Friday, December 31, 2021

A New Year’s Eve Challenge

 According to Edward Gibbon in his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," the oath of service and fidelity to the emperor was annually renewed by the troops on the first of January. Below, we read of the fidelity of John S. Inskip to the King of kings:

"Monday Jan. 1, 1866. -- Upon returning from the meeting, I feel that before retiring to rest I must record my consecration. I am devoutly thankful to God for His many mercies during the year that has passed away. I praise Him that He has enabled me to continue in the way of faith. If spared, I intend to live nearer to Jesus. Afresh I dedicate myself to the service of God. I give to Him my little all, and solemnly declare that I am and will be forever the Lord's. All my faculties and powers -- my life, influence, substance, and reputation, I renew my devotion to God, and declare that henceforth I will love and glorify Him forever. I will labor to promote His glory, and trust in Him for grace to guide, comfort, and support me. I again, and, if possible, in a fuller sense than ever, consecrate to Him all I have and am. My wife, home, and all, I give to Thee, O Lord, to be Thine. In testimony of which I hereunto affix my hand and seal, on this the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. 

As you begin the New Year, take a few moments and renew your consecration (dedication) to the LORD for 2022. Happy New Year!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 56

 “And put your trust in the Lord." This is a charge to make a faithful commitment to God's Sovereignty. God is in charge of your life. That doesn't mean you don't have choices, but it does mean that ultimately God will have His perfect way with you. He will allow you to roam, but not forever. God has a way of creating situations for you that will drive you back to Him. Be thankful today that God has a plan for you and your loved ones. Be trusting today.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Daisy Devotion Day 55

 “Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness!" God's basis for intervention for you resides in Him, not you. Yet, you are to call on Him. While God is not required to answer you, He will do so when the requested action fits into His divine plan. God doesn't need you to act, however, He has ordained that He will use the prayers of people to bring forth His action. In theology, we refer to this as secondary causes. God has chosen that His method of working is to have man pray and He responds. We are to be a people of prayer, not in arrogance as some do, but in humility. As a small child approaches his or her parent requesting something, we are to approach God in the same way. Stay humble. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 54

 “Salvation belongs to the LORD." This is a broad sweeping, all inclusive deliverance, whether physical here on the earth, or in eternity. Our deliverance is the work of His hand, not ours. It is His strength that holds us and protects us, not ours. When you were small, a parent held your hand tight when you crossed the street. It was not your grip that protected you, it was the parent's firm hold. God is a lot stronger than a parent and He will hold you tight as you cross the street of life. You can be safe.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 53

 “Arise, O LORD, Save me, O my God! For You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone; You have broken the teeth of the ungodly." God is a boxer! He will fight for you! The "Arise" part is a battle cry to engage the enemy. The psalmist is asking God to defend His soldiers, which include you. We should never hesitate to ask God to arise and defeat our enemies. That is a benefit for being in His army. Sometimes I will say in the morning, "O Sovereign God, Arise and defeat those who are coming against me today! He will!

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Lesson Thirteen of the Quarter: The Son of the Highest

 Yesterday was Christmas! You have heard the expression, "put Christ back into Christmas!" The only problem is that the Lord Jesus Christ never participated in a Christmas celebration. The holiday was started centuries after the time Christ walked the earth. The festival Saturnalia (celebration of the god Saturn) was joined with the churches desire to have a holiday for the birth of Jesus Christ. Thus, Christmas has a pagan root. Notwithstanding this, it is important to know the Biblical account of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today's study comes from Luke 1: 26-35. 

Christmas is a time of many surprises. It was the same at the first advent for those involved. Zacharias and Elizabeth were surprised by the angel informing them they would have a son (John the Baptist). Joseph was surprised that his future wife was going to have a baby. Mary was very surprised at the announcement that she was going to become pregnant.  Lots of surprises for all involved. It was a good thing that angels were involved to help guide the participants.

The first section is: An Angel's Greeting." (vv. 26-29) The first portion of this chapter informs us that Gabriel tells Zacharias and Elizabeth they are going to have a son. His name would be "John." Six months later, Gabriel is sent to Mary to tell her she is "highly favored" and "blessed." She is told that the Lord is with her. Mary becomes very confused at this point. Mary knows a few things:

1. She is a virgin.

2. She is engaged to Joseph.

3, They both are from the line of King David. 

