Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Are You On Fire?

 “Keep your eyes on the LORD! You will shine like the sun.” (Psalm 34:5) Moses’ face reflected the glory of God after he had spent time with God at Sinai. Stephen’s face became bright as an angel’s before they killed him. People that spend time with God have a certain “something” about them. They have a fire about them and it shows.

What is this fire? It is love. It is faith. It is hope. It is passion, purpose, and utter devotion. It is discontent with compromise, worldliness, dead formality and spiritual parades. It is recognizing that some pretenders are “all thunder, no rain.” This means that they do not have the anointing of the Holy Ghost and they just make noise. When someone has the fire of God on them, they can be like David and run toward Goliath, or be like Esther and face the king putting her life on the line.
The Holy Spirit will burn in and through a humble, holy, faithful man or woman. Are you ready to burn?

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