Saturday, August 28, 2021

Living In An Infidel City


Let us build an infidel city and see what it is like. Make it the size of Cleveland, Ohio, ten by twenty miles with a million people.

In the post offices every person is an infidel. Every one you meet on the streets is an infidel. In the stores, clerks, managers, and everybody you see is an infidel. In the day schools, all the teachers, principals, and the mass of pupils all of them, are infidels. The little children in the homes never see or hear anything religious, nothing but infidelity from one year's end to the other. In the hospitals some are very sick, others are dying, but all the doctors and nurses; yes, and all the sick people they are caring for, one and all, are infidels. If the Spirit of God moves upon a dying person and he becomes in trouble about his soul, he cannot ask for prayer, he's an infidel, and there is no one there or in the city to pray for him; they are all infidels. The dead have to be buried without a gospel sermon, without prayer and without a hymn being sung; these things cannot be done in the city; they are all infidels.

On Sunday, there are no church services nor Sunday Schools anywhere in the city, and business continues on the Sabbath the same as any other day; in fact, infidels have no Sabbath; it belongs to the believers, it is only Sunday to them. Not a child in the city has been baptized; they are all infidels. No sacraments are ever administered; infidels don't have such things. Buy a Bible there if you can. There is not one to be had in the city. Not a religious book or paper to be seen, just infidel books and papers. Christmas comes, Thanksgiving comes, and Easter comes, but no attention is given to these by infidels.

What a place to live in, and what a place to raise a family! Christianity at its worst, is a thousand times better than the deceitfulness, blindness and ignorance of infidelity. -- "Gems of Truth," hdm0499, by W. G. Ketcheson

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