Sunday, December 26, 2021

Lesson Thirteen of the Quarter: The Son of the Highest

 Yesterday was Christmas! You have heard the expression, "put Christ back into Christmas!" The only problem is that the Lord Jesus Christ never participated in a Christmas celebration. The holiday was started centuries after the time Christ walked the earth. The festival Saturnalia (celebration of the god Saturn) was joined with the churches desire to have a holiday for the birth of Jesus Christ. Thus, Christmas has a pagan root. Notwithstanding this, it is important to know the Biblical account of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Today's study comes from Luke 1: 26-35. 

Christmas is a time of many surprises. It was the same at the first advent for those involved. Zacharias and Elizabeth were surprised by the angel informing them they would have a son (John the Baptist). Joseph was surprised that his future wife was going to have a baby. Mary was very surprised at the announcement that she was going to become pregnant.  Lots of surprises for all involved. It was a good thing that angels were involved to help guide the participants.

The first section is: An Angel's Greeting." (vv. 26-29) The first portion of this chapter informs us that Gabriel tells Zacharias and Elizabeth they are going to have a son. His name would be "John." Six months later, Gabriel is sent to Mary to tell her she is "highly favored" and "blessed." She is told that the Lord is with her. Mary becomes very confused at this point. Mary knows a few things:

1. She is a virgin.

2. She is engaged to Joseph.

3, They both are from the line of King David. 

4. She is troubled because she realizes something is about to happen.

It is impossible to place ourselves in Mary's shoes. She is living a life pleasing to the Lord. She is about to become a wife and most likely have a family. She will live in a small town in Nazareth, and for the most part live a normal life. That is about to become majorly interrupted.

The second section is: "An Astounding Announcement." (vv. 30-33) The angel begins by telling her "Fear not." Then, she is told that she will conceive and have a son and call Him "JESUS." Her Son would be great, be called the "Son of the Highest," and He will have King David's throne. His kingdom would never end! Mary might not feel too blessed at this announcement. Here are a few reasons:

1. She is a virgin; how can she have a child?

2. What would Joseph think? Would he think Mary was unfaithful? 

3. Would the religious leaders stone her for adultery since she wasn't married?

This was a lot for a young lady to absorb. Most historians believe that Mary was 15-16 years of age. This is truly an astounding announcement. How could this be?

The third section is: "A Miraculous Conception." (vv. 34, 35) Mary asks a legitimate question, "How shall this be?" Zacharias asked a similar question (Lk. 1: 18) and was rebuked for his unbelief. Mary was different. She wanted to know how this could be if she was a virgin. The angel gives an amazing answer: "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee...."Joseph is provided the same explanation. "The power of the Highest" would bring into being the human body and nature of the Christ Child. Christ's human nature had to be pure, free from the corruption of the Fall. This means that the corrupt sinful nature must be passed through the father not the mother. Otherwise, Jesus would have had a corrupt nature. He had an earthly mother but a Heavenly Father. 

The angel concludes by stating that child born shall be called the "Son of God." No matter how many times we hear the Christmas story, we must stop and consider what took place. Before the foundation of the world, a divine plan was formulated to have the second Person of the Trinity, be born into human flesh, be crucified for the sins of mankind, be buried, rise from the dead, and ascend into heaven. Christmas is not just about the birth of Christ, it's about the plan of salvation. 

As you reflect on the events of yesterday, don't forget about the events that will take place some 30 years later when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ would die for the sins of those that believe in Him.

The Golden Text is: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." (Isa. 7:14) When Mathew wrote his gospel, he referred to this prophecy as a prediction of the Incarnation. (Matt. 1: 23) God became one of us (man). Since He is the God-man, He alone can be our Savior and Meditator. 

Have you made Him the Lord of your life? You can, He is calling you, answer. 

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