. According to Acts 2: 37, "They were pricked in their heart." The word "pricked" means they were goaded with keen slender knife that cut its way into the very spirit until the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ shined in and laid bare their hearts and they cried, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" Peter's answer was, "Repent...in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins."

Friend, how long has it been in your church that you heard the voice of the lost cry out, "Preacher, I'm lost; brethren, what must I do?" 

More to follow in Part 2.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Marks of a False Prophet

 In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus warned, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves...." II Peter 2:1 states: "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring damnable heresies...." There is much in God's Word about exposing false prophets. We are to expose them and also preach the way of salvation.

Jesus said, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall now them." I want to provide three categories of fruit for this post: their creed, their character, and their converts. When we examine these three categories, we will be able to detect and expose false prophets. 

First, the creed of a false prophet will eliminate the necessity of repentance. While the term may occasionally be referenced, the false prophet has never repented so he doesn't understand it, because he has never been there. The false teacher will seek to comfort the sinner, tell him that God loves him just as he is and he doesn't need to change. God is love and that love will be sufficient to take you to heaven. "Just trust Jesus," "accept Jesus," or "just make a decision for Jesus." Sometimes the illustration is given as follows: God votes for you, Satan votes against you, and you cast the deciding vote. This false teacher turns God into a powerless spectator wringing His hands on the sidelines hoping someone chooses Him. God is powerful and He is the one that chooses you. It is your responsibility to respond to His calling and if you don't you will be lost. The false teacher tells the sinner that he is in charge. The sinner is not in charge, God is.

Second, the character is the preacher's inward spirit, their attitude, and their walk. The false teacher is afraid to tell the sinner the truth. He refuses to tell the lost that he is unrighteous with no understanding of God, and who does not seek God. Read Romans 3 for a description of the lost soul. They don't want God. The true teacher will thunder God's truth and not be afraid of the results. The walk of the false prophet is to comfort the lost as they are on their way to hell. They most likely will never mention hell because they are afraid o do so. The true prophet of God puts man in his proper place. That place is a place of responsibility to respond to God's call with repentance and making Jesus Christ Lord and Savior.

Third, when you look at the converts of a false preacher, the difference between a false and a true prophet are very evident. An old preacher once said to me, "Brother, what you win them with, is what you will have to keep giving them to keep them. So just give them the Lord Jesus Christ." False teachers try to win to church membership, the latest gimmick or program, easy believeism, or free grace. A false preacher is just looking for numbers, statistics, or money. A true prophet of God will understand what it takes to be born again and will preach the truth about repentance. I personally believe there are more false prophets than true prophets today. I read one sermon from the 1960s and the pastor said he believed that 95% of all pastors in the USA were lost. We have no way of knowing the truth of that statistic, but the main takeaway is to use the ministers creed, character and converts as a way of determining whether he is real or a wolf in sheep's clothing. You will know them by their fruits.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Characteristics of a False Prophet

 Jesus warned us in Matthew 7: 15: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing...."  These teachers, ministers, or pastors look like Christians but they are not. Paul warned that Satan "is transformed into an angel of light." Jude warns against false teachers saying, "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to condemnation, ungodly men...." The point is that there are false teachers in the church that are really working for their father Satan. Can we know them? Yes, there are characteristics that will reveal them. Here are some (not exhaustive, more to come):

1. A preacher that preaches, peace, peace, when there is no peace. This is a preacher that does not speak of repentance. You have to repent or perish but they will not tell you. They may mention the word, but since they have never truly repented, they can not help an awakened sinner.

2. A preacher that does not get converts to the Lord Jesus Christ. They will say, "trust Jesus," "accept Jesus," or "make a decision for Jesus." However, they are not able to bring the sinner to the Lord Jesus Christ because they don't know Him themselves.

3. An unsaved preacher is a false teacher that does not understand an awakened sinner (a sinner under the conviction of the Holy Spirit). They can't tell the sinner what to do, they can only comfort him. This is a sure sign of a false preacher that comforts a sinner instead of telling him what to do to get right with God.

4. A false preacher likes to preach smooth things, like love, joy happiness, wealth and abundance. A false preacher will invent easy ways to heaven. 


5. A false teacher/preacher will have no fruit. Jesus said, "by their fruits ye shall know them." They will bring many distractions, speaking in tongues, water baptism, church membership, or others but these are not salvation.