4. She is troubled because she realizes something is about to happen.

It is impossible to place ourselves in Mary's shoes. She is living a life pleasing to the Lord. She is about to become a wife and most likely have a family. She will live in a small town in Nazareth, and for the most part live a normal life. That is about to become majorly interrupted.

The second section is: "An Astounding Announcement." (vv. 30-33) The angel begins by telling her "Fear not." Then, she is told that she will conceive and have a son and call Him "JESUS." Her Son would be great, be called the "Son of the Highest," and He will have King David's throne. His kingdom would never end! Mary might not feel too blessed at this announcement. Here are a few reasons:

1. She is a virgin; how can she have a child?

2. What would Joseph think? Would he think Mary was unfaithful? 

3. Would the religious leaders stone her for adultery since she wasn't married?

This was a lot for a young lady to absorb. Most historians believe that Mary was 15-16 years of age. This is truly an astounding announcement. How could this be?

The third section is: "A Miraculous Conception." (vv. 34, 35) Mary asks a legitimate question, "How shall this be?" Zacharias asked a similar question (Lk. 1: 18) and was rebuked for his unbelief. Mary was different. She wanted to know how this could be if she was a virgin. The angel gives an amazing answer: "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee...."Joseph is provided the same explanation. "The power of the Highest" would bring into being the human body and nature of the Christ Child. Christ's human nature had to be pure, free from the corruption of the Fall. This means that the corrupt sinful nature must be passed through the father not the mother. Otherwise, Jesus would have had a corrupt nature. He had an earthly mother but a Heavenly Father. 

The angel concludes by stating that child born shall be called the "Son of God." No matter how many times we hear the Christmas story, we must stop and consider what took place. Before the foundation of the world, a divine plan was formulated to have the second Person of the Trinity, be born into human flesh, be crucified for the sins of mankind, be buried, rise from the dead, and ascend into heaven. Christmas is not just about the birth of Christ, it's about the plan of salvation. 

As you reflect on the events of yesterday, don't forget about the events that will take place some 30 years later when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ would die for the sins of those that believe in Him.

The Golden Text is: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." (Isa. 7:14) When Mathew wrote his gospel, he referred to this prophecy as a prediction of the Incarnation. (Matt. 1: 23) God became one of us (man). Since He is the God-man, He alone can be our Savior and Meditator. 

Have you made Him the Lord of your life? You can, He is calling you, answer. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Savior is Born!

 “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." There are 60 clear prophecies concerning the Messiah known as Jesus Christ. They include: born in Bethlehem, born of a virgin, died by crucifixion, being a contemporary of the temple in Jerusalem. Mathematicians have looked at just 8 of the 60 prophecies to determine the probability that one person, Jesus Christ, fulfilled those prophecies. The answer is 1 in 10 to the 17th power. That number looks like this: 100,000,000,000,000,000! We hear the phrase today, "believe the science." Today, I know that faith and science point to the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is God's Son and He came to save His children from their sins and take them to heaven when they leave this planet. Now, that is a reason to say Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 52

 “I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people Who have set themselves against me all around." No matter how large a problem or difficulty, it is not more powerful than our Sovereign LORD. He is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. Nothing catches Him by surprise. As R.C. Sproul, the noted theologian, said, "there are no maverick molecules." Since nothing catches our God by surprise, He is able to provide us the help we need in every situation. That is why we never need to fear, no matter the thousands that have surrounded you. Remember Who you serve.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 51

 “I cried to the LORD with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill....I lay down and slept." It is comforting to know that when we cry out to the LORD, He hears us. We use the phrase today, "I hear you." When someone knows you hear them, it brings them comfort. In the same way, we are comforted when we bring situations and people to the LORD. It is because of who He is, we may "lay down and sleep." You can relax in the most difficult of situations.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 50

 “LORD, how they have increased who trouble me! Many are they who rise up against me....But You, O LORD, are a shield for me...." The word "LORD" in all capitals means that the Hebrew word is YHVH. This is the name of God. The Jews had such reverence for His name that would not even speak it. Instead, they used the phrase "The Name." YHVH is translated in some English Bibles as "Jehovah,” or LORD. This all powerful Being is your shield. Shield literally means around you. God is all around you to stand against those who would rise up against you. That is good news!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 49

 “Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls." "Lay aside" means literally "having put off." Think of taking off a dirty coat when you come inside and you have the idea. Sometimes the word "filthiness" is referred to as ear wax. Just as ear wax can impede your ability to hear what is said, filthiness can impede your spiritual hearing. "Wickedness" refers to evil desire or intent. As we lay aside these things, our walk with the Lord will be more stable and we will be less likely to fall into a trap designed to take us off the "highway of holiness." Keep your ears clean!

