Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Truth About Holy Spirit Conviction

 There can be no salvation apart from Holy Spirit conviction. When the false teacher does not preach repentance and the necessity of Holy Spirit conviction, not matter what "sinners prayer" is prayed, whether they "accept" or "make a decision for Jesus," no salvation is possible according to the Word of God. There seems to be a "downgrade" movement similar to what Charles Spurgeon faced in the 19th century. The gospel is being reduced to a feel good, prosperity focused, relativism that is the work of Satan. Just as the world has rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, the church has rejected the Holy Spirit. Since many (and I fear most) modern day preachers are not truly saved, they don't know how to convey what Holy Spirit conviction is to the lost. This post will describe what Holy Spirit conviction is and is not.

1. The Holy Spirit reveals to the sinner how dark and deprived his heart is, just as the Holy Spirit in Genesis 1:2, "moved upon the face of the waters." In the third verse, God said, "Let there be light, and there was light." Holy Spirit conviction brings order out of chaos. 

2. Holy Spirit conviction makes the sinner "confounded." (Acts 2:6) Confounded means confused. When the sinner first has light on their soul condition, they are confused because before conviction, they didn't know.

3. Holy Spirit conviction makes the sinner "amazed" (Acts 2:7) That means they are deeply stirred and the fear of God  falls upon them until they are transported into a new world of thinking.

4. Then, the Holy Spirit brings "doubt" upon the sinner. (Acts 2:12) This means they in a state of fear and did not know how to get out.

The first stage of Holy Spirit conviction described above is summarized as the doubt phrase. This is what happened on the day of Pentecost. They were first convicted, convinced by the Holy Spirit, that they were sinners, lost and ruined, with no way out. According to Acts 2: 37, "They were pricked in their heart." The word "pricked" means they were goaded with keen slender knife that cut its way into the very spirit until the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ shined in and laid bare their hearts and they cried, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" Peter's answer was, " the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins."

Friend, how long has it been in your church that you heard the voice of the lost cry out, "Preacher, I'm lost; brethren, what must I do?" 

More to follow in Part 2.

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