God does not offer salvation to a sinner until that sinner severs relationships with everybody, with everything, and with the world. To be a Christian, you receive Jesus Christ as Lord, the full absolute authority over your heart and life. No rebellion exists in the heart once one has made Jesus Lord of all. If you are not willing to obey Christ, you are not saved! Anyone who tells you otherwise, is a false teacher. If faith in Christ does not produce a holy life, a life separated from the world, a life separated unto Christ, if your faith in Christ does not put Him first, last and always, then your faith is null and void, and you are not saved. Anyone who tells you different is a false teacher.

More to come on this important subject.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Blots and Blemishes

The following comes from Ligonier Ministries:

“They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions, while they feast with you” (2 Peter 2:13b).

2 Peter 2:12–13

As we consider the false teachers described in 2 Peter, let us continue to remember that the qualities characterizing these teachers have often been true of other false teachers as well. The attributes Peter condemns in his opponents are characteristics we should consider whenever someone purports to be a teacher of the Word of God.

One negative trait these false teachers displayed was arrogance. These teachers boldly mocked or denied the power of the evil one, probably convinced that they were not under his influence. Though lacking power, they were not afraid to assert themselves as if they had nothing to fear from beings more powerful than they. This arrogance stands in stark contrast to the humility of God’s angels who, though greater in power than the demons, recognize their own need to be wary of evil even as they pronounce judgment upon it (2:10–11).

In verses 12–13a, Peter explains that these arrogant, false teachers are destined for destruction. He compares them to irrational animals who operate by instinct and are thus born to be destroyed. We note here that Peter is not endorsing the wholesale slaughter of animal populations or any kind of cruelty to animals. The idea that at least some animals were born ultimately for slaughter was common in his day, and Scripture’s teaching on stewardship does imply that, at least in the world’s present state, some “creatures of instinct” (v. 12) glorify God by serving man’s need for food, clothing, and other things. In their reckless living and flaunting of the truth, these teachers are no more rational than such animals and like them are born to be destroyed.

Verse 13b explains that the false teachers found pleasure in reveling in the daytime and enjoyed their deceptions while feasting with Peter’s congregation. In view here are probably the “love feasts,” or fellowship meals, that followed the celebration of the Lord’s Supper in the early church. Though feasting with other believers would show that these teachers considered themselves true believers, and probably “excellent” believers at that, in reality their behavior revealed them as blots and blemishes on the church.

Coram Deo

False teachers who leave the church to start their own cults are, in a sense, easier to deal with because they have clearly set themselves apart from the Christian community. More insidious are those teachers who hold onto the name “Christian” and yet subtly or overtly preach things contrary to the Word of God. While we must not be divisive over minor matters, we also must be discerning about all our teachers. Pray that God would help you discern truth from error.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Lesson Six of the Quarter: For Such a Time as This

 Today's lesson comes from Esther 4: 1-17. The book of Esther is unique in that it does not actually mention prayer or the name of God. Yet, throughout the book God's Providential care is evident. He is the silent Participant in what takes place. Today's lesson includes the subject of fasting. Fasting was generally accompanied by prayer. Mordecai's sackcloth and ashes are also typical of Jewish behavior in seeking the face of God.

The Bible instructs us that God is Sovereign in the affairs of men and nations. God is in charge of what occurs in our lives. There are no "maverick molecules" that operate independent of His control. Yet, God accomplishes His will in a way that does not remove our responsibility for the choices we make. God knows the end from the beginning and He will set in motion what needs to be done to bring about His perfect plan. As we study Esther, we will see how God's Providence brings about His perfect plan.

The first section is "Mordecai's Mournful Cry." vv. 1-4  As a result of the king's decree to kill the Jews, Mordecai tears his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes. This was a Jewish sign of mourning. He goes to the king's gate but doesn't go in. You were not allowed to enter with sackcloth on. There was to be no sadness inside the gates. Throughout the province Jews were in great distress but most likely Esther was unaware of the decree. Esther's maids and chamberlains inform her of what is occurring. She sends clothes to Mordecai at the gate but he refused to put them on. This is a time of extreme sadness for the Jews. The stakes are high. If every Jew is killed, there would not be a line of David from which the Messiah would be born. If Satan can succeed and kill all the Jews, he believes he can ultimately prevail. Without a Savior, all will be lost and end up in hell with him. 

In verse 8, Mordecai gave an order to Esther, "that she should go in unto the king, to make supplication unto him, and to make request before him for her people." For Esther to do this, would place her at a great risk.

