Sunday, December 5, 2021

Lesson Ten of the Quarter: As Sons of God

 Today's lesson comes from Philippians 2: 3-16. This lesson contains one of the most important doctrinal passages in the New Testament. Paul deals with kenosis--the self-emptying, or self-humiliating of Christ. It is overwhelming to think that the Creator of the Universe would humble Himself to the point of becoming man, a mere creature.

The church at Philippi was established by Paul, Silas, and Timothy during Paul's second missionary journey. The church was poor, persecuted, and had withstood much trial, been faithful and they were generous. Paul will now write about the humbled and exalted Christ.

The first section is: "He Humbles Himself." (vv. 3-8) The thrust of Paul's message in this passage is that the readers would have the same "mind" as was in Christ. It starts with humility. Verses 3 and 4 state that we should:

1. Not act in strife (contention) or vainglory (conceit); and

2. Have an unselfish concern for the well-being of others.

The perfect example of humility and selflessness is the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul wanted the Philippians to have the same disposition as that of the Saviour. Christ did not cling to His eternal glory and splendor, but He humbled and became a man. Yet, He was also truly God. He "made himself of no reputation." He did not assume and assert the dignity of a divine being. 

Many church disagreements and strife occur because people choose not to live a life of humility. We are to have the mind of Christ and that starts with being humble.

The summary points of this section are:

1. Be concerned with the well-being of others.

2. Stay humble at all times.

3. Having the mind of Christ starts with being humble.

The second section is: "God Exalted Him." vv. 9-11 God has exalted Christ. Christ humbled Himself and then God gave "Him a name which is above every name." The first stage of the exaltation was His resurrection from the dead in which He was "declared to be the Son of God with power." (Rom. 1: 4) Humility first, and then exaltation is the pattern God has set forth. Christ's resurrection prefigures the resurrection of the true Christian. 

The day is coming when the following will occur:

1. At the name of Jesus every knee will bow (verse 10); and 

2. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (verse 11).

People have a choice: they can make Jesus Lord of their lives now or at a time in the future, they will confess Him Lord, but it will be too late for their eternal souls. Either way, ups will confess Jesus is Lord. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. All will confess Jesus as Lord, either now in this life or at the judgment.

2. Humility precedes exaltation.

3. The entire universe will pay homage to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The third section is: "God Working in You." (vv. 12-16) Having urged the Philippians to be humble as Christ was, now he admonishes them in other aspects of Christian living. He commends them for their obedience to God regardless of whether he was present or not. Paul stresses that they should "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Spiritual disciplines like prayer, faith, and consistency would be the practical way to work out your salvation. 

Verse 12 sets forth man's responsibility in regard to his own individual spiritual well-being. Verse 13 sets forth God's efforts in our behalf. He is working in true believers to bring about His perfect plan in their lives. 

Paul provides some specific advice to the Philippians. Verse 14 commands the readers to "Do all things without murmuring and disputing (argumentative)...." True humility is the key. When one acts with humility, one will not murmur and argue with others. As "the sons of Go," we are to be "blameless" (above accusation of wrong doing) and "harmless" (pure without guile). Since we have partaken of the divine nature, we have God's presence abiding in our hearts. As a result, we are able to live above reproach. We have the privilege of "holding forth the word of life," which is the gospel message that sets the captive free.

We are to take the message of the gospel to all who will listen . "As sons of God," we have His power working within us. It will enable us to be humble, stay humble, and as God works through us, we can reach the lost. That is being a "son of God."

The summary points of this section are:

1. We are to reflect the Son of God to a lost world.

2. We work out our own salvation through spiritual disciplines such as prayer and faith.

3. Don't murmur, complain or argue.

The Golden Text is: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 2:5) We should reflect the Christ-filled life to a lost world. To be Christ-like is to walk in humility and love. As we do, we will be "sons of God," and the world will take notice!

Next week: "Pressing Toward the Mark." (Philippians 3: 3-15)

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