Friday, December 31, 2021

A New Year’s Eve Challenge

 According to Edward Gibbon in his "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," the oath of service and fidelity to the emperor was annually renewed by the troops on the first of January. Below, we read of the fidelity of John S. Inskip to the King of kings:

"Monday Jan. 1, 1866. -- Upon returning from the meeting, I feel that before retiring to rest I must record my consecration. I am devoutly thankful to God for His many mercies during the year that has passed away. I praise Him that He has enabled me to continue in the way of faith. If spared, I intend to live nearer to Jesus. Afresh I dedicate myself to the service of God. I give to Him my little all, and solemnly declare that I am and will be forever the Lord's. All my faculties and powers -- my life, influence, substance, and reputation, I renew my devotion to God, and declare that henceforth I will love and glorify Him forever. I will labor to promote His glory, and trust in Him for grace to guide, comfort, and support me. I again, and, if possible, in a fuller sense than ever, consecrate to Him all I have and am. My wife, home, and all, I give to Thee, O Lord, to be Thine. In testimony of which I hereunto affix my hand and seal, on this the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. 

As you begin the New Year, take a few moments and renew your consecration (dedication) to the LORD for 2022. Happy New Year!!!

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