Monday, December 20, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 48

 “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath...." This is great advice. I once was told that the reason we have two ears and one mouth was that we should listen twice as much as we speak. As I have gotten older, I appreciate this verse so much more. Instead of responding in anger to a situation, slow down, listen to what is being said, and consider your words before they come out of your mouth. Once your words have left your mouth, it is impossible to retrieve them. Listen more, and speak less. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Lesson Twelve of the Quarter: Christian Contentment

 Today's lesson comes from Philippians 4: 4-13, 17-20. Paul is coming to the close of his letter to the Philippians. This study contains many brief but powerful truths. The heart of the lesson deals with contentment. The church at Philippi was composed of mostly those poor in the world's goods. They had to struggle for their daily bread. These circumstances were temptations to become an unhappy spirit. Paul wants to exhort them to be Christians that were joyful and content. This exhortation comes from a man in prison facing the possibility of a violent death.

The first section is: "Words of Admonition." (vv. 4-9) This first section of the lesson provides the reader an opportunity to deal with the subject of anxiety. Paul provides specific advice in the first three verses of this chapter: 

1. "Stand fast in the Lord;" 

2. "be of the same mind;" and

3. "Help those which labor."

After this, Paul tells the readers to "rejoice in the Lord always." (v. 4) The word "rejoice" appears eight times in the book and the word "joy" six times. Paul had lived a life of much suffering, but he had learned the inner source of joy.

In verse 5, Paul informs the readers to "Let your moderation be known to all men." "Moderation" is the opposite of harshness. It denotes sweetness under provocation and gentleness. In verse 6, he teaches the reader that they were to "Be careful for nothing." Anxiety does not change anything. The believer was to be thankful and pray in every situation. All requests were to be made to God. Thanksgiving was essential to eliminating anxiety.

If we follow the teaching in verse 6, we will retain the "peace of God." (v. 7) The "peace of God" would keep our "hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." This peace goes beyond anything the world can offer. Man cannot comprehend what the "peace of God" does for a person. 

There has always been a "battle for the mind." Paul warns the Philippians about their thought life. He tells them what to think about. Things that are:

1. true (sincere);

2, honest (honorable);

3. just (integrity as opposed to crafty or cunning);

4. pure (chaste in mind and body);

5. lovely (admirable);

6. good report (things beneficial);

7. virtue ((true morality). 

The Scripture tells us that, "For as he thinketh in his hear, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7) Your thought life is very important. Paul knew this and directed the Philippians on how to think. 

Paul lived a life beyond reproach. He instructed the Philippians to do as he had done. (v. 9) If they would do that, the "God of peace shall be with you." Paul was living the advice he gave.

The summary points of the section are:

1. No matter what the circumstances, be thankful and rejoice.

2. As you think so shall you be, so think on Godly things.

3. If you want to influence others for God, live a life above reproach.

The second section is: "Words of Contentment." (vv. 10-12) This last section deals with contentment. Contentment is a condition of the heart, and is not dependent on circumstances. If you are sanctified and being sanctified and walking with the Lord, you can be content regardless of your outward circumstances. In these ten verses, Paul will drive the point home that Godliness with contentment is great gain:

1. Paul rejoiced that the Philippians had been thinking of him (actual meaning of to "care") by sending love gifts to supply his needs three times.

2. Paul had learned to be content when he was abased (humbled and treated with contempt) and when he abounded (esteemed by men). Paul could abound and "suffer need" at the same time.

3. Paul could do all things through the power of Christ within him.

NOTE: Philippians 4:13 is a greatly abused Scripture. You see it on boxing trunks of a fighter as he goes into the ring to fight another man to knock him out. Many Charismatics use the verse as a springboard to get a new car, house or money. Don't twist Scripture for your gain. That is not what this verse is speaking about. It speaks of fulfilling the will of God in difficult circumstances to minister to others. 

