Thursday, August 19, 2021

Being a Red Hot Christian

 “Be on fire in the Spirit as you serve the Lord!” (Romans 12:11 CEB) We use the expression, “to be on fire for God.” The following are some characteristics of on those who are red-hot for God:

1. Red-hot Christians are those who have hungered and thirsted for God and have found Him.
2. Red-hot Christians believe God and what He says.
3. Red-hot Christians get alone with God as Jesus did in His all-nights of prayer.
4. Red-hot Christians love God, His people, His church, and His service. They love righteousness and holiness.
5. Red-hot Christians do not entangle themselves with the affairs of life. They do not mix with worldly people except to do them good or if possible, lead them to Christ.
We need to be on fire for God. We need to stop the compromising with the world. As my mentor Rev. J. Herbert Norton would say, “if a shoe pinches, fix it so it doesn’t hurt.” This means if preaching offends you because it is too close to an area you need correction, then change your life so you aren’t under the rod of correction. We need men and women of God to stand up for Biblical truth and stand up for what the Bible says, not what we want it to say.

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