The summary points of this section:

1. Sometimes those that seek the Lord may have to ignore the crowd who would try to silence you.

2. You should be humble in seeking the Lord. 

3. Never be afraid to be an example for Christ.

The next section is "God's Providential Care." vv. 9-14 Esther had a choice to make. If she did nothing, she and the Jewish people would perish, but if she went to see the king without being summoned, it could mean death. The law was that anyone who came before the king without being called would die. Mordecai's response to the situation was full of faith. He believed that if Esther remained silent, then deliverance would "arise to the Jews from another place." Mordecai's response to Esther also contained a warning, "Esther, God will deliver His people, but if you fail to get involved, you will perish." Mordecai believed that God had placed Esther in her position "for such a time as this," and that His Providence would meet the need of the present hour. God in His Providence had put Esther in the palace prior to Haman's plot. God as very much in total control of the situation.

The summary points of this section:

1. Real faith acts.

2. God will accomplish His purposes regardless of individual human choices.

3. Our lives are divinely orchestrated.

The third section is "Esther's Sacrificial Choice." vv. 15-17 Esther knows that to enter the king's presence without being requested could mean the end of her life. She requests all the Jews in Shushan fast and pray for her. This is known as asking for "prayer cover." The Scriptures tell us that "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will." (Pro. 21:1) After the three day fast, Esther said she would "go in unto the king, which is not according to the law." She said, "if I perish, I perish." Esther displayed great faith. She believed and put actions with her faith. Esther was so yielded over to the will of God that she considered herself dead to anything else.

The summary points of this section:

1. When working for the LORD we should request prayer covering from fellow believers.

2. The best place of safety is in total abandonment to God's will.

3. We should learn to recognize God in all of life's situations.

The Golden Text is: "And so will I go...and if I perish, I perish." (Esther 4: 16) Do you get the sense that Esther may have been a bit apprehensive? Mordecai seems to be bold and decisive, while Esther appears to be reserved and willing to defer to the desires of others. The point is that Esther, no matter how reserved, put action with her faith. We should always be willing to step out confidently in our faith. God will supply the needed grace. God can use us just as we are (assuming we are in the family of believers, blood washed and sanctified), and He will help us live beyond our capabilities.

Next week, "A Decree of Deliverance." (Esther: 7-17)

Saturday, August 7, 2021

A True Story of Deliverance

From Clara Leffingwell, A Missionary

Ps 4:6 -- "There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? Lord, lift thou up THE LIGHT OF THY COUNTENANCE UPON US."

Numbers 6:26 -- "THE LORD LIFT UP HIS COUNTENANCE UPON THEE, and give thee peace."

Positive Things happen, when the Lord's Own Countenance is seen upon one of His Children! At a gathering of Missionaries from several areas who were leaving China due to the Boxer riots, this story is given.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *

Miss Leffingwell gives an interesting instance of deliverance from death. “There was a lady missionary whom the Boxers told to kneel down and have her head cut off (as kneeling for this purpose is a favorite method of execution). The lady kneeled as told; but as she did so, she looked up into the man’s face and actually smiled. As she looked at him a moment thus smiling, it seemed as if his face began to change and to reflect the smile. He stepped back a little and then continued to withdraw, together with his companions, until after a little they all fled, leaving the missionary ladies there alone; and yet they were not alone, for God was with them, as He was with the 3 Hebrew children in the fiery furnace

“As the Boxers were rapidly going away the leader turned and said to the lady: ‘You cannot die. You are immortal.’ If her face had shown fear, they would have killed her without hesitation. I suppose that smile seemed supernatural. She afterwards said, ‘I did not know that I smiled.’”

Friday, August 6, 2021

Signs of a False Teacher

 The following comes from Ligonier Ministries:

“Such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.”

Very few, if any, false teachers come into the church announcing their plans to lead Christ’s sheep astray or proclaiming that they are there to overturn the gospel. In fact, history proves that false teachers are often some of the most charismatic individuals you will meet. They have a “way with words,” able to sound mostly orthodox while denying, perhaps subtly, particular points that are necessary for faithfulness to our Lord. If they are confronted about this, they will often make a sweet-sounding appeal to unity, preying on people’s inclination to avoid controversy whenever possible.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with speaking well or crafting eloquent sermons, and one of our highest callings as believers is to seek unity among the brethren (Ps. 133:1). But when people lead others astray using smooth talk, or they seek unity that does not have truth as its foundation, they are to be avoided, even cast out of the church (Rom. 16:17-181 John 2:19). For the good of the body, false teaching cannot be tolerated.