4. Paul did not seek the love gift from the Philippians for himself, but that it might be credited to their account as God was keeping a record of their good deeds. 

5. Paul concludes by encouraging the Philippians that God would meet their needs as well.  

The summary points of this section are:

1. The darker your circumstances, the brighter the Christ in you will shine.

2. To be content is to know that God is right in all His ways.

3. We should look for ways to help others in the church that have material needs.

The Golden Text is: "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:19) The Greek word for "supply" means to fill up to the brim, to make full and complete. While Paul could not repay the Philippians, he knew God would meet their needs. Paul was not advocating a "get rich" scheme. We can trust our faithful God to meet our needs.

It is important to point out the obvious. God does not have a fleet of trucks like Amazon. He doesn't drop supplies from heaven. He uses secondary causes, that means you and me. God uses His people to meet the needs of other believers. Look for ways to help others this week.

Next week: "The Son of the Highest." (Luke 1: 26-35)

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 47

 “Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am tempted by God....'" God will never tempt you to sin. However, He will allow you to go through trials to strengthen your faith. It is important to understand temptation versus a trial. A temptation comes from Satan and is designed to get you to sin. A trial is designed to draw you closer to God. If you are tempted, know that God will always provide an avenue of escape. If you feel tempted, look around, there is an exit.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 46

 “Blessed is the man who endures temptation...." "Blessed" means to be "happy, fortunate, and blissful." This is more than a surface emotion. Is this a misprint? No, believers who successfully endure trials are truly happy. No matter what comes to you in this life as you depend on God and His Word you will be a success. With success comes the blessing. Be blessed today!

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 45

 “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind." If you are going to be a success both spiritually and in the world of business, you must not move in doubt. Closely connected to fear is doubt. If you doubt, you will hesitate. The person who doubts God and His Word is destined to fail. Make a decision to follow God's Word and you will not doubt, and you will not fail.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 44

 “The word is near you, even in your mouth, and in your heart." Faith is in the mouth that feeds upon Christ. Just as you eat food and drink liquid to sustain your physical life, the same must be done to keep you in good spiritual condition. The Word of God is close to you, all you need to do is to swallow it so it will go into your heart and soul.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 43

 “But as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." To live out this verse we need to fully commit to following Him. Imagine a swimmer who refuses to commit himself to the sea. He could not swim unless he cast himself upon the water. As you cling to Jesus with all your heart and soul, you will experience His peace and safety. Walk in Him today.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 42

 “Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely."  Faith is the eye which looks and sees. It is the hand which grasps. Faith is the mouth which says, "Jesus is mine." By faith, we take all that grace provides for you. God has given you a divine permit to take a rightful inheritance that is of grace. If you are thirsty, drink of Him.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Lesson Eleven of the Quarter: Pressing Toward the Mark

 Today's lesson comes from Philippians 3: 3-15. This study deals with the danger of Jewish teachers trying to draw the Philippian believers into a life of rituals and legalism. Paul counters this danger by relating that he had every advantage of the Jewish faith, and yet was spiritually destitute. His outlook was totally changed when he met Christ. Paul then became one who was "all out" for Jesus. He was running the race to gain the prize. It will take such a total dedication to make it to heaven. 

We face similar situations today. Some Messianic Jews attempt to bring Gentile believers under the entire Jewish law. This is flawed for several reasons. First, Acts 15 decided the issue for Gentile believers. Second, no one is absolutely Torah observant today. Of the 613 original commandments, because of the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70, only 77 positive and 194 negative remain. In addition, 26 apply only within the land of Israel. However, we have other sects of Christianity that attempt to make the faith one of works-based righteousness. You are saved by faith alone, in Christ alone, and by faith alone. A false sect will be identified by adding to the sufficiency of Christ. If you are told that you are saved by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ plus _____________, it doesn't matter what is filled in the blank, that group of people does not believe in the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice. So as we study this lesson, let us be very mindful of the applicability of the material in 2021.

The first section is: "No Confidence in the Flesh." (vv. 3-7) Paul lists his advantages in the Jewish faith in verses five and six:

1. Circumcised the 8th day in accordance with the Torah;

2. He was from the tribe of Benjamin (he was not a proselyte);

3. He made a choice to become a Pharisee, the strictest sect of Judaism;

4. He persecuted the new Christian church; and

5. He was righteous under the Jewish law. 

Yet, Paul took all the above advantages and traded them for a life of following the Lord Jesus Christ. He did not exchange one religion for another, he renounced his religion of self-righteousness that he might gain "Christ." All world religions fall into one of two categories. You gain favor by your own works or you rely on the act of another on your behalf. Only true Christianity is found in the latter. All other faiths are work based, so you have no assurance of success. 

Paul wrote that the true believers were circumcised inwardly as opposed to the Jewish circumcision in the flesh, which was outward. A true believer does not rejoice in his works as a basis of his salvation. He boasts in what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for him. 

The summary of this section is:

1. No matter how righteous you think you are in the flesh, it is insufficient to save you.

2. A Christian trusts the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ for his salvation. 

3. Being religious will not save you (I call them "unsaved religionist").

The second section is: "Count All Things but Loss." (vv. 8-11) In verse 7, Paul states that he "counted loss" those things which were his advantages in life. He repeats this in verse 8, "count all things but loss." Paul was "sold out" for the Lord Jesus Christ. He had released his hold on anything else for his salvation. Paul was no longer trying to establish his "own righteousness, which is of the law." By faith, he had experienced "the righteousness which is of God." Paul learned that man's efforts to save himself were imperfect, incomplete, and frustrating.

Paul had three desires:

1. To "win Christ" (v. 8);

2. To "be found in Him" (v. 9); and

3. To "know Him" (v. 10). 

Paul desired a vital union with Christ. He loved Him so much that he did not draw back from the "fellowship of His sufferings. (v. 10)" As a real Christian, you can anticipate suffering for your faith. When you stand against the social sins of the day, e.g. homosexual marriage, transgender rights, or abortion, you will be persecuted. Are you all in to the place that you are willing to experience the "fellowship of His sufferings"? In verse 11, Paul seeks to attain the first resurrection of the dead. This is not the general resurrection. This is the resurrection of the righteous dead. Is that your goal as well?

The summary points of this section are:

1. Have you sold all out that you might have Christ?

2. If you have Christ, you have all you need.

3. It is only through grace alone, by faith alone, and in Christ alone that you can be saved.

The third section is: "Press Toward the Mark." (vv. 12-15) Paul uses the symbolism of a runner running a race. The runner keeps his eyes on the prize and is straining toward the finish line. The runner does not slow down during the race. In verse 12, Paul says, "Not as though I had already attained...." Paul was still alive so he was still running. He had not finished his race. If you are reading this, you haven't either. In verse 13, Paul tells the readers that he was not relying on past accomplishments, but he was "reaching forth." In verse 14, he describes himself  as pressing toward the prize. He was diligent to keep running the race until he reached the end of his natural life. In verse 15, he described himself as "perfect." There is no contradiction here. The word means "mature." Some who have matured in the faith, get older, and want to watch from the sidelines. There is no retirement in the Bible. Those mature in the faith should be striving toward their finish line just like Paul did.

The summary points of this section are:

1. There is no retirement in the Christian's life.

2. You are to run the race with an eye on the final prize, the glories of heaven.

3. It takes effort to run and the Christian willingly embraces the race.

The Golden Text is: "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings." (Phil. 3: 10) This is the essence of "pressing toward the mark." We are to not just seek to have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, but we must also embrace His sufferings. We will be tried by a fiery trials. No, not like in the days of Rome, but it may mean you will face the "cancel culture," lose financial stability, and friends or relatives. Whatever you lose for the cause of Christ will be worth it. This week, "press toward the mark"!