Paul’s warning about false teachers shows us how to identify them through signs other than the falsehood of the teaching itself. The first sign the Apostle gives is that false teachers serve “their own appetites.” Literally, Paul says the teachers serve their bellies. He refers here, by way of metaphor, to a lifestyle that reflects indulgence and egocentrism. Christian teachers are not prohibited from enjoying nice things, but they are prohibited from living ostentatiously—from making their paycheck their chief end in their labor. As Paul teaches elsewhere, men fit to fill the office of elder will not be lovers of money (1 Tim. 3:1-7).

The second sign of false teachers is “smooth talk and flattery.” This does not mean that pastors and teachers may not have gentle speech that people find pleasing, for Scripture says that “a gentle tongue is a tree of life” (Prov. 15:4). What the Apostle condemns is dishonest speech that is hidden by flattering comments and words that praise people for the sake of their approval and not because there is genuine sentiment behind it. False teachers use words to attract and retain others not for the sake of Christ but for their own sake. John Calvin comments, “The preachers of the gospel have also their courtesy and their pleasing manner, but joined with honesty, so that they neither soothe men with vain praises, nor flatter their vices: but impostors allure men by flattery, and spare and indulge their vices, that they may keep them attached to themselves.”

Coram Deo

When it comes to false teaching, what matters is not really the form of the words spoken but their content and the intent behind them. Sometimes truth must be presented with harsh words, but often it can be conveyed with gentleness. Similarly, words of praise do not have to be insincere. Whether we are teachers or not, let us seek to speak only the truth, and let us do so with the gentleness or firmness the occasion requires.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Avoiding False Teachers

The following comes from Ligonier Ministries:

“I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.”

Romans 16:17

Returning to the book of Romans, we pick up our study in Romans 16:17. Paul has just finished his extensive greetings to the Christians in Rome, and in today’s passage, he begins a warning about false teachers. The warning lasts for several verses and seems to come almost out of nowhere, as the Apostle explains the true gospel that alone is the defense against error, but he does not mention any false teachers specifically until the end of the letter.

Paul’s apparently sudden turn to the matter of false teachers is not actually sudden at all. We know from his other letters, such as Galatians, that the Apostle frequently had to combat preachers of error that had infiltrated the churches to which he wrote. Since Rome was the capital city of the empire, it was inevitable that such teachers would make their way to that important metropolis, and Paul did not want the Christians there to be caught off guard. As for why Paul does not mention the danger of false teachers until he is almost finished with his letter, some commentators suggest that perhaps it is because they were not yet in the city, and so the concern was not immediately pressing. Others speculate that maybe Paul heard about false teachers in Rome only after he had started writing, so he puts the warning at the end because that is where he was in the writing process.

The Apostle’s admonition is the same one that he gave to the Ephesian elders, namely, to be on their guard against the false teachers who might infiltrate the flock (Rom. 16:17; see Acts 20:29-31). Paul warns that these false teachers will attempt to divide the church and will introduce obstacles that are contrary to true doctrine. He has serious error in mind, for the word obstacle in the Greek connotes a spiritual problem that will result in damnation if it takes root in a person’s life. The Apostle wants his audience to be careful about those who would divide professing Christians who affirm the true Apostolic faith and to look out for those who teach soul-damning doctrine.

False teaching was by no means a problem limited to the early church; it is something we face today. We must take care not to divide over nonessential matters, but we can have unity with other professing believers only insofar as they stand for the gospel (Rom. 14:1- 15:7Gal. 1:8-9). John Calvin comments, “It is indeed an impious and sacrilegious attempt to divide those who agree in the truth of Christ: but yet it is a shameful sophistry to defend, under the pretext of peace and unity, a union in lies and impious doctrines.”