Next week, "Christian Contentment." (Philippians 4: 4-13; 17-20)

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 41

 “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." We have seen that faith is composed of both knowledge and belief. Today, we learn that the third element of faith is trust. Commit yourself to a merciful God. Rest your hope in Him. The old Puritans (which I have come to appreciate more and more) explained faith by using the word "recumbency." Recumbency means "leaning upon something." This provides us a good picture of what trust is. We need to lean all our weight upon the Lord Jesus Christ. We lean on the fact that Christ is Who He said He was, and that He will do what He has promised to do. Now you know what faith is: knowledge, belief, and trust.  Walk in confidence today because you have faith in the Son of God.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 40

 “Without faith it is impossible to please God." Yesterday, we learned that faith is composed of three things. We learned that knowledge is the first element. The second element is belief. We have to believe that Jesus Christ is who He says He is. Jesus Claimed to be the Savior of the world and the Son of God. He was either a liar, a lunatic, or a truth giver. We choose to believe that Jesus told the truth about Himself. Our hearts believe these truths and never again need to revisit the issue. We have settled it. We believe His blood cleanses us from all sin. Believe His testimony the same way you would believe someone you trusted with every part of your being. You believe.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 39

 “By grace you are saved through faith...." What is faith? There are many descriptions but some definitions can be confusing. It doesn't have to be, faith is not that complicated. Faith is composed of three things. First, faith starts with knowledge. You have to hear about Jesus before you can believe in Him. You have to know about the truth before you can have faith in the truth. You know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, came to earth as a baby, became a sacrifice for your sins, died, and rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. Be thankful today that someone told you about the truth. You have knowledge.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 38

 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." Wisdom is practical skill. It is knowing how and when to apply knowledge. God's Wisdom comes from His Word, the Bible. I have been asked on many occasions what was the source of my business wisdom. People wanted to know how I just seem to know what to do. The answer is found in God's Word. God's Word is His final special revelation to us. It informs us of all we need to know to be a success in this life. God speaks to us through His Word, not voices in someone's head. His Word is God-breathed and it will never fail us. Be wise.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 37

 “But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." "Perfect" does not mean sinless perfection, but rather spiritual maturity. The test of your faith will drive you to a deeper commitment to Christ. Think about a time when you didn't know what to do and everything seemed hopeless. Those situations should drive you closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. He has begun a good work in you and He will not fail you. As you lean on Him, your life will become more stable, godly, and righteous. Then, you will never lack what is important.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 36

 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." The Greek word for "count" means "consider" or "evaluate." Your natural response to a trial is not rejoicing. Yet, that is exactly what James says we are to do. You will have to make a conscious commitment to be joyful in the face of an unpleasant situation. The word "trials" means something that breaks your peace, comfort or joy. God brings or allows these things as an opportunity for you to trust Him more and more. He is in charge of your test and that makes you capable of being joyful because He is there for you.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Lesson Ten of the Quarter: As Sons of God

 Today's lesson comes from Philippians 2: 3-16. This lesson contains one of the most important doctrinal passages in the New Testament. Paul deals with kenosis--the self-emptying, or self-humiliating of Christ. It is overwhelming to think that the Creator of the Universe would humble Himself to the point of becoming man, a mere creature.

The church at Philippi was established by Paul, Silas, and Timothy during Paul's second missionary journey. The church was poor, persecuted, and had withstood much trial, been faithful and they were generous. Paul will now write about the humbled and exalted Christ.

The first section is: "He Humbles Himself." (vv. 3-8) The thrust of Paul's message in this passage is that the readers would have the same "mind" as was in Christ. It starts with humility. Verses 3 and 4 state that we should:

1. Not act in strife (contention) or vainglory (conceit); and

2. Have an unselfish concern for the well-being of others.

The perfect example of humility and selflessness is the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul wanted the Philippians to have the same disposition as that of the Saviour. Christ did not cling to His eternal glory and splendor, but He humbled and became a man. Yet, He was also truly God. He "made himself of no reputation." He did not assume and assert the dignity of a divine being. 

Many church disagreements and strife occur because people choose not to live a life of humility. We are to have the mind of Christ and that starts with being humble.

The summary points of this section are:

1. Be concerned with the well-being of others.

2. Stay humble at all times.

3. Having the mind of Christ starts with being humble.

The second section is: "God Exalted Him." vv. 9-11 God has exalted Christ. Christ humbled Himself and then God gave "Him a name which is above every name." The first stage of the exaltation was His resurrection from the dead in which He was "declared to be the Son of God with power." (Rom. 1: 4) Humility first, and then exaltation is the pattern God has set forth. Christ's resurrection prefigures the resurrection of the true Christian. 

The day is coming when the following will occur:

1. At the name of Jesus every knee will bow (verse 10); and 

2. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (verse 11).