Coram Deo

No matter how biblically faithful its confession and creeds, no church or denomination is immune from false teachers. If church leaders will not keep watch over the orthodoxy of their ministers and if congregations refuse to be on watch for error, it is only a matter of time before falsehood takes root and grows unchecked like a cancer. Leaders and laypeople alike have the responsibility of making sure their churches remain united in the truth of the gospel.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

God Has Declared War

 "God has declared Himself to be at war with every human being because of man's sinful rebellion against Him and His laws." Consider the following verses:

1. Romans: 5: 10: For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

2. Romans 1: 18: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

3. Romans 8: 7: Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

4. Exodus 22: 24: And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.

5. Deuteronomy 32: 21, 22: They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.

6. Psalm 7:11: God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

7. John 3:36: He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

8. Ephesians 5:6: Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

These verses can be summarized as follows:

1. The unsaved are enemies against God.

2. God's wrath is against the unrighteous.

3. The unsaved mind is at war with God.

4. God's wrath against the lost is so hot it can kill.

5. God is angry at the unrighteous.

6. God is angry at the wicked everyday.

7. God's wrath is on those who do not believe.

8. God's wrath is on the disobedient.

A false teacher is anyone that would tell you anything different that is not in accordance with God's Word. Do you know any?

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

False Teachers and Their Destruction

 2 Peter 2: 1-3:  "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping...."

1. Timothy Charged to Oppose False Teachers (1 Timothy 1:3): "As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer."

2. Dealing with False Teachers (2 Timothy 2: 14): "Keep reminding God's people of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen."

3. False Teachers and Their Destruction (2 Peter 2:1): "But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves."

Some signs of a false teacher:

1. They never preach (not mention it, but preach it) repentance.

2. They try and get you to make a decision or accept "Jesus." It's not Jesus, it is the LORD Jesus Christ.

3. They never mention hell or judgment.

4. They mostly talk about "love"and by "love" I reference the worldly type of emotional inclusive "love."

5. They talk about you giving them money. They want you to trust God for your provision but they are depending on you!

6. They say God accepts you just as you are without the need to repent.

7. God loves you in your sin just as you are. There is a difference between God's provision for sin in His people and God accepting them in their current condition without changing them.

There are many false prophets today. Most every television preacher falls into this category. However, don't stop your inquiry there. There are many more that are not on television, they may be in your pulpit. Compare what they say with what the Word of God says.

Monday, August 2, 2021

False Teachers Accursed

The following article comes from Ligonier Ministries:

“But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed” (v. 8).  

Galatians 1:8–9

Galatians is unique among the Pauline epistles in that a commendation of the original audience does not follow the salutation. In his other letters Paul voices his thanks for his readers’ faith and other similar fruits of their spirituality (for example, Rom. 1:8Eph. 1:11 Thess. 1:2–3), but the body of Galatians begins with him castigating the churches of Galatia for following another gospel (Gal. 1:6). It is clear that Paul believes this “different gospel” cannot provide salvation as its content differs from the gospel he received from Christ. Instead, this other “gospel” is no gospel at all (v. 7). If, as the New Testament declares, the gospel is the good news that God’s kingdom has come in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ (Acts 2:14–41Rom. 1:1–6), then works of the Law cannot be added as a requirement for salvation. Jesus has done all that is needed to redeem His people; therefore, the only way to enjoy redemption is to trust Him and what He has done, without resting on our good deeds at all.

To make the works of the Law a prerequisite for salvation denies the sufficiency of Jesus’ righteousness and atonement. This different gospel contradicts Scripture’s uniform testimony that God alone graciously rescues His people (Ex. 20:2Eph. 1:7), substituting human ability to earn the Almighty’s favor for our utter inability to obey Him perfectly. It downplays the gravity of sin and the holiness of God, replacing Yahweh, the sovereign Creator who cannot tolerate even a hint of transgression, with a god who cares so little about evil that he declares men righteous based on their imperfect, sin-stained deeds. Such idolatry is the sin that births all others, and so Paul is led to pronounce a curse on anyone who teaches a gospel other than the gospel of grace (Gal. 1:8–9). This is serious business indeed, as Martin Luther teaches us in his commentary that to be accursed is to have “nothing to do, no participation, or communion with God.”

The apostle will curse even himself should he deviate from the gospel of grace (v. 8). Even he has no right to change the message, for his gospel’s truth and authority is grounded in God Himself. Paul, John Calvin comments, “demands from all, equally with himself, subjection to the word of God.”

Coram Deo

Martin Luther’s comments on Galatians 1:8–9 illustrate Scripture’s relationship to tradition: “Here then is a plain text like a thunderbolt, wherein Paul subjects both himself and an angel from heaven, and all others, doctors, teachers, and masters, to be under the authority of the Scriptures.” The church’s teaching tradition has authority, but final authority rests in the Word as the only inerrant and infallible guide for life that we have been given.