People have a choice: they can make Jesus Lord of their lives now or at a time in the future, they will confess Him Lord, but it will be too late for their eternal souls. Either way, ups will confess Jesus is Lord. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. All will confess Jesus as Lord, either now in this life or at the judgment.

2. Humility precedes exaltation.

3. The entire universe will pay homage to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The third section is: "God Working in You." (vv. 12-16) Having urged the Philippians to be humble as Christ was, now he admonishes them in other aspects of Christian living. He commends them for their obedience to God regardless of whether he was present or not. Paul stresses that they should "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Spiritual disciplines like prayer, faith, and consistency would be the practical way to work out your salvation. 

Verse 12 sets forth man's responsibility in regard to his own individual spiritual well-being. Verse 13 sets forth God's efforts in our behalf. He is working in true believers to bring about His perfect plan in their lives. 

Paul provides some specific advice to the Philippians. Verse 14 commands the readers to "Do all things without murmuring and disputing (argumentative)...." True humility is the key. When one acts with humility, one will not murmur and argue with others. As "the sons of Go," we are to be "blameless" (above accusation of wrong doing) and "harmless" (pure without guile). Since we have partaken of the divine nature, we have God's presence abiding in our hearts. As a result, we are able to live above reproach. We have the privilege of "holding forth the word of life," which is the gospel message that sets the captive free.

We are to take the message of the gospel to all who will listen . "As sons of God," we have His power working within us. It will enable us to be humble, stay humble, and as God works through us, we can reach the lost. That is being a "son of God."

The summary points of this section are:

1. We are to reflect the Son of God to a lost world.

2. We work out our own salvation through spiritual disciplines such as prayer and faith.

3. Don't murmur, complain or argue.

The Golden Text is: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 2:5) We should reflect the Christ-filled life to a lost world. To be Christ-like is to walk in humility and love. As we do, we will be "sons of God," and the world will take notice!

Next week: "Pressing Toward the Mark." (Philippians 3: 3-15)

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 35

 “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it." Paul tells us that the cross spelled the final doom of Satan and his demons. When Jesus' body died on the cross, His Spirit went to the abode of demons and announced His triumph over sin, Satan, death and hell. Paul then paints a picture of Roman conquerors who, having defeated an enemy, would parade them through the streets of Rome showing everyone who had won the battle. That is exactly what our Lord Jesus Christ did. He has made an open display of His victory. We don't fight the enemy, he has already been defeated, we march along with our victorious Lord and praise His name for doing what He did for us. If you were the only person ever to have lived on the earth, He would have done the same thing (dying on the cross) just for you. Thank Him today.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 34

 “He has made alive together with Him having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us...."  The word "handwriting" referred to the handwritten certificate of debt by which a debtor acknowledged his indebtedness. All people owe God a debt because of sin. Through Christ's sacrificial death on the cross, your debt has been paid. You are spiritually debt free. No matter what happens today, it is so good to know that nothing stands between you and the Creator of the universe. Can you imagine how you would feel if someone came and paid off the mortgage on your home or car. You would feel wonderfully blessed. However, the beauty of cars, houses and material possessions fade, but our spiritual freedom in Christ Jesus will never fade or lose its glory. Best news ever!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Daily Devotional Day 33

 “And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him having forgiven you all trespasses." Before Jesus Christ saved you, you were dead in sin and trespasses. Things that are dead are powerless to do anything. They are dead. They can't talk, speak, or think (and by this we mean spiritually not physically). However, to the praise of the glory of His name, He made you alive. This means He sent His Holy Spirit into your heart and just like the paddles used in a hospital, He brought you back to life. When you were made new, you were a new creation in Him. Only through an union with Jesus Christ can those dead be made alive. Thank Him today for imparting you spiritual life and making you a new creation! You are alive, not dead.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 32

 “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power." Christ possesses the fullness of the divine nature. He is all God and all man. Being in Christ means you are complete. What does this mean? It means that you have been forgiven and saved from the penalty of sin. It means that you are being saved from the power of sin. And one day, you will be delivered from the presence of sin. Christ's imputed righteousness is laid to your account. This means when the Father looks at you, He doesn't see your sins, He sees His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. You have today, right now, all the spiritual resources to live a life that will be pleasing to God. It gets no better than that!!!